Hi Paul,
AZPaul3 writes:
We don't know, yet. Does that mean it never happened?
That is a definite possibility. At least not as you envision it taking place.
Something took place because the universe exists.
AZPaul3 writes:
That energy was known in this universe at 10-43 seconds. Where/how it manifest into our universe we don't know. But it was there and had to either flow from some prior reservoir or spontaneously developed from some unknown mechanism.
According to the BBT it was not there.
But at T=O There was no time, no space, no energy, no universe, which means there was an absence of the existence of anything.
Where would a prior reservoir come from or an unknown mechanism. There was an absence of existence.
AZPaul3 writes:
We don't know. What we do know is that our evidence shows strongly that this was the case. The CMB anisotropies and analysis of the acoustic oscillations imprinted on the early hot quark plasma leave no doubt that our models of the early universe are viable and this energy was there. All of it.
I will agree that in the beginning there was a light source that produced the CMB.
I will also agree that in the beginning all the energy that was required to furnish the heavens and earth was present. I will also add that the stuff science calls Dark Energy was there in the beginning and was necessary to hold the universe together.
AZPaul3 writes:
As for size? Who cares? Whether the universe was once the size of a golf ball, a pea or an atom doesn't tell us how it came to be. Most probably it was all those at some time. But the one thing we did not find in the evidence was any majikal spook directing the show.
And you did not find out who or what provided the energy required to produce this universe either.
The energy had to be provided as it did not exist in non existence.
AZPaul3 writes:
If the universe is infinite then yes the energy systems of the universe could also be infinite. We don't know.
Scientist currently believe that the universe is not infinite, but finite and constantly expanding.
AZPaul3 writes:
the total energy of this universe, is zero.
The zero-energy universe hypothesis says that is so.
But to get the zero energy universe to match the observed universe there has to be huge negative energy reservoirs . It is assumed that these reservoirs are Dark Matter.
Assumptions is not evidence.
AZPaul3 writes:
Reverend, please, I'm not trying to get you to believe anything.
Sure you are as you would like for me to believe like you do. And that is OK.
AZPaul writes:
I am giving you the universe as the evidence the universe itself has presented us.
I got the same universe and the evidence it provided.
AZPaul writes:
No spooky overlords doing anything.
You don't think that the universe beginning to exist with no source for the energy to construct it is kind of spooky.
I think it is preposterous .
AZPaul3 writes:
And, yet, the evidence we have shows that preposterous reality to be actual. Fact.
The CMB says there was a lot of light in the universe in the past. Fact.
The universe is expanding. Fact.
The universe exists. Fact.
Science does not have a clue where the energy came from to form everything in the universe. Fact.
Science does not have an answer for how the universe could begin to exist when there was non existence. Fact.
When science gets the answer to the source of the energy and how the universe could begin to exist when there was non existence they can get my attention.
AZPaul3 writes:
That presents you a major problem.
What problem is that?
AZPaul3 writes:
Reality says you are wrong about your creed and you cannot show that reality to be in error.
What creed are you talking about?
I have never tried to show reality to be in error. I do believe science to be in error about the creation of the universe. And I believe you are in error along with them.
Now there are some things I believe about the universe and how it began to exist.
I believe in the beginning God created the heavens and the earth. Whenever that was, nobody knows when that was. Science has no answer they just know the universe exists and they can study it.
God supplied all the energy required to form everything in the universe and to hold it together until He is ready for it to melt with fervent heat. Science has no answer for the source of energy.
I believe there was a light period that lasted from the beginning until darkness was created. That light period and the following period of darkness was said to be Day One. Science discovered the left over light from the first light period and call it the CMB.
I believe the earth was inhabited during that light period, raised families, built cities, and all of them died in that single light period. Science has the oldest human at 160,000 years. Since I only know it was a long time ago I will go with science on this one.
AZPaul3 writes:
Your spooks are not real and you cannot show otherwise.
I don't have any spooks. I do have a living God and you cannot prove that He does not exist.
God Bless,
"John 5:39 (KJS) Search the scriptures; for in them ye think ye have eternal life: and they are they which testify of me."