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Author Topic:   The Second Trump Presidency
Posts: 6190
Joined: 05-02-2006
Member Rating: 5.4

Message 46 of 470 (920727)
11-12-2024 7:29 PM
Reply to: Message 40 by Phat
11-12-2024 8:33 AM

Re: Ask Bill Maher
Phat, we have already gone over all this before.
Let the domestic poor compete with undocumented workers for jobs ...
Already been tried. Americans don't want to do that work.
As I reposted in my Message 415 (10 Sep 2024) from my Message 534 (21-Jan-2019) -- the subject of Message 415 was the shortage of Americans with construction skills because of the decline of trade unions, the traditional schools for teaching those skills:
dwise1 writes:
And it's not a case of those immigrants doing the jobs that Americans refuse to do; eg, from my Message 534 (21-Jan-2019) reply to Faith:
dwise1 writes:
"Jobs that Americans refuse to do"
Remember the 1964 A-TEAM (Athletes in Temporary Employment as Agricultural Manpower -- and When we closed the bracero program the farmers had no farm workers to pick their crops for them. Despite the opponents of the bracero program decrying how they were taking jobs away from Americans, Americans didn't rush in to grab those jobs. Seeing two different problems -- lack of farm workers and lack of summer jobs for teenagers -- politicians decided that combining the two problems would provide the solutions. So in 1964 they recruited high school athletes to do farm work. They got a lot of responses, though coaches would not allow athletes enter that program because they needed to make practice during the summer. The students were appalled at the extremely bad living and working conditions, the same ones that the braceros had had to endure. Many students deserted within the first few weeks (some after only a few days) and they staged strikes in some of the camps. The program was a failure and was cancelled after the first summer.
Do the name, "Salem, Ohio", ring a bell? -- The Fresh Mark meat packing plant, a major industry that the town depends on, employed many Guatemalan illegals. Not only did Fresh Mark benefit from their hard work, but they and their families were a contributing part of the community. On 19 June 2018, ICE staged a massive raid on the plant arresting 146 workers. The effects on the town were devastating. The plant continued to operate, but at a reduced capacity which cost them revenue. Many Guatemalans left the town out of fear, so the businesses in town suffered from the loss of many of their customers. The plant has tried to recruit workers, which should be easy with all the Americans flooding in to fill those jobs. That hasn't been the case. On the radio, it was reported that Syrian refugees were filling those jobs.
Rather, this is a case of immigrants doing jobs that Americans can no longer do because they cannot learn the skills due to the loss of the institutions which used to provide that training. It's like the Catch-22 I recognized even in high school: you cannot get a job if you don't have work experience, but you cannot get that work experience without having gotten a job.
Which makes the threat of mass deportations of those skilled immigrant workers so dire to the American economy. Who's going to replace those essential workers if so few of us have the required skills? Even farm work requires skills which take years and we've already seen Florida farmers unable to harvest their crops because so many farm workers are leaving the state because of rabid GOP anti-immigrant rhetoric.
Part of that report on the Fresh Mark meat packing plant included the town's unemployed whites complaining about those illegals taking jobs away from them, but when those jobs opened up after the ICE raid none of them applied for those newly opened jobs.
During the campaign, Trump's racism was on full display, though maybe you needed to have grown up with a Texan to spot it -- growing up, my father's family had moved to Texas a few times. Like with some the Pat Robertson's double-talk during his presidential run, which went over the public's head whereas I, with my fundamentalist Christian experience, could see right through him -- let those with eyes to see and ears to hear watch and listen (it's from the Gospels, so you might not recognize the reference). When one speaks in code (eg, Jesus teaching through parables so that the masses couldn't understand whereas those with sufficient training could, which is why he then took his disciples aside to "teach them the mysteries of Heaven", which itself was a reference to the mystery religions in which public displays and ceremonies (The Outer Temple) were heavily shrouded in symbolism the meanings of which was only given to initiates into the religion (The Inner Temple) and which they were to keep a closely guarded secrets.
To blacks, Trump infamously said that the illegals are taking away "black jobs". What are black jobs? Well, my father told me of how his mother, a white woman (his side of the family was predominantly Irish), had to wait until night time to sweep off the mud porch so that their neighbors couldn't see her "doing n***** work." That's what Trump meant by "black jobs": "n***** work".
Those with ears to hear and eyes to see ...
... and make work a necessity rather than a luxury.
Already been tried and failed. Because that attitude ignores reality. Like a white person (I'm about 94% Celtic, BTW, and 6% either German or Jewish; we're not sure about that part with my sister insisting on Jewish while I want to see some supporting documentation) advising blacks that if they just do what the police officer tells them they will be perfectly safe. Our white experiences with the police are entirely different from blacks' experiences. That's just reality.
