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Author | Topic: State Execution in the USA | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
ICANT Member (Idle past 348 days) Posts: 6769 From: SSC Joined: |
Hi Paul,
AZPaul3 writes: I'd say this represents a major share of the voting population. As usual religion, specifically christianity, leads the death cult. If the life of a person is removed by a person why should that person not need to pay for that life with their own? Evolution would not support such a view. If you believe it would just go out in the woods with a gun and one bullet and kill a bear's cub and see what happens. That bear will maul you to pieces until your life is gone. God Bless,"John 5:39 (KJS) Search the scriptures; for in them ye think ye have eternal life: and they are they which testify of me."
ICANT Member (Idle past 348 days) Posts: 6769 From: SSC Joined: |
Hi Tangle,
Tangle writes: I'm surprising myself by being angry, ashamed and upset even from this distance - a modern democratic country is murdering its own citizens and in such a half-arsed way.[ The UK had the most barbaric capital punishment method I could think of until the middle of the 18th century and that was burning at the stake. The punishment for heresy was burning at the stake in the end of the 16th century. That was simply because they believed differently than the Church of England.Just a reminder of your countries ways. God Bless,"John 5:39 (KJS) Search the scriptures; for in them ye think ye have eternal life: and they are they which testify of me."
ICANT Member (Idle past 348 days) Posts: 6769 From: SSC Joined: |
Hi Paul,
AZPaul writes: If your catechism were true then you just told your master you don't believe him and will not follow in his wake. I simply asked a question, why didn't you give me an answer to the question. You could have given me a reason they should not give their life in return? How about an answer? In other words give me a reason they should not give their life for taking a life. You know me I like to ask questions. God Bless,"John 5:39 (KJS) Search the scriptures; for in them ye think ye have eternal life: and they are they which testify of me."
ICANT Member (Idle past 348 days) Posts: 6769 From: SSC Joined: |
Hi Phat,
Phat writes: Does anyone know how much that costs? Why should society pay to keep them alive? $75,000 per year. That is enough to build a house for a homeless person. Or to feed four families for a year. God Bless,"John 5:39 (KJS) Search the scriptures; for in them ye think ye have eternal life: and they are they which testify of me."
ICANT Member (Idle past 348 days) Posts: 6769 From: SSC Joined: |
Hi AZ,
AZPaul3 writes: They maybe should. But in a prison not a grave. But they sentenced the person they killed to the grave and they didn't get a jury trial. They had a one person judge, jury, and executioner. So why should the murder get to live and his victim has to die? Had the murder not executed his victim they would have got to live. God Bless,"John 5:39 (KJS) Search the scriptures; for in them ye think ye have eternal life: and they are they which testify of me."
ICANT Member (Idle past 348 days) Posts: 6769 From: SSC Joined: |
Hi Rahvin,
Long time we no speak. At the bottom of your signature is a quote from the KJV Bible. Do you believe that verse and what it is talking about or is it just there for the words recorded in the KJV Bible. If you have never read the four verses preceding it I will supply them for you. That way you can know what is being discussed.
Paul writes: 1 Corinthians 15:22 For as in Adam all die, even so in Christ shall all be made alive. 23 But every man in his own order: Christ the firstfruits; afterward they that are Christ's at his coming. 24 Then cometh the end, when he shall have delivered up the kingdom to God, even the Father; when he shall have put down all rule and all authority and power. 25 For he must reign, till he hath put all enemies under his feet. 26 The last enemy that shall be destroyed is death. I know 'had' is an important word. But not only did they have the most barbaric, burning at the stake, I think the also had one of the most humane executions using beheading. God Bless,"John 5:39 (KJS) Search the scriptures; for in them ye think ye have eternal life: and they are they which testify of me."
ICANT Member (Idle past 348 days) Posts: 6769 From: SSC Joined: |
Hi Percy,
Percy writes: Just to be clear, you're saying that the taking of a life is wrong and that the punishment should involve the taking of another life. No. I am not saying anything. I am asking a question. God Bless,"John 5:39 (KJS) Search the scriptures; for in them ye think ye have eternal life: and they are they which testify of me."
ICANT Member (Idle past 348 days) Posts: 6769 From: SSC Joined: |
Hi Omnivorous,
Omnivorous writes: I would rather pay for humane incarceration than dip my hands in the blood you are so eager to spill. I was asking you for a reason they should not give their life for the one they took. Since 1973 there have been 1,582 death row inmates executed.Since 1973 there have been 195 death row inmates exonerated. There is no way to know how many of those 1582 were innocent. I could not find the numbers of murders committed since 1973. But in 2021 there were 22,536 murders committed and in 2022 there were 21,156 murders committed. In 1990 there were 23,438 murders committed In 1973 there was 1296 death sentences. That leaves 286 in the 48 years up to 2022. now if we take an average of say 20,000 murders per year for 48 years we would have 960,000 murders committed and 1582 executed which is 1 execution for every 606.82 murders. Just food for thought. Now I will ask more question's. Where is the sympathy for the 960,000 people who were murdered?Where is the sympathy for the millions of children who are left without a father/mother which ever the case may be? Where is the sympathy for the parents of the children that were murdered? That is 960,000 innocent people who have been executed by their personal assassin, where is the outrage?
