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Author | Topic: The Second Trump Presidency | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Phat Member Posts: 18712 From: Denver,Colorado USA Joined: Member Rating: 4.2
Is the /s indicative of satire?
xongsmith Member Posts: 2642 From: massachusetts US Joined: Member Rating: 5.8
Phat asks Moose
Is the /s indicative of satire? thank you! i thought Moose had lost his mind. Edited by xongsmith, : spell that name "Phat" as my keyboard is wonky. "I'm the Grim Reaper now, Mitch. Step aside." Death to #TzarVladimirtheCondemned! Enjoy every sandwich! - xongsmith, 5.7dawkins scale
Minnemooseus Member Posts: 3978 From: Duluth, Minnesota, U.S. (West end of Lake Superior) Joined:
That's the first time I've used the satire tag, and may not have gotten it right (there probably should have been a "[s]" at the start, but that would make it a real "strike through" code). See
But seriously, the Republicans can try all the retribution they want against Jack Smith and others. Keep the Jack Smith vs tRUMP case alive. Doing retribution can only make Democrats look good and Republicans (including tRUMP) look fascist. But I may be wrong - Republicans may have some bizarre immunity to looking bad. What I would like to see is an investigation on how so many Americans could be so stupid/ignorant/evil for the election results to have happened. Start by looking into Faux News. Phat, how could it take you until the Harris/Trump debate to see that it is Harris=intelligent+nice and tRUMP=stupid+asshole (which is all I needed to know to vote D)? Well, unlike way too many others, at least you did come around to seeing the reality (which does have a liberal bias). Moose
Phat Member Posts: 18712 From: Denver,Colorado USA Joined: Member Rating: 4.2 |
Moose writes: I wanted to keep peace in the family. In Colorado, voting for Donald Trump would have done no good seeing as how the election is determined through the electoral college. Phat, how could it take you until the Harris/Trump debate to see that it is Harris=intelligent+nice and tRUMP=stupid+asshole (which is all I needed to know to vote D)? Well, unlike way too many others, at least you did come around to seeing the reality (which does have a liberal bias). I am a big fan of our Attorney General, Phil Weiser and hope that even if Trump demolishes the FTC, Weisers court lawsuit will save the union and force the employers to pay us the pension that we have earned. I am a conservative leaning political moderate for a reason, though. AZPaul3's acceptance of a government that controls all of the money is one giant reason that I do not support ALL Democratic ideals. If the wealthy corporate overlords succeed in demolishing our pension,however, I may turn full fledged Democrat and demand justice! We have a two party system that together provides the consensus needed for everyday life.
xongsmith Member Posts: 2642 From: massachusetts US Joined: Member Rating: 5.8 |
I am not sure you are in a good place....
you write
voting for Donald Trump would have done no good seeing as how the election is determined through the electoral college Colorado went for Harris by some 144k votes for their 10 EC score. you vote and if the EC goes for Trump, but the popular vote goes for Harris - it adds fuel to repeal of the EC. the Dems didn't come out in force this time, much to my surprise. but your attitude above makes me wonder if you even voted. from 81 million for Biden down 72 million so far. where did they go? were they turned off by a woman of color?"I'm the Grim Reaper now, Mitch. Step aside." Death to #TzarVladimirtheCondemned! Enjoy every sandwich! - xongsmith, 5.7dawkins scale
Phat Member Posts: 18712 From: Denver,Colorado USA Joined: Member Rating: 4.2 |
... from 81 million for Biden down 72 million so far. where did they go? were they turned off by a woman of color? Ask Bill Maher.
Bill Maher Short I think that people were/are concerned about the economy and getting their fair share vs doling it out to undocumented workers.
Tangle Member Posts: 9630 From: UK Joined: Member Rating: 5.3
Phat writes: I think that people were/are concerned about the economy and getting their fair share vs doling it out to undocumented workers. How does an undocumented worker get a government dole-out?Je suis Charlie. Je suis Ahmed. Je suis Juif. Je suis Parisien. I am Mancunian. I am Brum. I am London. Olen Suomi Soy Barcelona. I am Ukraine. "Science adjusts it's views based on what's observed.
Phat Member Posts: 18712 From: Denver,Colorado USA Joined: Member Rating: 4.2 |
Tangle writes: They don't..at least not directly. What they do is take the attention off of our own domestic poor who have learned to depend on the government through welfare and various social services. How does an undocumented worker get a government dole-out? When I see the shoplifters at our store, I recognize many of them personally. I see the contrast between them and the Venezuelans (and other workers from other countries) The shoplifters by and large are domestic poor, many addicted to alcohol and illegal drugs.The domestic poor are addicted to handouts and theft. Most of the Venezuelans dont dare steal, even if they are hungry. There may be a small number who are organized gangs, but that number is far smaller than claimed. It is our own domestic poor that is the problem.
Tangle Member Posts: 9630 From: UK Joined: Member Rating: 5.3 |
So undocumented workers don't drain government funds and don't do crime. But poor US citizens do both. I have a solution for you - deport the poor and keep the illegals.
Je suis Charlie. Je suis Ahmed. Je suis Juif. Je suis Parisien. I am Mancunian. I am Brum. I am London. Olen Suomi Soy Barcelona. I am Ukraine. "Science adjusts it's views based on what's observed.
