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Author Topic:   Atheists: Time to Come Out of the Closet!
Posts: 23051
From: New Hampshire
Joined: 12-23-2000
Member Rating: 6.6

Message 119 of 174 (913922)
12-13-2023 8:36 AM
Reply to: Message 116 by Phat
12-12-2023 3:11 PM

Re: Integrity Goes Further Than Anecdotes
Wow! Talk about evading the issue.

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Posts: 23051
From: New Hampshire
Joined: 12-23-2000
Member Rating: 6.6

Message 122 of 174 (913930)
12-13-2023 4:58 PM
Reply to: Message 120 by Dredge
12-13-2023 8:54 AM

Re: Pope On A Rope
Dredge in Message 120 writes:
Christ promised that his (Catholic) Church will never be destroyed (Matt 16:19). That promise doesn’t apply to non-Catholic "churches", bcoz all non-Catholic "churches" are fake churches, preaching fake Christianity to people who are too stupid or too mentally unstable or too intellectually dishonest to see the truth of Catholicism. One day, Christ will remove all false religion from the face of the earth - including your fake Christianity.
You're only off by one about the number of fake churches.

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 Message 120 by Dredge, posted 12-13-2023 8:54 AM Dredge has not replied

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 Message 123 by Phat, posted 12-14-2023 7:33 AM Percy has replied

Posts: 23051
From: New Hampshire
Joined: 12-23-2000
Member Rating: 6.6

Message 124 of 174 (913940)
12-14-2023 9:15 AM
Reply to: Message 123 by Phat
12-14-2023 7:33 AM

Re: Pope On A Rope
Phat writes:
Percy, addressing Dredge writes:
You're only off by one about the number of fake churches.
Are you saying there are no real churches? A church is represented by its members...not its fancy buildings or men wearing silly hats. Dredge is not showing a Christlike attitude towards other churches or atheists. Blame him, not his church. They likely have some people of character. I know of several.
You're playing semantic games. I used the same terminology as Dredge. He said all churches except the Catholic Church are fake. Whatever Dredge meant by "church" and "fake", I in effect said that the Catholic Church is also fake.
Will you continue to ignore that Dredge called your own church fake and that followers like you are "too stupid or too mentally unstable or too intellectually dishonest to see the truth of Catholicism. One day, Christ will remove all false religion from the face of the earth - including your fake Christianity."

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Posts: 23051
From: New Hampshire
Joined: 12-23-2000
Member Rating: 6.6

Message 130 of 174 (913961)
12-16-2023 7:15 AM
Reply to: Message 129 by Tangle
12-15-2023 10:11 AM

Re: Pope On A Rope
Tangle in Message 127 writes:
humans understand what is right and wrong and understand it at a very early age.
Tangle in Message 129 writes:
Morality is wholly subjective, always was, always will be. That's why it changes over time and differs between societies and civilisations. Sod all to do with invisible beings and ever changing Papal pronouncements.
I agree that we understand right and wrong from a very early age, but it seems like after that it gets complicated. To me it seems like at a simplistic level morality has portions that are innate (theft, murder) and other portions that seem subjective or relative (eating cows, wearing a hijab). But murder isn't always wrong in some societies, for example advocating it as punishment for capital crimes, as in some states in the US. And theft isn't necessarily wrong in all circumstances, such as stealing Nazi gold during WWII.
But despite the complications I can't help feeling that some morality is innate for most people, almost as if we're born with it.

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Posts: 23051
From: New Hampshire
Joined: 12-23-2000
Member Rating: 6.6

Message 134 of 174 (913974)
12-16-2023 12:56 PM
Reply to: Message 132 by Dredge
12-16-2023 12:25 PM