We've tried attaching work to welfare and it has always failed. Of course, there have to be jobs. Also, especially for single parents, child care is either unavailable or costs more than they would earn. Plus, the way that unemployment benefits are set up, the moment you start working you stop getting those benefits. Even if they want to work (and most do), the system doesn't let them.
IOW, the entire system would need to be reformed. But under Republican rule, those "reforms" would be completely detached from reality (consider the anti-abortion laws written by Republican politicians with zero medical knowledge that end up getting women killed in horrific manner).
Find the undocumented workers and make sure they are paying into social security.
We've already discussed this, though it was mainly with Faith. Many do indeed pay into Social Security and Medicare. In order to cover their employers' asses, undocumented workers obtain fake Social Security Numbers (SSNs or "sosh" in military parlance -- our "sosh" was also our military ID number in all my 35 years of service, but that practice has been discontinued; it was only when I got my retiree ID card in 2011 that I first saw my new DoD ID number). Thus, their employers use those fake numbers to do all the required payroll taxes and income tax withholding, even though their workers will never get an income tax refund nor ever receive any Social Security or Medicare benefits. BTW, the undocumented workers who staff Trump's resorts have fake SSNs, but management confiscates and locks up their documents which is emblematic of human trafficking operations (for a few years, we had General Military Training (GMT) instruction in how to identify human trafficking operations). As the French say, "Nous sommes foutus" ("We're screwed." -- the German, "Wir sind beschissen" means we're shitted upon; most German profanity uses excrement so they don't understand when we refer to sex to express bad things).
Teach the domestic poor to help themselves and not be coddled.
I agree, but the system has to facilitate that and it doesn't. While the Democratic tendency is to try to help them (admittedly perhaps too much), the Republican tendency is to just cut them loose and have them fend for themselves. Like when De Santis kidnapped through deception those immigrants already in the system seeking asylum (ie, not undocumented) and bussed them to New York City in the middle of December with the little children dressed in t-shirts and just dumped them out on the street.
Part of Republican propaganda was the "issue" of immigrants in NYC being housed in hotels and being provided for in the interim. It's simple logistics that whenever you have a large number of people you need to provide shelter and sustenance (logistics is the bread-and-butter of the military, that and organization). It is also simple logistics that hotels are a prime source of shelter and that prime room rates do not apply when an agency contracts blocks of rooms. For example, when our return flight from Italy was messed up, the airline booked us into a hotel. I found the standard rates for single occupancy of my room and it was more than $600 (in 2018). Did the airline pay over $600 to put me in that room? To quote that great American philosopher, John Wayne: "Not hardly." An empty hotel room provides management no income, so deals at reduced rates will be struck. Immigrants housed by the government in a luxury hotel does not mean that the government had to pay full price for each room.
The undocumented workers already know that they have to work.
Yes, and that's a given. They are ready and willing to do work that Americans refuse to do. That has been the story of immigrants for centuries.
So why do the Republicans have such a huge problem about that?
We want them to feel welcome but we want them to contribute.
Do we? Really? So why do we keep telling them that we don't want them here?
BTW, a little something about the restaurant trade.
The economics of running a restaurant can be brutal. My father was a general contractor who would often put together new restaurants and he was the inquisitive type (probably where I got it from) who wanted to learn as much about a client's profession as he could, out of personal curiosity. The basic rule of thumb (AKA "heuristic") is that when you open a restaurant you need to start with enough capital to set up and survive for at least two years with making no profit. To say that they operate on a shoestring is padding their economic situation too much.
And many restaurants depend on undocumented labor. That's just a simple fact of life. So at the end of the day, has that restaurant made enough to pay all its workers? Making payroll is a big bragging point for Republicans, but for so many businesses (Accounts Receivable look great, but that's cash coming in later not right now when you have to pay your employees in cash now not the promise of cash later) you often have to take out short-term business loans to remain solvent (that is from my Accounting 101 course in the early 70's, so it's neither rocket science nor brain surgery).
But restaurants are more immediate; for them there's no such thing as Accounts Receivable, money that is coming in tomorrow. So what far too often happens, even in "liberal enclaves like Los Angeles", restaurant workers just do not get paid on time. They have to hold out and keep on working and hope that they will eventually get paid. And being undocumented, what legal recourse do they have? None. BTW, the Bracero program ceased to exist 60 years ago and lawsuits over farmers not having paid their Mexican workers are still working their way through our legal system.
Yes, they want to work. Do we want to pay them fairly? To again quote that famous American philosopher, "Not hardly."

