Over here we're astonished to hear that the Orange Moron has threatened to invade Greenland if they don't give it to him. Mini Trump is there now making a fool of himself.
The Trump minime, Musk has created a real and dangerous mess by calling one of our MPs with a gold standard for safeguarding women a ‘rape genocide apologist’. She's now under real physical threat from right-wing nutters.
Thanks guys - and he isn't even in place yet.
Je suis Charlie. Je suis Ahmed. Je suis Juif. Je suis Parisien. I am Mancunian. I am Brum. I am London. Olen Suomi Soy Barcelona. I am Ukraine.
"Science adjusts it's views based on what's observed.
Faith is the denial of observation so that Belief can be preserved."
- Tim Minchin, in his beat poem, Storm.