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Author | Topic: Who's the bigger offender: Conservatives or Liberals? | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
jar Member (Idle past 155 days) Posts: 34140 From: Texas!! Joined: |
Phat writes: I cautiously agree with some reservations.. "very unlikely" is an overstatement. You make it seem as if most police are racist and that most blacks get shot. It may well be ok to label overall justice as racist, but to label it as an example of white privilege is unfair to white people. Bullshit Phat!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! It definitely IS white privilege, and the evidence does show that blacks are far more likely to suffer from police brutality. I do not believe that MOST police are racist but firmly believe that in general police enforcement as well as the US justice system is racist. And simply look at the prison population for direct evidence of the above.My Website: My Website
Phat Member Posts: 18706 From: Denver,Colorado USA Joined: Member Rating: 4.1 |
Did it ever occur to you that prison population demographics are a direct result of education and upbringing? Yes, it is true that whites have had more opportunities. Yes, it is true that many black fathers are in prison due to racism and unfairness. But you seem to suggest that were all things otherwise equal in regards to justice the prison population would magically adjust to demographics. It's not that simple. An entire multi-generation of blacks has been affected. It will take years to correct. And judging by Kyle Rittenhouse, many whites are none too bright either. Think of what would happen to him if there had not been a trial. His whole life may well have been ruined. Thank God we DO have trials.
Edited by Phat, : Edit experiment."A lie can travel half way around the world while the truth is putting on its shoes." ~Mark Twain " *** “…far from science having buried God, not only do the results of science point towards his existence, but the scientific enterprise itself is validated by his existence.”- Dr.John Lennox “A God without wrath brought men without sin into a Kingdom without judgment through the ministrations of a Christ without a Cross.” “The most difficult subjects can be explained to the most slow-witted man if he has not formed any idea of them already; but the simplest thing cannot be made clear to the most intelligent man if he is firmly persuaded that he knows already, without a shadow of a doubt, what is laid before him.” — Leo Tolstoy, The Kingdom of God is Within You
jar Member (Idle past 155 days) Posts: 34140 From: Texas!! Joined:
If he had been black Phat his live would have most likely ended long before any possible trial; in-fact within seconds of shooting anyone. It's only because he was white that he was able to walk through the police lines to eventually be charged.
White Privilege saved his ass. And the fact that so many blacks lack education and opportunity is again evidence of white privilege but it's far more than that. The evidence of prison populations shows that blacks are found guilty of almost every type of crime at rates far higher than whites. And yes, it will take many decades if even possible to eliminate racism from our police forces and from the legal system. Phat, read what you write. Stop and think.My Website: My Website
Percy Member Posts: 23128 From: New Hampshire Joined: Member Rating: 5.8
Phat writes: jar writes: I find it interesting that I, as a gun carrying US citizen I (and quite a few of the gun owners with whom I associate) think that the verdict in the Rittenhouse trial was correct. Ok so far we agree. His actions, though immature as you say were no doubt self-defense. The Rittenhouse verdict might be a proper application of law, but it shouldn't be in my opinion. Rittenhouse took his gun and marched into a volatile situation in a way practically guaranteed to provoke threatening reactions, then shot those who seemed threatening to him. If Rittenhouse had stayed home no one would have been shot or murdered. His presence caused more chaos and deaths, not less. Shooting one person? It's believable the threat could have been real and legitimate. Shooting two people? That's straining credulity. Shooting three people? He was looking for it. Mitigating this perspective would be if other armed civilians had also shot people that night, but no one else was shot. The only person who shot anyone that night was Rittenhouse. If things were so volatile and dangerous out there that would not have been true. The prosecutor in the case effectively shredded the conservative argument that in the right hands - the "good guys" - guns promote public safety. That this is a fiction was obvious before Rittenhouse, and is even more obvious now. Conservatives are only inviting more injury and death by encouraging the introduction of more guns into more and more situations. That some police have been heard saying they're glad armed civilians have joined them in patrolling unrest is very scary, because that's a recipe for more injury and deaths, not less. Something about guns is exhilarating and intoxicating to some people. They'll never give up their guns - it's like a drug to them.
