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Author | Topic: The Historical Jesus: Did He Create the Universe? | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Candle3 Member Posts: 934 Joined: Member Rating: 3.8 |
Paulk, you wrote:
"Don’t forget to include that actual test of the propheciesand where they appear in the a Bible so that we can read the context." ***You are right, Paulk. And I should gave done that. I willquote the OT prophecy, and where it was fulfilled in the NT. It might take me a little to to look up and cross reference. It might take me a day, two at the most, but I will list them. I would do it sooner, but I am helping a friend move. I will try to post them tomorrow. I will add other info to it.
Candle3 Member Posts: 934 Joined: Member Rating: 3.8 |
Paulk, OT prophecies and NT fulfillment.
*Jesus was to be born in Bethlehem. OT, Micah 5:2--NT,Matthew 2:4-6. *Jesus would begin His ministry in Galilee. Isaiah 9:1-2,Matthew 4:12-17. *The Scepter shall not depart from Judah. Genesis 49:10,Luke 3:33. *They would cast lots for the clothes of Jesus. Psalms 22:18,John 19:23-24. *Jesus would teach in parables. Psalms 78:1-2, Mark 4:2;Luke 8:10 and Matthew 13:34-35. *the parables of Jesus were used to hide the their truemeaning from all except His elect. Isaiah 6:9-10, Matthew 13:13-15 and Mark 4:11,13. *Jesus betrayed for 30 pieces of silver. Zechariah 11:13-13,Matthew 27:6-10. *Jesus would remain quiet before His accusers. Psalms38:12-13. Matthew 27:12-14. I will post more a little later. *
Candle3 Member Posts: 934 Joined: Member Rating: 3.8 |
Paulk, here are a few more:
*Passover Lamb was to be w/o blemish. Exodus 12:5.Hebrews 9:14. *Jesus was our Passover Lamb. (1Corinthians 5:7).Not aborn of His was to broken. Exodus 12:46. John 19:31-36. *Jesus was to be forsakenby His Father. Psalms 22:1.Matthew 27:46. *Jesus was to be the mediator of a new Covenant.Jeremiah 31:31. Matthew 26:28. Hebrews 8:6-13. *God would call His Son out of Egypt. Hosea11:1.Matthew 2:14-15. *Jesus would have a forerunner before Him. Isaiah 40:3-4.John 1:23. *His friends an followers would forsake Him. Psalms 31:11.Mark :24:50. *His body would not see decay. Psalms 16:9-11.Acts 2:31. *His crucifiers would give Him gall and wine to drink.Psalms 69:21. Matthew 27:34. *Jesus would be born of a virgin. Isaiah 7:14. Luke 1:34-35.Matthew 1:23.
Candle3 Member Posts: 934 Joined: Member Rating: 3.8 |
Paulk, don't play dumb. The men who wrote the NT were
not idiots. There is no way that they would give live to follow a made up God. These same Apostles and Disciples of Jesus ran when hewas arrested. They denied that they even knew Him. These were Jews, and the majority of them do not acceptJesus as the Messiah today. It was the same back then. These same men, the one who ran, were hiding in a room when Jesus appeared to them after His crucifixion andresurrection. Why were they hiding? They were hiding for fear of theJews. John 20:19. Joseph of Arimathea took the body of Jesus secretly forfear of the Jews. John 19:38. Something miraculous happened that caused these menwho feared for their lives to become emboldened, and face the wrath of the Sanhedrin. Nobody is going to risk their life for a made-up scheme,which they know is nor true. There were many Jews still alive when the Disciples ofChrist were making their claims. If it were not true, they would have said so. No one who is making up a god to follow is going to havetheir god beaten, spat on, ridiculed, and nailed to a stake. And, no follower of this made-up god is going to record,for all to see, that he ran and hid like a frightened child. Paul was a hostile witness to Jesus. Paul was responsiblefor tracking down Christians and having the beaten or killed. Something happened to this man that changed his entirelife and outlook. He voluntarily became a follower of Christ. And as such, he suffered numerous beatings, as well asspending a good amount of time in cold, dark dungeons. The authors of the Bible have as much authority, even moreso, than any authors who have ever lived. Jesus was born in a tiny, out of the way, town that most ofthe world didn't even know existed. And, believe it or not Paulk, there were no cell phones, newspapers, or internet. To all but His followers it was not an issue. God is not trying to save the world during this present age. He is only calling His elect, those who will be part of Hisgovernment, and who will rule with Him, when He returns to set up His Kingdom. I want to be in His Kingdom. You want only to believe that you leached from a rock.And, that you have ancestors who were chimp like creatures. You know deep down that Jesus is the Creator. The HolyBible serves ad a witness to this. Without the Creator there would be nothing. Nothing iswhat rocks dream about.
