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Author Topic:   Why is Biden still the President
Posts: 18712
From: Denver,Colorado USA
Joined: 12-30-2003
Member Rating: 4.2

Message 23 of 89 (920392)
10-05-2024 7:52 AM
Reply to: Message 19 by Percy
10-04-2024 1:22 PM

Team Player vs Autocracy
Percy writes:
Who is this "they" that concluded from the debate that Biden is cognitively impaired? Are "they" applying the term "cognitively impaired" in a clinical fashion or as an overall label for someone older? Do "they" think that maybe such determinations should be made based upon neurological testing? Are "they" aware that cognitive decline (forgetfulness, trouble changing tasks, etc.) is a normal part of aging and that it takes considerable progression before it can be labeled "cognitively impaired"? Are "they" comparing Biden's often very comprehensible statements made in the course of his day-to-day activities with those of Trump's often meandering missives as he campaigns?

You're free to believe that Biden is cognitively impaired. That is your right. But many, including those who saw the debate, don't see it the same way.

I think what many saw in the debate was an old man who is finding the demands of office increasingly challenging and who was overburdened once the demands of campaigning were added.
As an aging man myself with some health issues, I think that the argument could be made that an older man with experience can be quite useful as the leader of a competent team of advisors and experts who help him (her) govern the country and make wise decisions. Biden is not as sharp as he once was but he seems to understand issues at least as well as Trump, who is also an old man nearly the same age who is NOT a Team player but more of an autocrat who fires whoever gets in his way. My point is that Trumps mental abilities are sharper for a businessman yet called into question for a free world leader. Biden was good at being a VP for a younger, sharper Obama, while JD Vance seems to know and defend the ideological issues thrown at him by a liberal leaning media.
Harris is also sharp...yet the question that I think GDR is asking is whether her ideology is best for our nation and place in the world going forward. Do we want an autocratic leader for the free world, or do we want an ideological team led by a president who knows how to delegate? I think that the president serves as a spokesman for the chosen ideology of the team (party) at large. Trumps team would likely be governed by top-down autocratic leadership. Biden (and/or Harris)
more likely work as the leader of a team. If she ran the place she would pick her own team at that point. Personally, I think that the original plan was to have Biden win the election and gradually delegate more and more authority to her after the election but that she would have basically been an acting president towards the end of his last term should the Democrats win (have won). A lot of people support Trump within our country but the Democrats have a clear majority within the popular vote. Perhaps if she took over now it would give the country an opportunity to see her leadership style and capability before deciding if she could competently govern.
There is an ideological divide to be sure.

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 Message 19 by Percy, posted 10-04-2024 1:22 PM Percy has not replied

Posts: 18712
From: Denver,Colorado USA
Joined: 12-30-2003
Member Rating: 4.2

Message 33 of 89 (920406)
10-06-2024 11:03 AM
Reply to: Message 4 by GDR
10-03-2024 2:57 PM

The U.S. And Israel In Evangelical Prophecy
GDR writes:
Why then don't these politicians put on their big boy pants and get it done. The US is in crisis between the flood crisis and the ports being shut down, and the world is in crisis in the Middle East and the Ukraine and the rest of the world is likely to get drawn into this as well.
Hi Greg. Perhaps the question is whether humans can progress quicker than they destroy themselves

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 Message 4 by GDR, posted 10-03-2024 2:57 PM GDR has not replied

Posts: 18712
From: Denver,Colorado USA
Joined: 12-30-2003
Member Rating: 4.2

Message 56 of 89 (920442)
10-08-2024 7:25 PM
Reply to: Message 55 by dwise1
10-08-2024 4:34 PM

Re: About Cognitive Impairment
The conservative media is *Not* most of the media! Other than that sentence, nothing else caught my eye. Trump is the best that the conservatives could come up with which is sad. Why can't someone smart take the lead?

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 Message 55 by dwise1, posted 10-08-2024 4:34 PM dwise1 has not replied

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 Message 57 by Theodoric, posted 10-08-2024 8:31 PM Phat has seen this message but not replied
 Message 58 by xongsmith, posted 10-08-2024 10:24 PM Phat has not replied
 Message 70 by xongsmith, posted 10-09-2024 11:58 AM Phat has seen this message but not replied

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