Had Rittenhouse been black it's very unlikely he would have lived through the night and not been executed by the police right then and there. I cautiously agree with some reservations. "very unlikely" is an overstatement. You make it seem as if most police are racist and that most blacks get shot. While jar and I have different opinions, I don't see how anything he said suggests "that most blacks get shot."
It may well be ok to label overall justice as racist, but to label it as an example of white privilege is unfair to white people. How is using the term white privilege unfair to white people? Who else besides white people are responsible for how blacks suffer disenfranchisement, discrimination, and victimization at the hands of the police and the law? No matter what label you put on it, that's all on whites.
Punishing white people as a point of justice is no better than reparations. How is it "punishing white people" to accurately state that they're responsible for the plight of blacks?
Let each case be colorblind and stand on the facts. What "each case?" We're talking about systemic racism. --Percy
marc9000 Member Posts: 1536 From: Ky U.S. Joined: Member Rating: 1.0 |
Hey, Marc, thank you for what, given your history, could only be an honest, accurate and complete report. You're welcome, even I'm surprised that little truth bomb caused a full seven posters to fly into a rage in only about 12 hours. I think that's a record even for me. I've only been coming here lately to read for amusement, though I seldom pay attention to anything jar has to say. But when I see this kind of stupidity;
jar writes: I am a conservative. By itself, I was letting it go. But combined with this one, I couldn't resist;
jar writes: Had Rittenhouse been black it's very unlikely he would have lived through the night and not been executed by the police right then and there. Why does no one, particularly you, not call him on some of these things? It's no longer 1880, police don't lynch blacks any longer. Words like "conservative" actually mean something - what good is a discussion forum, even a one-sided one, when posters are allowed to falsely use word definitions?
After reading this I guess I can safely assume that Ms. Babbit was obeying the law and not behaving in any unusual or threatening manner when, out of the blue and unprovoked, Michael Byrd inexplicably chose her of all people to fire his weapon at. She was breaking and entering, breaking the law, no different than countless thousands of rioters were in several different cities all across the U.S. in 2020, and before. It wasn't a private residence or private business where a burgler can very well expect to get shot, it was a public place where a disciplined security force was expected to be. There was a disciplined security force at the courthouse and police headquarters in Seattle in the summer of 2020. They fled, the rioters took over. In the Capitol, that shouldn't have happened of course, those rioters had to be stopped. Not because they were white, but because the Capitol really is an important place. Babbitt and those other rioters there didn't represent me, or most Republican voters. But no one should have been killed, there are a lot of unanswered questions. If Byrd would have been white, and Babbitt would have been black, do you think there would have been a trial? Here's a link to the Seattle takeover, you probably missed it, the mainstream media skimmed over it quickly, if they mentioned it at all. Seattle protesters take over city blocks to create police-free 'autonomous zone' | Seattle | The Guardian
A couple weeks before the insurrection Babbitt sent this heartwarming reply to Kamala Harris who had tweeted about masking up, distributing vaccines, and getting kids back in schools: NO LINK? Or did a NY Times editor, or maybe Chris Cuomo just make that up? Maybe Don Lemon? "we the ppl, bitch!" Does that sound like white talk to you? Even if it is true, does that kind of speech justify an execution? Are you saying Michael Byrd knew that she said that before he killed her? What was she doing different than everyone else in the room? Why weren't they all mowed down?
This clearly makes Babbitt out to be a calm and rational person who represented no threat as she tried to invade the House chambers by climbing through the smashed security glass of its doors. I bet Babbitt had cupcakes and soft drinks for House members in her backpack. What she didn't have was a weapon, that's enough for there to be questions, an investigation, a trial. It would have been easy enough to acquit Byrd. He was undoubtedly scared, he was the victim of a lack of support, of sloppy Capitol security. But did his training justify his shooting into a crowd? Maybe shooting into a crowd of white people didn't bother him too much. In reading about him, I see he's very proud, claimed he "saved a lot of lives". He's a hero to many, there seems to always be celebrations when a black kills a white, and pays no price for it. (O.J. Simpson, one example)
It must be a real disappointment for you that you cannot wreak vengeance upon Michael Byrd, but he continues living his idyllic life. No, I'm like most white people, I shrugged it off. He knew most white people would, that's why he wasn't afraid to release his name after a short time. His name would have stayed unreleased if he'd have demanded it. He had a choice - policeman who shoot black crooks don't have that choice. Sure, he's had a few death threats, but they only come from a tiny minority like the fruitcakes who attacked the Capitol. Not much to it.