Candle3 Member Posts: 934 Joined: Member Rating: 3.8 |
Rahvin, you wrote:
"There will be wars and rumors of wars" is like predictingthat tomorrow is Tuesday." *I never said anything about wars and rumors of wars. Tomorrow will be Wednesday. The God of the Bible will give everyone who has ever livedthe opportunity to receive eternal life. However, it will be at His appointed time. He will offer the Muslims, Hindus, Buddhists, etc, theiropportunity to receive eternal life. Anyone who finds faults with God, and His generosity,needs to seek some psychological help. The God of the Bible will offer everyone who has ever livedthe opportunity to become members of the God family. As the sons of God, therefore God Beings ourself, wewill have powers and intellect much greater than what Satan now has. Anyone who finds fault with God's plans for us needs areality check. God does not owe us anything. Everything that we receivefrom Him is due to His great love for us. Evolutionists reject the true God. They much rather believethat they leached from a rock. According to them, everything is due to random chance,even their brains and minds. The problem with this concept is simply how can they possiblytrust their minds? They reduce themselves to mere animals, who sniff eachothers butts and pick lead off of each others.
Candle3 Member Posts: 934 Joined: Member Rating: 3.8 |
Omnivorous, you wrote:
"The fact that I am an animal does not diminish me,but your arrogance diminishes you." *** Wrong it diminishes you. Dogs are animals. You canput a collar around their neck, and you can teach them to to fetch; to roll over; or, bark. Is this the class that you put yourself in. I have several cats and two dogs in my house. There areat least a dozen cats outside my house. God sends these unwanted animals (the vast majorityhave been dumped) to my wife and me because He knows that we will feed them. The females we have fixed by a vet at our expense. Thevet gives us a discount, but it is still rather expensive, more than $200 each. The cats and dogs know that we (humans) are superiorto them. The differences between humans and animals is so vast that only an idiot would make a comparison. God appointed us to be caretakers of His animals. And,He expects us to do so. Some individuals who compare themselves to animalsdo a disservice to animals.
Candle3 Member Posts: 934 Joined: Member Rating: 3.8 |
Paulk, you wrote:
"candle2 alleges otherwise - making the same error ICANTdid, of failing to understand the concept of the Historical Jesus. And he has the same inability to make a rational case. Still, I think exposing this stuff as the nonsense it is has some value." ***What some do not understand is that there is Historicalevidence for the existence of Jesus. There are sources outside of the Bible that speaks of a person known as Jesus--Christ. I have been extremely nusy the past several weeks, but Iwill post these sources by the 13th of this month. I appreciate the Administrator for his patience. This is animportant issue. The Bible states Jesus created the universe and all that isin it. Evidence that Jesus actually existed, and that miracles were attributed to Him, although circumstantial, exists. There is no evidence that the universe came about bychance. There is no known mechanism that can answer even the slightest possibility that all we see and observe was created by nothing. I have shown, on numerous posts, that the Jews aremerely one of the twelve tribes of Israel. The Jews, descendants of Judah, received the promise that the Messiah would come through them. Jesus was a Jew. Jesus was both a Jew and an Israelite. Descendants of the others tribes are Israelites, but theyare not Jews. The prophet Ezekiel was a Jew. He wrote the book ofEzekiel 130-146 years after the Northetn ten tribes of Israel were conquered and deported from their land by the Assyrians in 721 B.C. Ezekiel, although a Jew, was commanded by God, to be aWatchman for the House of Israel, especially the tribes of Ephraim and Manasseh. These two brothers, sons of Joseph, out of all the tribes,received the birthright blessings. Genesis 49:22-26. Deuteronomy 33: 13-17. Ezekiel, a Jew, was appointed a watchman for the House ofIsrael. Ezekiel 3:17. Much of Ezekiel concerns endtime prophecy for the theHouse of Israel. A watchman warns. The United States and Great Britain are made up primarilyof Manasseh and GB, including Scotland, Canade, Australia, New Zealand. Ezekiel 7 contains a prophecy about what is happening inAmerica and GB at this very minute. Because we have fallen so far from God, God is nowpunishing us. He has promised to bring the worst of the Heather's(Gentiles) against us. They are to get above us. They are to possess our homes, and rule over us. But this is only the beginning. Illegal immigrants who come to America are givencell phones, debits cards, food vouchers, free medical services and education. They are put into expensive motels, often costing morethan $300 per person, per night. Americans pay for these grown men and women with our taxes. In NYC illegal immigrants receive benefits that amountsto $144,000 per year. There are immigrants, on Youtube, waving around wadsof cash, laughing at how pathetically stupid Americans are. For the past 3 plus years more than 25,000 illegal immigrantshave openly come into America every day. Read all if Ezekiel 7. It gets to the point that we will throwour gold and silver into the street. Also, squatters (II) have moved into vacant homes, andlandlords are forbidden to remove them. Illegal immigrants have certainly gotten above us. One could deny this, but that does not change whatEzekiel promised would happen to us. Fulfilled prophecy is evidence. One will not see Russiaor China behaving like this. Only a supernatural power can affect a nation's mind to this degree.
