I was never fully convinced that TB Joshua was genuine, though I do believe that people can and do harbor other spirits at times. I have even prayed and tested this myself. A woman came into the store high on something and was muttering quietly to herself. She was in self-checkout trying to steal and seemed clearly confused. I was over twenty feet from her and quietly said a prayer asking the Lord to help that confused and addicted woman. I then quietly added "And if any spirits are oppressing her I command them to come out and leave this woman in Jesus' name." At that exact moment, she began shouting at the air around her, cussing up a storm! It took me by surprise, but I suppose that a skeptic would say it was a coincidental reaction to her mental state at that moment. Still, I find it more than a coincidence that she was observed for ten minutes showing no such behavior...by any of us. She then rapidly left the store, looking around as if to confont whatever it was that confronted her.(or more accurately, IT) She was simply another human no better or worse than myself who struggled with addictions and mental issues. Skeptics deny that a spiritual realm exists as they have never had any objective evidence. I have my own beliefs.
TD Joshua was accused of being an occultist by the mainline churches in Africa, and it is quite possible that he was, though the love of money has seduced many a preacher.