I wish police were trained to wound or first fire warning shots, not kill, but as a group they are broadly against such measures because the former risks being less effective and the latter risks potentially causing unintentional injury to innocent people. Or death, yes. I'm sure her falling to the floor in a pool of blood was quite impressive to others in the room. Maybe there should be a trial / investigation on the lack of security in one of the most important buildings in the U.S. No, guess not.
I recall a case a number of years ago where a teenager engaged in target practice at his home fired a round into the air and it descended into a packed football stadium a mile away and killed a spectator. Freak accidents happen. Alec Baldwin was only holding the gun, he didn't pull the trigger! It went off all by its own self!!
marc9000 Member Posts: 1536 From: Ky U.S. Joined: Member Rating: 1.0 |
I see you're still a lying little shit. Sorry Phat, my fault. I'm the one that charged him up this time. ![]()
marc9000 Member Posts: 1536 From: Ky U.S. Joined: Member Rating: 1.0 |
Yes, it is true that many black fathers are in prison due to racism and unfairness. The scales are tipped now. We're now in an age of Black Supremacy. Of course there are no memorials to white, dope-head crooks, like there are for George Floyd. Affirmative action, minority contracts in construction, it's been building for a long time.
dwise1 Member Posts: 6183 Joined: Member Rating: 5.5
The evidence of prison populations shows that blacks are found guilty of almost every type of crime at rates far higher than whites. For example on charges of voter fraud in the 2020 election:
Tanypteryx Member Posts: 4597 From: Oregon, USA Joined:
There is far more affirmative action in favor of whites in this society.
What if Eleanor Roosevelt had wings? -- Monty Python One important characteristic of a theory is that is has survived repeated attempts to falsify it. Contrary to your understanding, all available evidence confirms it. --Subbie If evolution is shown to be false, it will be at the hands of things that are true, not made up. --percy The reason that we have the scientific method is because common sense isn't reliable. -- Taq |
PaulK Member Posts: 18041 Joined: Member Rating: 5.0
quote: I suppose you mean “truth bomb” to be a bomb that destroys the truth? And it’s funny how you equate telling the truth with rage.
quote: Really? How many of them were about violently overturning an election? In how many were the lives of the legislators at risk?
quote: It was a secured area. She was at the head of a violent mob. Unlike George Floyd who was already restrained and alone. How exactly were the security force meant to stop her and the mob without using firearms?
quote: What makes you think that there wasn’t an investigation? What makes you think there should have been a trial? There are plenty of police shootings that don’t lead to trials.
quote: Shooting into a crowd? The way I heard it Babbitt was the first one through - the “crowd” were still the other side of the door.
quote: At least we know for sure that you’re a racist - and probably a White Supremacist. Edited by PaulK, : Fix autocorrect “correction”
AZPaul3 Member Posts: 8706 From: Phoenix Joined: Member Rating: 5.0
Of course there are no memorials to white, dope-head crooks, like there are for George Floyd. How many of them were illegally publicly executed by police? Executed for what? Passing a fake bill? Murder? Rape? Being ornery? What major crime did Floyd commit that deserved the death penalty? Why the execution? Injustices like this deserve the social spotlight. A memorial against this type of government organized crime is more than appropriate.Eschew obfuscation. Habituate elucidation.
Percy Member Posts: 23128 From: New Hampshire Joined: Member Rating: 5.8
Marc, you're back, I should have known, I thought I detected a stench.
marc9000 writes: Hey, Marc, thank you for what, given your history, could only be an honest, accurate and complete report.
You're welcome, even I'm surprised that little truth bomb caused a full seven posters to fly into a rage in only about 12 hours. I think that's a record even for me. We'll have to start calling you Sheldon. To help you become more aware of sarcasm, everything I say in this message will contain at least a hint of sarcasm. Yes, Marc, that's it. Everyone takes you so seriously that reading your ramblings sends them into a rage.
I've only been coming here lately to read for amusement,... God, you lucky stiff. For the rest of us this is all hard work. I guess you're the only one here for amusement while everyone else is enraged by your insightful observations. I thought we were only incredulous and appalled, but if you say we're in a rage then I guess we are. After all, when has anything you've said been false?