Re: Pope On A Rope
Dredge in Message 132 writes:
Tangled writes:
There's no such thing as an atheist perspective.
The atheist perspective is that humans are a product of the same mindless, aimless, meaningless natural process that produced grubs and potatoes and viruses.
Atheism is not the study of human origins.
The scientific perspective is that the human species, indeed all species, are the result of natural processes.
According to a report by Statista, approximately 38,184 prisoners in England and Wales identified as being Christian in 2023, the most of any religious faith among prisoners. A further 26,715 identified as having no religion, while 15,271 identified as Muslims.
Those statistics don't disprove my claim that people who fear God don't become career criminals or serial killers.
It's interesting to see your claim evolve. You originally said, "All career criminals and serial killers are atheists..."
If you didn't invent your claim out of thin air then you should have no problem providing statistics supporting it. In the absence of such statistics, the numbers Tangle offered render your claim extremely unlikely.
Firstly, the vast majority of jail inmates are neither career criminals, nor serial killers.
Do you have a breakdown of the percentage of inmates by whether or not they're career criminals?
Concerning serial killers, you may recognize these names (from Serial Killers, Murderers and their Religion / Faith):
David BerkowitzRaised Jewish, baptised aged 20 and converted to Catholicism, but recently become a devout "born again Christian"
Jeffrey DahmerBorn into a devout family of the Stone-Campbell denomination known as the "Churches of Christ", he was an active churchgoer until age 5, renounced his religion (possibly owing to his sexuality) but was re-baptised during his incarceration
John Wayne GacyRaised into a devout Catholic family, went to private Christian school, and aged 18 he thought about becoming a priest
Ted BundyBaptised as a Mormon at the LDS Church, Salt Lake City in 1974 under the name of Theodore Robert Cowell, his name remains on the Mormon roll
Secondly, a jail inmate may be nominally Catholic (thru baptism), for example, but may not hold any Catholic beliefs at all and therefore has no fear of God.
As for all those jailed Catholic altar-boy molesters, it can be argued that none of them feared God ... bcoz they no longer believed in God and the need keep his commandments.n
Why do I have a feeling that for anyone who doesn't fit your claim you're going to qualify it with "not a true Catholic and therefore an atheist."
The real world is unlikely to oblige made up claims.

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 Message 132 by Dredge, posted 12-16-2023 12:25 PM Dredge has not replied

Posts: 23051
From: New Hampshire
Joined: 12-23-2000
Member Rating: 6.6

Message 139 of 174 (914004)
12-17-2023 9:08 PM
Reply to: Message 138 by Dredge
12-17-2023 5:43 PM

Re: Pope On A Rope
Dredge in Message 138 writes:
Tangled writes:
Nope, that's your projection only. There is no atheist perspective. All an atheist is is someone who doesn't believe in god(s). You can't say anything else about them.
As an atheist, you believe/accept that a mindless natural process that has no goal, purpose or direction produced all life on earth.
I think some of us are finding your use of the term "mindless natural process" confusing. I was hoping you would answer Tanypteryx's question, but since you haven't let me ask it in another way. Does your use of the term "mindless natural process" imply that you believe there's such a thing as a "mindful natural process"? If not then the "mindless" modifier isn't necessary since all natural processes are mindless.
As Tangle has explained, an atheist is just someone who doesn't believe in God or gods. Believing that natural processes have no "goal, purpose or direction" isn't part of the definition. Some atheists might think that way, some not.
Your terminology is also somewhat anthropomorphic, which is problematic since it makes your meaning unclear. Does the Higgs field have purpose, to provide mass? Do natural processes have a direction, toward increasing entropy?
Such a process is meaningless, yet you claim that human life can have meaning.
It is people who give life meaning. That's why everyone believes that how we treat other people is what's important. Some people think they need God to tell them that, some don't.

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 Message 138 by Dredge, posted 12-17-2023 5:43 PM Dredge has not replied

Posts: 23051
From: New Hampshire
Joined: 12-23-2000
Member Rating: 6.6

Message 148 of 174 (914020)
12-19-2023 5:49 AM
Reply to: Message 146 by Theodoric
12-19-2023 12:45 AM

Re: Shit Disproves God
Theodoric writes:
And why is the waste disposal system right next to the playground?
Is God perhaps more expansively playful than commonly believed, or is it just a trap for the wicked?

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 Message 146 by Theodoric, posted 12-19-2023 12:45 AM Theodoric has replied

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 Message 150 by Theodoric, posted 12-19-2023 8:00 AM Percy has seen this message but not replied

Posts: 23051
From: New Hampshire
Joined: 12-23-2000
Member Rating: 6.6

Message 149 of 174 (914021)
12-19-2023 6:18 AM
Reply to: Message 143 by Dredge
12-18-2023 6:17 PM

Re: Pope On A Rope
Dredge in Message 143 writes:
To argue that meaning and purpose arose from a meaningless and purposeless universe is so irrational it could only be the result of mental illness...
And how did God arise?
Also, your arguments are baseless. The casting of disparaging names carries no weight. Anyone can do it about anything, e.g.: "To argue that meaning and purpose could not arise from a meaningless and purposeless universe is so irrational it could only be the result of mental illness."
Do you have any fact-based arguments for your position?
If all life is the product of some mindless (meaningless, purposeless) natural process, humans are no more than a collection of atoms - atoms don't have meaning. That being so, the life of a human has no more meaning than the life of a worm or a virus.
Regardless what you believe, almost everything we are made up of and that we normally come in contact with is made up of electrons, protons, neutrons and photons. If there's meaning in the universe then you will have to find it there, because that is all there is.
(Yes, space is seething with a fantasmagoria of subatomic particles flitting in and out of existence, and zillions of neutrinos are passing with no interaction through our bodies every instant, and there are other particles in the menagerie, and then there's who knows what else that we haven't discovered yet, but I'm trying to keep this simple. Keep your hopes up, though - maybe they'll discover a meaning particle.)