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 Message 40 by Phat, posted 11-12-2024 8:33 AM Phat has not replied

Posts: 23170
From: New Hampshire
Joined: 12-23-2000
Member Rating: 5.7

Message 47 of 470 (920745)
11-14-2024 9:41 AM

It's Going to be a Wild Ride
One would have wished for an incoming president to awe the country with the quality of his nominations for senior positions in the executive branch, but president-elect Trump, true to form, has opted for shock. Here's a list of nominations so far:
Chief of StaffSusie WilesShe ran his campaign and seems a solid choice.
Secretary of StateMarco RubioSenator from Florida, he's talented, capable, and a foreign policy hawk. He's a strong supporter of Israel, a NATO skeptic, an opponent of Iran and China, and likely favors pressuring Ukraine to cede territory Russia to end the war, to which I reply with one word: Sudetenland.
National Security AdviserMike WaltzRepresentative from Florida, he's a foreign policy hawk. He's a NATO skeptic. He has supported aid to Ukraine, but that support has softened recently, likely motivated by a desire to be more in line with Trump.
Secretary of DefensePete HegsethA Fox News personality, he served two tours in the National Guard in Iraq and Afghanistan where his highest rank was captain as a platoon leader. He was later promoted to major. He is completely unqualified for the position.
Secretary of JusticeMatt GaetzRepresentative from Florida (resigned yesterday) and completely unqualified. He's been under investigation by the House Ethics Committee over allegations of sexual misconduct. This nomination is nuts.
Director of National IntelligenceTulsi GabbardFormer Representative from Hawaii with no experience in intelligence. Like Trump she favors Putin. This nomination is nuts.
Director of Homeland SecurityKristi NoemGovernor of South Dakota. Yes, she's the one who shot and killed the family dog for being "untrainable". She'll likely be a strong leader who aggressively carries out Trump's policies on immigration and the border.
Director of CIAJohn RatcliffeServed as Director of National Intelligence in the 1st Trump administration. Likely a solid pick.
EPA AdministratorLee ZeldinFormer Reprentative from New York. Weak background in environmental policy. His prime qualification is being a Trump loyalist.
Ambassador to UNElise StefanikReprentative from New York. She will strongly promote Trump's vision at the UN.
Department of Government EfficiencyElon MuskBillioinaire. The department would likely take the form of an advisory commission. Vivek Ramaswarmy will be co-leader. Who knows what havoc the pair will wreak.

Replies to this message:
 Message 48 by PaulK, posted 11-14-2024 10:28 AM Percy has seen this message but not replied
 Message 50 by Phat, posted 11-14-2024 4:09 PM Percy has replied
 Message 52 by AZPaul3, posted 11-14-2024 8:16 PM Percy has replied
 Message 57 by Percy, posted 11-15-2024 6:55 AM Percy has replied

Posts: 18057
Joined: 01-10-2003
Member Rating: 5.0

Message 48 of 470 (920746)
11-14-2024 10:28 AM
Reply to: Message 47 by Percy
11-14-2024 9:41 AM

Re: It's Going to be a Wild Ride
I think a lot of the Muslims who voted for Trump are going to be very disappointed by that list.
Gaetz’ appointment is pure cronyism. A man who resigned form Congress to escape an Ethics Committee investigation as Attorney General? I’ve seen it suggested that he might be the first candidate for that position to take the 5th during his confirmation hearings.
But I’ll bet that he’d put support for Trump over the duties of the office which makes him a great candidate from Trump’s point of view.

