Granny Madge writes:
In principle sure, but in practice...
It's in practice that matters
I recently saw someone complaining that we don't have Jesus' DNA. They were super belligerent about it too. That is not a reasonable demand for evidence.
That depends on the context, if he was demanding it from the Turin Shroud then maybe it would be reasonable.
Not that it would prove anything - except that it's the DNA of a man. I'm not sure what the DNA of a God would look like.
Demanding evidence for for a proposition is not valid where the specific evidence demanded is not a prediction of that proposition.
What's wrong with demanding evidence of Jesus' existence? It's how we decide whether things exist or not. The fact that it's missing or very weak is unfortunate for your case but there it is.The fact that we might expect there to be little to no evidence given the circumstances isn't our problem. Without the evidence, how can we know?
I think that PaulK and I would just like to see some clarification on what exactly is being demanded here. Is it evidence we might reasonably be expected to have or is it. well, y'know
We'd like to see much better evidence than there is in order to conclude 'yes probably', otherwise, well y'know...
Wouldn't it be nice to see a record of the crucifixion that I'm sure some bureaucrat would have made? How about some writings from the man himself? Or even some contemporaneous writing from his followers who had actually met him? Or just a few notes from a historian of the time following a guy who was making a bit of a disturbance in the Temple, speaking on mounds and drawing crowds that was so annoying to the authorities that they killed him. We can speculate forever, but if it ever existed we don't have it so we're left with a guess.
Just to be clear, my position isn't that there is absolutely nothing, I just think that what we do have is far too weak to be useful.
Je suis Charlie. Je suis Ahmed. Je suis Juif. Je suis Parisien. I am Mancunian. I am Brum. I am London. Olen Suomi Soy Barcelona. I am Ukraine.
"Science adjusts it's views based on what's observed.
Faith is the denial of observation so that Belief can be preserved."
- Tim Minchin, in his beat poem, Storm.