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 Message 143 by Dredge, posted 12-18-2023 6:17 PM Dredge has not replied

Posts: 23051
From: New Hampshire
Joined: 12-23-2000
Member Rating: 6.6

Message 154 of 174 (914032)
12-20-2023 9:27 AM
Reply to: Message 151 by Dredge
12-19-2023 7:22 PM

Re: Pope On A Rope
Your whole post is dripping with disingenuousness. Everyone's a god-fearing Catholic who says they are until they do something you don't like, and then they're not. How convenient for you. Life must be wonderful in that little fantasy world you've constructed for yourself.
And how many Catholics actually describe their relationship with God as God-fearing anyway? Online, "God-fearing" is described as not actual fear of the Lord but as "awe or profound respect," or that "to fear God is to be in awe of his power and knowledge." I think most Catholics would use words like love, compassion, faith, omnipotence, eternal and infinite when describing how they view God, not fear.
One of the fundamental principles of Catholicism is that we all sin, that we're all guilty of sin, especially the original sin. There's nothing in Catholicism saying that sin makes one a non-Catholic. In fact, Catholicism probably has one of the more rigorous systems in the religious world for dealing with sin with its confessionals.
What you're doing has a name, the no true Scotsman fallacy, and you've been reminded of that repeatedly. Do you think repeating something obviously false on its face over and over is going to turn it into something true? Determined lying is a sin, which means by your own standards you're not a true Catholic.
Catholics are about 15% of the prison population in the US. Plenty of Catholics commit crimes, some of the most heinous by priests, maybe even the one who offers you the Eucharist on Sunday. Even high priests have been convicted of crimes, like papal advisor Cardinal Angelo Beccie a few days ago. 252 priests have been criminally convicted of child sex abuse, many times more have settled with their victims out of court, and who knows how many more are hiding within the church, transferred around to hide their transgressions. Your entire church hierarchy seems to be rife with crime. How can you continue to be associated with what can be legitimately described as an outlaw church?
Perhaps as a Christmas gift to EvC, but also to yourself, you could stop repeating self-evidently false claims.

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 Message 151 by Dredge, posted 12-19-2023 7:22 PM Dredge has replied

Replies to this message:
 Message 167 by Dredge, posted 12-22-2023 9:27 PM Percy has replied

Posts: 23051
From: New Hampshire
Joined: 12-23-2000
Member Rating: 6.6

Message 156 of 174 (914040)
12-21-2023 8:10 AM
Reply to: Message 155 by Dredge
12-20-2023 8:09 PM

Re: Pope On A Rope
Dredge writes:
Tanypteryx writes:
Oh, bullshit, all they have to do is say "I believe, please forgive me."
If they were stupid enough to believe they can sin with impunity, they would have no fear of God, would they?
Forgiveness is fundamental within Catholicism. "If you forgive the sins of any, they are forgiven them." John 20:23
But you don't believe that. Your religion, which can't really be called Catholicism, seems to have a solidly fundamentalist focus.
I said people who fear God don't become career criminals or serial killers.
You've taken a poll, have you? You're just dripping with statistics, are you? This isn't just the dunderheaded bluster it sounds like?

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 Message 155 by Dredge, posted 12-20-2023 8:09 PM Dredge has not replied

Posts: 23051
From: New Hampshire
Joined: 12-23-2000
Member Rating: 6.6

Message 166 of 174 (914054)
12-22-2023 8:38 AM
Reply to: Message 163 by Dredge
12-21-2023 8:51 PM