Omnivorous writes: I would rather pay for humane incarceration How about paying for raising all the children and all the other expenses incurred by the families due to these murders? I would just like to hear what you and anybody else that wants to answer think about these things. In my lifetime I have had to deal with some of these things being a pastor and it was not fun. God Bless,"John 5:39 (KJS) Search the scriptures; for in them ye think ye have eternal life: and they are they which testify of me."
ICANT Member (Idle past 348 days) Posts: 6769 From: SSC Joined:
Hi Rahvin,
Rahvin writes: People can learn to be better, given time and opportunity and help. 70 years ago I thought the same thing. Today when I see the decay of society that has taken place in that 70 years I am doubtful. It seems the more help people get the worse they get. It reminds me of the story of the Israelites in the old testament. We have made great strides in Tech knowledge and the medical field. In the production of food we have devolved into a money making racket and producing food that is not fit to eat because of additives that is killing the people. Where are we heading? Who knows? God Bless,"John 5:39 (KJS) Search the scriptures; for in them ye think ye have eternal life: and they are they which testify of me."
ICANT Member (Idle past 348 days) Posts: 6769 From: SSC Joined: |
Hi Rahvin,
Rahvin writes: Would it surprise you to know that there's an ordained Christian minister that I still consider to be a hero and role-model, who has always been helpful to people, including helping people deal with and process difficult things like loss? I would hope you would consider me one of them.I always worked and I made a lot of money as a contractor while building churches and pastoring small churches until they could support a pastor. We live in a small 2 bedroom house which is paid for, on our social security as we helped everybody who came to us for help including churches. We have a vehicle that is paid for and we have no debt. My wife and I have great health for 84 year olds. My short term memory is failing me and that is the reason I no longer pastor. I do still preach. I even help my neighbors in the things I am skilled in, I can still fix most anything. God Bless,"John 5:39 (KJS) Search the scriptures; for in them ye think ye have eternal life: and they are they which testify of me."
ICANT Member (Idle past 348 days) Posts: 6769 From: SSC Joined: |
Hi Percy,
Percy writes: So, again, just to be clear, which I know you like to avoid, you're saying that the taking of a life is wrong and that the punishment should involve the taking of another life. In my lifetime I have had to council people who have been on both sides of the fence. Families that have lost members to murder, and families who had a son convicted of murder and one suicide a good friend who had a 6 year old daughter and a loving wife, but he was addicted to Alcohol and he convinced himself that they would be better off without him. that was the hardest thing I ever had to do was to get that child to forgive her dad. Trying to get a mother whose son is on death row to understand that her son did in fact kill a person is a pretty hard job when her son could not do such a thing. Her son was standing over a body with a gun in his hand that had fired the bullet that killed the deceased when he was apprehended. Then there was a family that stands out in my mind where the husband was killed leaving a wife and 4 children without a husband, father, and bread winner. Two of the children were in school, first and third grades the others were two and four years old. At that time there was no such thing as a food bank to get food as there is today. The mother was able to get $200 a month to pay a mortgage, electric bill, water bill, food bill, clothes and shoes for the kids which run a little under $600 per month. The hardest thing was trying to explain to these children why daddy didn't come home at night and play with them like he used to do. The Mother had got herself together put her feelings aside and decided she had to go to work. Her mother would come over and sit with the little ones and some times take them to her house. But when Mommy got home she had to fix supper do laundry, All the things she was doing before she had to go to work. We had some pretty good people in our church and several of them made anonymous donations and we paid off her mortgage. Some of the ladies would go over and help her clean every now and then. As the children got older the job of getting them to forgive the man who took their father from them got a little easier until they forgave him. That was the first thing that all of them had to do to be able to get on with the rest of their life. Now as far as the murderer is concerned I would like to see our government have a facility where these men could be put where they could have a job, make money and support the families of the deceased. It could be a facility where they could build modular homes, or mobile homes that could be used for the homeless. It could be 48" concrete sewer lines that is used in road building or some other thing. I am sure they could come up with something. But then somebody would complain that was cruel and unusual punishment. Anyway that is the end of my rant. God Bless,"John 5:39 (KJS) Search the scriptures; for in them ye think ye have eternal life: and they are they which testify of me."