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 Message 47 by Percy, posted 11-14-2024 9:41 AM Percy has seen this message but not replied

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 Message 49 by Taq, posted 11-14-2024 11:51 AM PaulK has not replied
 Message 62 by PaulK, posted 11-16-2024 2:01 AM PaulK has not replied

Posts: 10385
Joined: 03-06-2009
Member Rating: 5.8

Message 49 of 470 (920750)
11-14-2024 11:51 AM
Reply to: Message 48 by PaulK
11-14-2024 10:28 AM

Re: It's Going to be a Wild Ride
PaulK writes:
Gaetz’ appointment is pure cronyism. A man who resigned form Congress to escape an Ethics Committee investigation as Attorney General? I’ve seen it suggested that he might be the first candidate for that position to take the 5th during his confirmation hearings.
Those confirmation hearings could be our first glimpse into the Republican caucus within the Senate. Are there any Republicans willing to go against Trump? Will Mitch McConnel throw a wrench in the works since he isn't running in the next election? Should be interesting.

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Posts: 18715
From: Denver,Colorado USA
Joined: 12-30-2003
Member Rating: 4.2

Message 50 of 470 (920752)
11-14-2024 4:09 PM
Reply to: Message 47 by Percy
11-14-2024 9:41 AM

Re: It's Going to be a Wild Ride
as long as they get rid of that guy in a dress with no other skill than being transgender

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 Message 47 by Percy, posted 11-14-2024 9:41 AM Percy has replied

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 Message 51 by Percy, posted 11-14-2024 6:56 PM Phat has not replied
 Message 54 by DrJones*, posted 11-14-2024 11:53 PM Phat has not replied

Posts: 23170
From: New Hampshire
Joined: 12-23-2000
Member Rating: 5.7

Message 51 of 470 (920753)
11-14-2024 6:56 PM
Reply to: Message 50 by Phat
11-14-2024 4:09 PM

Re: It's Going to be a Wild Ride
I have no idea who you're talking about, but why do you continue giving your prejudices voice over and over again? Maybe you could take them somewhere they'd be welcome, like Truth Social.

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 Message 53 by AZPaul3, posted 11-14-2024 8:26 PM Percy has seen this message but not replied

Posts: 8711
From: Phoenix
Joined: 11-06-2006
Member Rating: 5.0

Message 52 of 470 (920754)
11-14-2024 8:16 PM
Reply to: Message 47 by Percy
11-14-2024 9:41 AM

Re: It's Going to be a Wild Ride
I thought his choices the first time were concerning. Now four years later his choices have devolved into friggin scary. But, this is what the people voted for. This is what our society produced from our election and no one is claiming any major (or even minor) fraud.
The talking heads, the analysts, psychologists, historians, pundits all, have their reasoning for what trickery, what undue influences, what bigotry led to this outcome. The one thing to keep in mind is that this is what our system, by law, produced.
We can do better.
We are well past this constitution's "use by" date. The problem is the Republican minority controls the process of governance and that includes both the amendment and national convention processes. They, of course, would hijack the processes to enshrine their agenda, including their religious and sexual demands, into any new proposed constitution. We need to wait for the social pendulum to swing back the humanist way before we attempt such a task.
Maybe the deep state will help keep damage to a minimum. Maybe the republican old guard can keep a lid on the Pandora's box of individual freedom. I hope so.

“There’s simply no polite way to tell people they’ve dedicated their lives to an illusion,”
-Daniel Dennett
Stop Tzar Vladimir the Condemned!