Candle3 Member Posts: 934 Joined: Member Rating: 3.8 |
Percy, you wrote:
"I thought the suggestion to follow the traditional standardsof history when discussing what the historical Jesus actually did was a good one. I don't see how candle2's review of Biblical prophecy ties into that." ***I take it that both you and Paulk are so accustomed tomaking fulfilled prophecies that it is of no significance when someone else does it I am a little embarrassed to ask either of you which statemy wife and I will be visiting next month, because I know that noth of you will get it right. But, just for fun, go ahead and tell me the state. There are sources outside of the Bible that mention Jesusor Christ. There are also non-Christians who wrote about Him, and His followers. Most scholars believe the historicity of Jesus. And thereare many more who will not deny that He existed. Many of these who do believe that He did exist do not believe that He was God. But, this is about historicity. Non of us who are alive today know for certain that manyrecorded by history as being alive centuries ago actually existed or not. Did Marco Polo exist? Did Tiberious Caesar exist? Howwould one know? How would one explain the incredible expansion ofChristianity during the first and second century A.D., if a man known as Jesus the Christ never existed. As I have said, there are a number of references to Oneknown as Jesus, or the Christ, is mentioned outside of the Bible. One such is by Lucian Samosata. Lucian lived from 120-180 A.D. Lucian was a satarist, who was scornful of Christians. Inhis work "The Passing Peregrinus", he wrote about Jesus and His followers. To briefly summarize what he wrote: *Christians worshipped Jesus as a God.*Jesus was crucified for what He taught. *Jesus started Christianity. *His Disciples believed His teachings. *His Disciples referred to fellow believers as "brothers." *His Discipkes believed they could gain immortality. Lucian was angry that Christians defied the gods ofGreece. There would have been sons and grandsons of eye-witnesses to the death of Christ when Lucian was born. WW1 ended more than a hundred years ago, and thereare son and grandsons of those who fought in it still living. A hundred or 150 years after the passing of an event isnot the long. My great grandfather was a Confederate soldier. His son,my grandfather was born the year the Civil War ended. I only have time to post one or so per day, but I will postmore. Some from the 1st Century. More has been written about Jesus than has been recordedof the vast majority of men in history. It takes faith to believe in them.
Candle3 Member Posts: 934 Joined: Member Rating: 3.8 |
Percy, another non-Biblical source for the authenticity of
Jesus comes from Roman historian and Senator, Tacitus. Remember that taking the word of anyone who wrotecenturies ago is subjective. This goes for all of them, including the pagans and the secular. Tacitus in his book "Annals of Imperial Rome", book 15,page 44, records that Christ is the origin of Christians. He records that Nero, in A.D. 64, falsely blamed personscalled Christians for the fire that destroyed much of Rome. Tacitus states that Christ (Christus) was put to death byPanties Pilate. Several other facts that Tacitus records includes: *There was a sizable number of Christian in Rome in thefirst century. *Nero persecuted Christians. *It was possible to distinguish between Christians and Jews. *Pagans made a connection between Christianity in Romeand its origin in Roman Judea. "When Tacitus wrote history, if he considered informationnot entirely reliable, he normally wrote some indication to his readers."