...though I seldom pay attention to anything jar has to say. But when I see this kind of stupidity;
jar writes: I am a conservative. By itself, I was letting it go. But combined with this one, I couldn't resist;
jar writes: Had Rittenhouse been black it's very unlikely he would have lived through the night and not been executed by the police right then and there. Why does no one, particularly you, not call him on some of these things? It's no longer 1880, police don't lynch blacks any longer. What an incredibly accurate reading of what jar said!! You are just so astute! If you're looking for my reaction to that part of the discussion, just look at my message that appears immediately before yours. I even quoted the exact same words from jar. Gotta hand it to you, your powers of observation are unmatched.
Words like "conservative" actually mean something - what good is a discussion forum, even a one-sided one, when posters are allowed to falsely use word definitions? Well of course words mean something, like "right wing nut job."
After reading this I guess I can safely assume that Ms. Babbit was obeying the law and not behaving in any unusual or threatening manner when, out of the blue and unprovoked, Michael Byrd inexplicably chose her of all people to fire his weapon at. She was breaking and entering, breaking the law, no different than countless thousands of rioters were in several different cities all across the U.S. in 2020, and before. It wasn't a private residence or private business where a burgler can very well expect to get shot, it was a public place where a disciplined security force was expected to be. My, my, Sheldon, your dedication to truth and accuracy is unmatched!
But no one should have been killed,... How inciteful!
If Byrd would have been white, and Babbitt would have been black, do you think there would have been a trial? Wow, flipping the races, what an inspirational coup! Uh, could you explain the logic behind this one?
Here's a link to the Seattle takeover, you probably missed it, the mainstream media skimmed over it quickly, if they mentioned it at all. Seattle protesters take over city blocks to create police-free 'autonomous zone' | Seattle | The Guardian Oh, sure, the mainstream media completely skipped over it, not one reported it, I've never even heard of Seattle, and The Guardian is not mainstream media.
A couple weeks before the insurrection Babbitt sent this heartwarming reply to Kamala Harris who had tweeted about masking up, distributing vaccines, and getting kids back in schools: NO LINK? Or did a NY Times editor, or maybe Chris Cuomo just make that up? Maybe Don Lemon? "we the ppl, bitch!" Ah, Marc, you got me, I made it up. That's just the kind of thing I do all the time, make things up. I'm sure this link is made up, don't bother clicking on it:'She was deep into it': Ashli Babbitt, killed in Capitol riot, was devoted conspiracy theorist | US Capitol attack | The Guardian. And if you do click on it then especially don't read the third paragraph, because what are the odds it's the very paragraph I quoted? Zero, right? 'Cause I always lie. You know what would be really ironic is if that link took you to the very same news source that you cited yourself, The Guardian. But, naw, what are the odds of that happening?
Does that sound like white talk to you? Even if it is true, does that kind of speech justify an execution? Ah, such knowledge and discernment, knowing how Babbitt writes on Twitter. Yes I made it up, and then I hacked into Twitter so I could fake this Twitter post from Babbitt:
![]() You really got me, Marc. Can't put anything by you! On a more serious note, I've stopped providing links for information that most everyone knows already or that at least is so ubiquitous that anyone can find it with a simple Google search.
Are you saying Michael Byrd knew that she said that before he killed her? What was she doing different than everyone else in the room? Why weren't they all mowed down? Oh, Marc, you are just so sharp. Yes, that's precisely what I was saying. It just makes so much sense that Michael Byrd knew it was Ashli trying to break into the House Chambers *and* he knew what she'd said on Twitter. Why did I ever think I could fool you!
This clearly makes Babbitt out to be a calm and rational person who represented no threat as she tried to invade the House chambers by climbing through the smashed security glass of its doors. I bet Babbitt had cupcakes and soft drinks for House members in her backpack. What she didn't have was a weapon,... Just so astute, Marc, absolutely remarkable. The possibility of a weapon not being visible, what are the chances of that, right? There could be no weapon in her backpack or a coat pocket or pants pocket. It would have been perfectly safe to let her through the smashed glass and walk among members of the House of Representatives. Of course she would have had to look under chairs to find them.