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 Message 58 by Percy, posted 11-15-2024 7:03 AM AZPaul3 has replied

Posts: 8711
From: Phoenix
Joined: 11-06-2006
Member Rating: 5.0

Message 53 of 470 (920755)
11-14-2024 8:26 PM
Reply to: Message 51 by Percy
11-14-2024 6:56 PM

Re: It's Going to be a Wild Ride
Maybe you could take them somewhere they'd be welcome, like Truth Social.
Or here, maybe. He can express his prejudices right here ... where we can throw rotten tomatoes and mud balls at him. We do need the entertainment.

“There’s simply no polite way to tell people they’ve dedicated their lives to an illusion,”
-Daniel Dennett
Stop Tzar Vladimir the Condemned!

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 Message 51 by Percy, posted 11-14-2024 6:56 PM Percy has seen this message but not replied

Posts: 2363
From: Edmonton, Alberta, Canada
Joined: 08-19-2004
Member Rating: 7.0

Message 54 of 470 (920757)
11-14-2024 11:53 PM
Reply to: Message 50 by Phat
11-14-2024 4:09 PM

Re: It's Going to be a Wild Ride
as long as they get rid of that guy in a dress with no other skill than being transgender
and how do you know want skills she may or may not have? or are you just speaking out of bigotry?

It's not enough to bash in heads, you've got to bash in minds
soon I discovered that this rock thing was true
Jerry Lee Lewis was the devil
Jesus was an architect previous to his career as a prophet
All of a sudden i found myself in love with the world
And so there was only one thing I could do
Was ding a ding dang my dang along ling long - Jesus Built my Hotrod Ministry
Live every week like it's Shark Week! - Tracey Jordan
Just a monkey in a long line of kings. - Matthew Good
If "elitist" just means "not the dumbest motherfucker in the room", I'll be an elitist! - Get Your War On
*not an actual doctor

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 Message 50 by Phat, posted 11-14-2024 4:09 PM Phat has not replied

Posts: 18057
Joined: 01-10-2003
Member Rating: 5.0

Message 55 of 470 (920758)
11-15-2024 12:47 AM

And RFK Jr as Secretary of Health
The Republican War on Health enters a new phase.
With Matt Gaetz that makes two mind-blowingly stupid appointments.

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 Message 56 by DrJones*, posted 11-15-2024 1:04 AM PaulK has not replied

Posts: 2363
From: Edmonton, Alberta, Canada
Joined: 08-19-2004
Member Rating: 7.0

Message 56 of 470 (920759)
11-15-2024 1:04 AM
Reply to: Message 55 by PaulK
11-15-2024 12:47 AM

Re: And RFK Jr as Secretary of Health
time to start investing in iron lung manufacturers. Make Polio Great Again!

It's not enough to bash in heads, you've got to bash in minds
soon I discovered that this rock thing was true
Jerry Lee Lewis was the devil
Jesus was an architect previous to his career as a prophet
All of a sudden i found myself in love with the world
And so there was only one thing I could do
Was ding a ding dang my dang along ling long - Jesus Built my Hotrod Ministry
Live every week like it's Shark Week! - Tracey Jordan
Just a monkey in a long line of kings. - Matthew Good
If "elitist" just means "not the dumbest motherfucker in the room", I'll be an elitist! - Get Your War On
*not an actual doctor

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 Message 55 by PaulK, posted 11-15-2024 12:47 AM PaulK has not replied

Posts: 23170
From: New Hampshire
Joined: 12-23-2000
Member Rating: 5.7

Message 57 of 470 (920760)
11-15-2024 6:55 AM
Reply to: Message 47 by Percy
11-14-2024 9:41 AM