Candle3 Member Posts: 934 Joined: Member Rating: 3.8 |
Percy, another non-Biblical source concerning Christ and
Christians was recorded by Pliny the Younger, Roman Governor of Bithynia. Pliny wrote to Emperor Trajan asking for his counsel ondealing with the early Christian community. Pliny conducted trials of suspected Christians whoappeared before Him. It is suspected that they refused to acknowledge and worship Roman gods. In any case, after three chances to show their innocencethey were executed. Pliny went on to say that investigations often revealedharmless practices. However, Pliny considered them to be depraved, and filled with excessive superstition. Pliny was concerned that Christian gatherings couldserve as a potential starting point for sedition. This is an abbreviated reply of Pliny and Christians.
Candle3 Member Posts: 934 Joined: Member Rating: 3.8 |
Percy, you stated:
"For this discussion it is assumed that Jesus was ahistorical personage." ***This is exactly the point that ICANT, and several othersare making. Jesus was and still is a alive. The Bible confirms this. Since the Bible is right about Jesusliving and breathing, we must not readily dismiss the other claims that His Apostles and Prophets made about Him. We must also look at the OT prophecies made concerningJesus and their actual fulfillment in the NT. I get a chuckle when reading Paulk's reply concerningthe fulfillment of these predictions. The guy has a deep hate for Jesus, and this hate altershis cognitive reasoning. He hates Jesus because Satan has painted an extreme negative image of Him. I used to have this same negative image of Him. I hadthis image because I allowed others, including pastors, preachers, etc... to shape my thinking. God will reveal Himself and His plans for humanity, if onewill seek Him with all their heart--all of it. To accept that the Bible has been proven right about thefact that Jesus lived, while denying the rest of what the Bible teaches, is using false and premeditated logic.
Candle3 Member Posts: 934 Joined: Member Rating: 3.8 |
Percy, you stated:
"Please proceed with your evidence and arguments thatthe historical Jesus created the universe." ***It is accepted that Jesus existed, just as the NT stated. It is also true that the OT prophesied the birth of Jesus.And is true that the OT told us in advance where He was to be born. There were many OT prophecies concerning Jesus thatwere fulfilled in the NT. It is also true that Jesus was the God of the OT. He wasthe One who led the Israelites out of Egypt. He was the One who wrote the 10 Commaments on stone with His Finger. The NT states that Jesus was the One to create theuniverse and all that is in it (there is no know way that physical, material objects spontaneously come into existence out of nothing). There is no science, nor are there scientists, that caneven remotely explain this. It defies logic. The Bible has been right about everything else. With thisrecord of success, it is impossible to summarily dismiss other claims that it makes.
Candle3 Member Posts: 934 Joined: Member Rating: 3.8 |
Tanypteryx, you stated:
"And yet it doesn't say any of that in the old testament.The Jews who wrote the old testament didn't mention Jesus once." ***I have shown on this board several times that Jesuswas also the God of the OT. I would be willing to do it again, but only if one is interested. Right now I will post just one proof that Jesus was the Godof the OT. 1 Corinthians 10:1-4 1. Moreover brethren I do not want you to be unawarethat all our fathers were under the cloud, all passed through the sea. 2. All were baptized into Moses in the cloud and in thesea. 3.All ate the same spiritual food. 4. And all drank the same spiritual drink. For they drankof that spiritual Rock that followed them, AND THAT ROCK WAS CHRIST. Jesus (at that time He was the Word) was the memberof the God Family who went before the escaping Israelites in a cloud. When the Israelites were sandwiched between the Red Seaand Pharoah's army, the cloud (Jesus) moved from in front of them to behind them, between the Israelites and Pharoah's army. Paul plainly tells us this.
Candle3 Member Posts: 934 Joined: Member Rating: 3.8 |
Tanypteryx, you wrote:
"You really do seem delusional!" ***If you truly want yo see a delusional person, go starein the mirror. While there, and while staring at yourself say "I am kin toChimps and warthog. I am no different than them." Also say, I believe, I do believe, that I, my wife, and mykids are proof that a frog actually turned in a man." I do believe in that fairly tale that a frog turned into aprince. If you do this, and you don't feel completely stupid, restassured that you are delusional.
Candle3 Member Posts: 934 Joined: Member Rating: 3.8 |
Tanypteryx, you wrote:
"That's a very common response when scientists areexpected to explain imaginary fictional stories, because there is no science. It defies logic that you would expect that." ***You need to reread my statement. I stated that neitherscience nor scientists have any knowledge that would explain how the universe and everything in it come into being out of absolutely nothing. To assume that this happened is not science. Nature (natural things) do not come into existence out ofnothing.
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