ICANT Member (Idle past 348 days) Posts: 6769 From: SSC Joined: |
Hi Omnivorous,
Omnivorous writes: Why are these the questions you ask? Why don't you ask what good will it do to kill another? Is it good to slake the thirst for vengeance in a victimized family? The first thing the family of the deceased has to do is learn to forgive the murdererbefore they can get on with their life and how to cope with the problems that loss creates. Some people don't know how to forgive and some just refuse to forgive and just live in their hatred a miserable life. But I already know the answer to your question so why would I ask it? Taking the life of anything that you are not going to eat is a waste. My daddy taught me not to shoot anything I was not going to eat. Therefore I shot gators, rattle snakes. fish, deer, ducks, squirrels, turkey's quail, hogs, and in the 40's coons, and possums. If I killed it I ate it. So it does not benefit anybody to take a human life.
Omnivorous writes: Is that how you pastored the grief-stricken Christian families? Did you urge them to nurse their anger and to pray for the death of another? No. I taught them they had to forgive and get on with their life. A few years ago my wife came up with a slogan I will share' Start where you are,Take what you got. And do what you can. That is what the victims have to do as well as the families of the criminal. If you can't do that you are not ever going to make it. Omnivorous writes: So ... would it be best if the bereft children killed the guilty party directly? It would benefit them more if the penal system had factories the inmates could work and make money and support the victims.
Omnivorous writes: Do you genuinely expect death penalty opponents to be against generous support for families in need? Please. There are those strongly opposed to public assistance who also hold strong views on the death penalty, but it's not my camp. I don't think public assistance should be necessary. I think the guilty party should supply the support. It could be done. There are a lot of cases where the defendant is sentenced to make restitution. Just a crazy notion of mine, that I get from the Old Testament as in certain events restitution was required and was not optional. I don' see why the public has to pay for the miss deeds of criminals put them to work and make the prison system self supporting. God Bless"John 5:39 (KJS) Search the scriptures; for in them ye think ye have eternal life: and they are they which testify of me."
ICANT Member (Idle past 348 days) Posts: 6769 From: SSC Joined: |
Hi Rahvin,
Rahvin writes: I don't know you well enough for that, ICANT, and our interactions havent always been agreeable. Yes you have your beliefs and I have mine. But we can still agree to disagree at least I can.
Rahvin writes: And I can't imagine Mr Rogers saying that someone should be killed, even for a terrible crime. I haven't ever said that either. Read my post to Percy if you really want to know my view on capital punishment. Message 45 God Bless,"John 5:39 (KJS) Search the scriptures; for in them ye think ye have eternal life: and they are they which testify of me."
ICANT Member (Idle past 348 days) Posts: 6769 From: SSC Joined: |
Hi Rahvin,
Rahvin writes: The path to salvation is not a straight one, ICANT. People stumble and fall. We do it even more collectively than individually. This is one of those places we seem to disagree on. To me salvation is simple and easy.
Jesus said writes: John 3:5 Jesus answered, Verily, verily, I say unto thee, Except a man be born of water and of the Spirit, he cannot enter into the kingdom of God. 6 That which is born of the flesh is flesh; and that which is born of the Spirit is spirit. Some take verse 5 as talking about baptism and you have to be baptized to be saved. but verse 6 says that which is born of the flesh is flesh. I have never known a child that was born of a woman that her water did not break first that is the water birth that is required before you can be saved. we are a triune being composed of a body, mind, and spirit. The body must be born of the flesh. The spirit must be born of the spirit. When the spirit is born again it can never commit a sin because God abides there. Sanctification is the hard part. First it takes a lot of study of God's plan for mankind. Once we know the rules we must make them a part of our everyday life, not just one day a week as many try to do. Sanctification is a process that takes place in the mind as it is a battle between the flesh and the spirit. The flesh says yes do it and the spirit says no if it has been fed the information it needs to operate. If it has not been fed then it will be week and the flesh will win the battle and growth of sanctification will not occur. The mind simply processes the information fed to it and makes a decision what to do. You are right that sometimes bad decisions are made and other times. Being a child of God and doing what He wants to do is no easy job That is the reason I tell people "you do what you want to do." I can't make anybody do anything and nobody can make me do anything. Every thing we do is by our choice. A person commits a murder by a freewill choice or any other crime. God Bless,"John 5:39 (KJS) Search the scriptures; for in them ye think ye have eternal life: and they are they which testify of me."
ICANT Member (Idle past 348 days) Posts: 6769 From: SSC Joined: |
Hi Tangle,
Tangle writes: And we stopped. Because it's a fundamental wrong. Good for you. My country may never stop. If they viewed it like I do they would put them to work. God Bless,"John 5:39 (KJS) Search the scriptures; for in them ye think ye have eternal life: and they are they which testify of me."
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