Re: Pope On A Rope
Dredge in Message 163 writes:
Tangled writes:
By your definition, there are no Christians. All men are sincere.“For everyone has sinned; we all fall short of God's glorious standard.” Romans 3,23
That's not my definition.
That's not your definition? The one from the Bible? You reject that one?
I didn't say any Christian who's sinned is not a Christian - I said any so-called Christian who leads a life of crime (ie, a career criminal) is not a Christian.
So in your world being a career criminal is a different class of sin, one that casts them out from the community of Christians. Where in the Bible does it talk about different classes of sin?
You call yourself "a moral being", yet you repeatedly lie about what I've said.
You should perhaps worry about yourself. You haven't exactly been a font of truth and consistency. Your tactics are lie, deflect, counterattack - you haven't tried truth yet.
“Yet God, in his grace, freely makes us right in his sight. He did this through Christ Jesus when he freed us from the penalty for our sins.”
Reciting a stupid, false, unbiblical Protestant doctrine doesn't help your cause.
You're calling Biblical verse Romans 3:23-25 unbiblical?
Christ has not "freed us from the penalty for our sins". The Bible says we (Christians included) will all be judged according to our deeds:
"For we must all appear before the judgment seat of Christ, so that each one may receive good or evil, according to what he has done in the body" (2Cor 5:10).
Gee, dueling Bible verses. Who ever would have guessed that could ever happen? Romans 3:23-25 or 2 Corinthians 5:10? Decisions, decisions.
Any Christian who understands this would fear God and therefore not become a career criminal or a serial killer.
Yet fearing God is just a figure of speech. As I explained in an earlier post, it doesn't mean actual fear. The God of the NT is a God of love who doesn't rule through fire and brimestone. You must be an OT Catholic.
Actually, you've changed what your assertion, I know I'm not supposed to notice, sorry.
You claimed that my assertion was that "only atheists can be criminal". That's not the same as what I actually said, which is that "All career criminals and serial killers are atheists."
As usual, you've lied about what I said.
There you go, using deflection again. Apparently we can't paraphrase you to refer to something you said earlier, only quote you word for word, else you'll call us liars. What a wonderful Christian you are.
For starters, a "criminal" is not necessarily a "career criminal" ... a criminal is someone who commits a crime, whereas a "career criminal" - according to the Collins English dictionary- is "a person who earns his or her income through criminal activities".
What you originally said about all career criminals and serial killers being atheists was wrong. Somehow you've decided in your own unCatholic mind that there are some types of sins that remove you from Christianity. You're going against your own religion, mentioned even in the Lord's Prayer, about forgiving those who sin against us. There's nothing in the Bible about not forgiving the sin of being a career criminal or a serial killer.
Furthermore, a lot of your jailhouse "Christians" never "strayed from the path" bcoz they were never on the "path" in the first place - they identify as "Christian" only for baptismal or cultural reasons. A lot of your jailhouse "Christians" would actually be agnostic or even atheist.
How many times do you have to be reminded of the no true Scotsman fallacy?
Religiously, you have lost your way. You're not preaching love. You're preaching hate.

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 Message 163 by Dredge, posted 12-21-2023 8:51 PM Dredge has replied

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 Message 171 by Dredge, posted 12-23-2023 10:54 PM Percy has replied

Posts: 23051
From: New Hampshire
Joined: 12-23-2000
Member Rating: 6.6

Message 170 of 174 (914086)
12-23-2023 9:23 AM
Reply to: Message 167 by Dredge
12-22-2023 9:27 PM

Re: Pope On A Rope
Dredge in Message 167 writes:
The Bible suggests there's more to it than that:
As Billy Martin once said in a commercial, "I feel very strongly both ways." The Bible is the same. Whatever position you want to argue, the Bible has a passage for you. Both the North and South used the Bible to support their respective positions on slavery.
Most Christian religions today preach a God of love, not of fear, but you're free to preach a God of fear if that's the way you see it. And you can have your own views of who qualifies as a Christian or as a Catholic, but many don't see it the same way you do.
Only atheists and agnostics become career criminals or serial killers.
I can see where someone who believed in a God of fear would believe this.
2 Corinthians 11:11-15:
For such people are false apostles, deceitful workers, masquerading as apostles of Christ. And no wonder, for Satan himself masquerades as an angel of light. It is not surprising, then, if his servants also masquerade as servants of righteousness. Their end will be what their actions deserve.

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 Message 167 by Dredge, posted 12-22-2023 9:27 PM Dredge has not replied

Posts: 23051
From: New Hampshire
Joined: 12-23-2000
Member Rating: 6.6

Message 174 of 174 (914091)
12-24-2023 7:03 AM
Reply to: Message 171 by Dredge
12-23-2023 10:54 PM

Re: Pope On A Rope
You're just making my case for me. Every religion has its own set of beliefs and interpretations of scription, many that stand in stark contradiction to the beliefs and interpretations of other religions. Protestants and Catholics both believe the other have misinterpreted the Bible. Sunni and Shia Muslims both believe the other have misinterpreted the Quran. Vaishnavist and Shaivist Hindus both believe the other have misinterpreted the Vedas.
You think you've found the one, right and true religion in Catholicism. Adherents of other religions believe the same about their own religion. Who is right? No one.
You're going against your own religion
Quick - go tell the Pope!! LOL.
No need. I think his boss already knows.

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 Message 171 by Dredge, posted 12-23-2023 10:54 PM Dredge has not replied

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