What a (fatal?) year for the Cosmological Constant.
My God!
I don’t understand what your problem is with evolving scientific knowledge. Yes, our understandings about reality change and may recycle then change again. But, your tone seems accusatory towards new science. I’m lost to your overly emotional angst with this.
Humans are, of course, at our species’ pinnacle of scientific knowledge. And we are learning more faster than ever before. Ray Kurzweil’s technological singularity was in our past. We are well beyond the elbow on the upward curve in his graph. Every discipline in every science is staffed by hundreds, thousands, of our species best really smart people. We add literally millions of new data points of evidence across all the scientific disciplines each day. Millions of new papers with new analyses are added to our knowledge pool constantly.
We are living in the midst of the greatest scientific epoch in human history. We should be celebrating each and every revelation reality shows us, even if it’s something we saw 100 years ago in a different light. It is good. Not evil.
I do not understand, as I perceive, your hard, mocking, almost fearful emotional angst over changes in our scientific understanding. There shouldn’t be any emotional component to this stuff at all.
If some form of cosmological constant is needed to make our models more accurate, or if no cosmological constant is necessary to the models at all, is something the universe will tell us as we collect more accurate data with stronger analysis. And that view and that math and that model may change yet again 100 years hence. It is what it is.
The goal is to learn the reality not fear it.
Seriously, what is this emotional angst you seem to feel so strongly about the presence, absence, history of the cosmological constant?
Stop Tzar Vladimir the Condemned!