Phat Member Posts: 18712 From: Denver,Colorado USA Joined: Member Rating: 4.2 |
Tangle writes: I have a better solution. Refund the police and make shoplifting unattractive again. Let the domestic poor compete with undocumented workers for jobs and make work a necessity rather than a luxury. Find the undocumented workers and make sure they are paying into social security. Only then can they have a path to citizenship and only after the ones (mainly from Mexico) who came first. Teach the domestic poor to help themselves and not be coddled. The undocumented workers already know that they have to work. We want them to feel welcome but we want them to contribute.
I have a solution for you - deport the poor and keep the illegals.
Percy Member Posts: 23156 From: New Hampshire Joined: Member Rating: 5.7 |
Phat writes in Message 38: Tangle writes: They don't..at least not directly. What they do is take the attention off of our own domestic poor who have learned to depend on the government through welfare and various social services. How does an undocumented worker get a government dole-out? When I see the shoplifters at our store, I recognize many of them personally. I see the contrast between them and the Venezuelans (and other workers from other countries) You are projecting your own prejudices onto the unfortunate, and you somehow believe you can distinguish nationalities from appearance, or maybe you think you can distinguish the variety of Spanish accents. Your perceptions are filtered by your racism and by the constant conservative clamor you hear on YouTube videos and other outlets.
The shoplifters by and large are domestic poor, many addicted to alcohol and illegal drugs. The poor are only slightly more likely than the general population to have problems with alcoholism or addiction.
The domestic poor are addicted to handouts and theft. Why do you keep giving your prejudices voice? You see only a tiny sliver of the lives of the poor, when they're in your grocery store or somewhere nearby. Your Safeway is not a poverty research center. While researching this I discovered it can take months to years for an immigrant to get work authorization in Denver. One way to guarantee someone will be poor is to withhold employment. While poverty is only one influence on theft, desperation can absolutely be a strong motivating factor.
Most of the Venezuelans don't dare steal, even if they are hungry. Says the grocery aisle researcher.
There may be a small number who are organized gangs, but that number is far smaller than claimed. What number is claimed? Are you referring to what you've written in the past when you claimed your store was the victim of a large number of organized gangs? Change your mind?
It is our own domestic poor that is the problem. There are some programs in Denver to house and provide employment to the poor. In the hierarchy of needs, food and shelter are at the top. Provide decent employment and you solve both. --Percy Edited by Percy, : Typo. Edited by Percy, : Grammar.
Taq Member Posts: 10385 Joined: Member Rating: 5.8 |
Phat writes: No one disagrees with the fact that Democrats in general are better educated than Republicans. Many Republicans are CEO's and business leaders. Much of the base is small business owners, many of whom never finished college. According to wiki, elitism as a group favors pluralism as a political ideal. I think you have the cart before the horse. College educated whites tend to vote more for Democrats right now. It wasn't always like this:
quote: Much has changed in the last 30 years since HW Bush served his first and only term. If I were to guess about these shifts in the electorate I think some of it has to do with how quickly our society has changed (e.g. gay marriage, increasing minority populations). College educated whites will tend to be more accepting of people who are outside of the norm (i.e. white and straight), and I think that is part of the explanation. The word spoken out loud is "illegal immigration", but I think it is more about an increase in minority populations and the threatening of white privilege for many Trump voters. As to why Trump got more of the Latino vote than in years past, I think that ties into culture war stuff due to higher religiosity in the Latino population. I don't see either party wanting to shrink government. What I think needs to happen is that Trump and the Republicans are given all the rope they want. Democrats should largely get out of their way and let them do what they want. It is only then that we can start to get back on the path towards sanity once people see what Republican policies are actually like. For example, our economy would absolutely collapse if we deported all of the illegal migrants.
Taq Member Posts: 10385 Joined: Member Rating: 5.8 |
Zucdragon writes: Right right, another measure then that disproportionally favors the rich, they have a higher tax rate on their income, so they'll gain the most from that. The poorest will get only a small benefit from this. Tariffs will shift much more of the tax burden onto the poor and middle class because more of their income goes towards goods that will be under tariffs. Sales tax is like that too. Tariffs will also make the US less competitive in the long term. If US businesses are not forced to compete with exports then they won't innovate to lower costs. An argument can be made for protecting specific industries (e.g. car manufacturing, unfair government subsidies), but not a blanket tariff. Why would we need a tariff on bananas when we don't even grow bananas?
Zucadragon Member Posts: 147 From: Netherlands Joined: |
That's basically what I thought, like over here in the Netherlands, we have tariffs on electric cars from China, because they are producing them with really big government support, meaning they can sell them cheaper, trying to flood the EU market with cheap cars.
Now the sales price goes up on them, so it puts them more in a competitive situation with other EVs here, while earning the government some monies. Which is a great deal, but blanket tariffs would be a big problem.
dwise1 Member Posts: 6190 Joined: Member Rating: 5.4 |
Tariffs will also make the US less competitive in the long term. ... Another effect of large tariffs is how the countries those tariffs are targeted against will react. As in sparking a trade war. Place high tariffs on a country's exports resulting in us buying less from them which reduces their income and they will reduce what they import from us. We saw that in Trump 1.0 when he arbitrarily raised tariffs on China, so China retaliated by not buying soy beans from us. That caused financial disaster for American farmers so Trump had to give money to aid the farmers. Of course, he boasted about that claiming that it was all paid for by China paying us billions of dollars in tariffs, but we know better; we know that we Americans paid every single cent of that farm aid package. A farm aid package that wouldn't have been necessary if Trump hadn't fucked up the balance of trade and sparked a trade war. Like he is eager do again!
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