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Author Topic:   Why is Biden still the President
Posts: 1536
From: Ky U.S.
Joined: 12-25-2009
Member Rating: 1.0

Message 34 of 89 (920412)
10-06-2024 3:23 PM
Reply to: Message 1 by GDR
10-03-2024 1:49 PM

What I want to know is why the Democratic party came to the conclusion that President Biden was cognitively impaired and should step down as the candidate but, leave him still in office.

Right now the the ports shut down in the US economy is in peril. Internationally between Ukraine and the Middle East the world is as close to a nuclear war as we have ever been. It has been a long time since the US has needed such strong leadership IMHO.

Why is a President with dementia still in office? If he left office VP Harris would become president unless I have a misunderstanding of your political system.
Hello GDR, as others have said, Biden has recently been considered unelectable, but they didn't pinpoint exactly when that determination was made, and I can do that for you.
It happened the minute the first (CNN) presidential debate concluded. Presidential debates have a significant resemblance to the yearly Super Bowl every February. They are both BIG audience draws, they are both hyped, both of them huge revenue generators for broadcast media. And most significantly, they both get viewers that are not normally interested in their subjects, football or politics. Both of them generate talk and analyzation for days or weeks afterward, and even those not very interested in them don't want to be completely in the dark about what went on.
Millions of normal people across the U.S. live similar lives, Parents go to work, kids go to school, and evenings consist of some family time, a family meal, and...turning on the television to local news of ABC, CBS, or NBC to get the local traffic situations, local events, and the weather. Then they leave the television on while the national half hour news shows come on, some, amazingly, still think those shows actually give a summarization of national and international news, rather then the entertainment shows for the Democrat party that they actually are. Those people got quite the shock when the CNN moderators actually let Trump speak, rather than cherry picking a phrase of his here and there, taking it out of context, and screaming "LIAR LIAR LIAR" as the mainstream usually does. They saw Trump actually call attention to the serious problems the U.S. faces, and Bidens inability to address them. Biden has been falling down, having to be helped off of stages that he's lost on, shaking hands with air, and mumbling incoherently for his entire presidency, nothing has really changed about him.
Behind Democrat closed doors days after that debate, I'd bet the acoustics of those walls took a beating. How could those CNN moderators let that happen? The moderators of the upcoming ABC debate were undoubtedly informed that they'd better not let that happen again! They came through with flying colors, the ABC debate was 3 on one, anyone could see that, as was the later CBS vice presidential debate. "WE HAVE A LOT TO GET TO!!! How many times did they cut Vance off, a half dozen?
Why didn't Harris the Giggler take over the presidency immediately? She wasn't properly groomed yet. Only 6 months, maybe a year, maybe a year and a half ago, there were actually a few Democrat strategists that were speculating about the possibility of Biden losing the Giggler and getting a new running mate that actually had half a brain, one that didn't grow up with a Marxist father. She wasn't in the news much during her vice presidency, she did nothing on the border that she was designated to control, one of the most notable things about her vice presidency was her inability to get along with her staffers.
But days after the CNN debate, the mainstream media had its instructions, "MAKE HER A SUPERSTAR!! Help Jack Smith hammer on Trump in any way you can, bring up JANUARY 6th!! a lot. Get her some name recognition, screw RFK, screw Gavin Newsom, screw anyone else who want to challenge her, she's the designee, screw the democratic process. And that's where we are.
I don't think she's going to lose, with the entire mainstream media, the DOJ, and countless other corrupt special interests on her side. But there is one ray of hope, there are a lot of swing voters who don't have Trump Derangement Syndrome, who formerly leaned towards Biden or Harris, but who don't appreciate the increasingly obvious election interference by government agencies, against Trump. So we'll see what happens.
Unfortunately this is what usually passes for debate on this forum and why I don't much bother with it anymore.
Democrats don't seem to have much concern who is the president, as long as it's not Trump! I don't think they're very happy with the Giggler - it shows in their anger here. Democrats had so many other choices, and Tim Walz sure is one of them. He comes across as a likeable guy, unlike most arrogant Democrat politicians. I don't agree with his policies of course, but was very impressed with his debate performance, even though he had two helpers.
They're going to be very angry with me now, as they show their respect for the free speech clause of the First Amendment. "WHY THE F*^$ DON'T YOU GET OUT OF HERE, YOU MOTHER &$)($#& SON OF A GIRL DOG *((^$@^062 WHITE BOY *%#()!!! DID YOU LIE WHEN YOU SAID YOU WERE LEAVING HERE 6 MONTHS OR SO AGO?? Actually I didn't lie at all, all I said was that I was done with those with TDS, and I still am.

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 Message 1 by GDR, posted 10-03-2024 1:49 PM GDR has not replied

Posts: 1536
From: Ky U.S.
Joined: 12-25-2009
Member Rating: 1.0

Message 35 of 89 (920413)
10-06-2024 3:26 PM
Reply to: Message 30 by Theodoric
10-06-2024 1:06 AM

Don't let the door hit you on the ass on your way out.
I have a detached garage, with a spring loaded door, no hydraulic closer. It hits me in the ass all the time, it's really no big deal! It doesn't hurt at all, and I'm not even a fat guy!!

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 Message 30 by Theodoric, posted 10-06-2024 1:06 AM Theodoric has not replied

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