...that's enough for there to be questions, an investigation, a trial. It would have been easy enough to acquit Byrd. Seriously again for one paragraph, as you'd know if you'd read my stuff, I am against almost all officers (and everyone else) having guns. Of course there should be questions and an investigation, and if anyone was found to have broken a law then they should be put on trial. So far Michael Byrd was found to have performed his duties admirably, while 702 insurrectionists have been charged, and 129 have pleaded guilty. For those deciding to go before a jury, there hasn't been enough time yet for trials to happen.
He was undoubtedly scared, he was the victim of a lack of support, of sloppy Capitol security. But did his training justify his shooting into a crowd? Yeah, that's it, you got it, he shot into a crowd, despite what you can see on video. We don't want you to have any doubts that you are absolutely right, so be sure not to view this video, especially at time 1:39: Video Shows Fatal Shooting of Ashli Babbitt at U.S. Capitol – NBC Boston (sorry, couldn't embed it)
Maybe shooting into a crowd of white people didn't bother him too much. Right you are, Marc. That Michael Byrd, just a cold blooded killer.
In reading about him, I see he's very proud, claimed he "saved a lot of lives". He's a hero to many, there seems to always be celebrations when a black kills a white, and pays no price for it. (O.J. Simpson, one example) Yep, no racism in your family, you got it all.
It must be a real disappointment for you that you cannot wreak vengeance upon Michael Byrd, but he continues living his idyllic life. No, I'm like most white people, I shrugged it off. He knew most white people would, that's why he wasn't afraid to release his name after a short time. His name would have stayed unreleased if he'd have demanded it. He had a choice - policeman who shoot black crooks don't have that choice. Sure, he's had a few death threats, but they only come from a tiny minority like the fruitcakes who attacked the Capitol. Not much to it. Yeah, exactly, you got that right, Jack. It's no biggie that Michael Byrd's in hiding because of threats from all the far right wing nuts. White people just have it so bad in this country, Michael Byrd should just shut his trap and bask in the wonderfulness of being black. I bet you wish you were black.
Maybe there should be a trial / investigation on the lack of security in one of the most important buildings in the U.S. No, guess not. Yeah, that would have been the right thing to do, but the Republicans nixed a joint commission. Why investigate anything that took place under a Republican administration? Everyone knows Republicans never screw up or do anything wrong, just ask any Republican. The Democrats are having to do the investigative work all by themselves.
I recall a case a number of years ago where a teenager engaged in target practice at his home fired a round into the air and it descended into a packed football stadium a mile away and killed a spectator. Freak accidents happen. Alec Baldwin was only holding the gun, he didn't pull the trigger! It went off all by its own self!! Just so discerning, Marc, realizing that a gun discharging all by itself and shooting a bullet into the air that kills someone are both freak accidents. But strangely enough, the guy who fired the round into the air was charged with manslaughter. Here's another "freak accident" for you. Over a half century ago a woman driving on a New York expressway was hit by a random bullet and died. A detective figured it out. A couple men out in the harbor were taking potshots at debris in the water. One bullet caromed off the water and on toward the expressway. The man was charged with manslaughter for this "freak accident." So once again, congratulations for your discernment. --Percy
Percy Member Posts: 23128 From: New Hampshire Joined: Member Rating: 5.8 |
marc9000 writes: I see you're still a lying little shit.
Sorry Phat, my fault. I'm the one that charged him up this time. ![]() Such astounding modesty! Yep, it's all about you, Marc. Even when it's not remotely about you, it's all about you, a legend in your own mind. So, no actual insight or even a clue for how Phat came to deserve the "lying little shit" appellation? Just let your wisdom pour down upon us. --Percy
Tanypteryx Member Posts: 4597 From: Oregon, USA Joined: |
Don't forget, he's just a right-wing extremist white supremist bot, with a number for a name. Nothing it says is valid.
What if Eleanor Roosevelt had wings? -- Monty Python One important characteristic of a theory is that is has survived repeated attempts to falsify it. Contrary to your understanding, all available evidence confirms it. --Subbie If evolution is shown to be false, it will be at the hands of things that are true, not made up. --percy The reason that we have the scientific method is because common sense isn't reliable. -- Taq
PaulK Member Posts: 18041 Joined: Member Rating: 5.0 |
I’ve thought of him as “Marc of the Beast” for YEARS.
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