Re: It's Going to be a Wild Ride
Adding RFK's nomination for Secretary of Health and Human Services to the list:
Chief of StaffSusie WilesShe ran his campaign and seems a solid choice.
Secretary of StateMarco RubioSenator from Florida, he's talented, capable, and a foreign policy hawk. He's a strong supporter of Israel, a NATO skeptic, an opponent of Iran and China, and likely favors pressuring Ukraine to cede territory Russia to end the war, to which I reply with one word: Sudetenland.
National Security AdviserMike WaltzRepresentative from Florida, he's a foreign policy hawk. He's a NATO skeptic. He has supported aid to Ukraine, but that support has softened recently, likely motivated by a desire to be more in line with Trump.
Secretary of DefensePete HegsethA Fox News personality, he served two tours in the National Guard in Iraq and Afghanistan where his highest rank was captain as a platoon leader. He was later promoted to major. He is completely unqualified for the position.
Secretary of JusticeMatt GaetzRepresentative from Florida (resigned yesterday) and completely unqualified. He's been under investigation by the House Ethics Committee over allegations of sexual misconduct. This nomination is nuts.
Director of National IntelligenceTulsi GabbardFormer Representative from Hawaii with no experience in intelligence. Like Trump she favors Putin. This nomination is nuts.
Director of Homeland SecurityKristi NoemGovernor of South Dakota. Yes, she's the one who shot and killed the family dog for being "untrainable". She'll likely be a strong leader who aggressively carries out Trump's policies on immigration and the border.
Director of CIAJohn RatcliffeServed as Director of National Intelligence in the 1st Trump administration. Likely a solid pick.
EPA AdministratorLee ZeldinFormer Representative from New York. Weak background in environmental policy. His prime qualification is being a Trump loyalist.
Ambassador to UNElise StefanikReprentative from New York. She will strongly promote Trump's vision at the UN.
Department of Government EfficiencyElon MuskBillioinaire. The department would likely take the form of an advisory commission. Vivek Ramaswarmy will be co-leader. Who knows what havoc the pair will wreak.
Secretary of Health and Human ServicesRobert F. Kennedy Jr.RFK is an anti-vaxer and a promoter of public-health conspiracy theories. This nomination is nuts.
The Matt Gaetz, Tulsi Gabbard, Elon Musk and Robert F. Kennedy Jr. nominations must rank among the worst in history, right up there with Earl Butz (Nixon's Secretary of Agriculture), James Watt (Reagan's Secretary of the Interior), Clarence Thomas and Brett Kavanaugh.

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 Message 47 by Percy, posted 11-14-2024 9:41 AM Percy has replied

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 Message 59 by Percy, posted 11-15-2024 7:39 AM Percy has seen this message but not replied

Posts: 23170
From: New Hampshire
Joined: 12-23-2000
Member Rating: 5.7

Message 58 of 470 (920761)
11-15-2024 7:03 AM
Reply to: Message 52 by AZPaul3
11-14-2024 8:16 PM

Re: It's Going to be a Wild Ride
AZPaul3 writes in Message 52:
I thought his choices the first time were concerning. Now four years later his choices have devolved into friggin scary. But, this is what the people voted for. This is what our society produced from our election and no one is claiming any major (or even minor) fraud.
Maybe a Trump supporter can tell us whether this approach to governance is what they actually thought they were voting for.

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Replies to this message:
 Message 61 by AZPaul3, posted 11-15-2024 5:06 PM Percy has seen this message but not replied

Posts: 23170
From: New Hampshire
Joined: 12-23-2000
Member Rating: 5.7

Message 59 of 470 (920762)
11-15-2024 7:39 AM
Reply to: Message 57 by Percy
11-15-2024 6:55 AM

Re: It's Going to be a Wild Ride
Adding Doug Burgum's nomination to the Secretary of Interior role:
Chief of StaffSusie WilesShe ran his campaign and seems a solid choice.
Secretary of StateMarco RubioSenator from Florida, he's talented, capable, and a foreign policy hawk. He's a strong supporter of Israel, a NATO skeptic, an opponent of Iran and China, and likely favors pressuring Ukraine to cede territory Russia to end the war, to which I reply with one word: Sudetenland.
National Security AdviserMike WaltzRepresentative from Florida, he's a foreign policy hawk. He's a NATO skeptic. He has supported aid to Ukraine, but that support has softened recently, likely motivated by a desire to be more in line with Trump.
Secretary of DefensePete HegsethA Fox News personality, he served two tours in the National Guard in Iraq and Afghanistan where his highest rank was captain as a platoon leader. He was later promoted to major. He is completely unqualified for the position.
Secretary of JusticeMatt GaetzRepresentative from Florida (resigned yesterday) and completely unqualified. He's been under investigation by the House Ethics Committee over allegations of sexual misconduct. This nomination is nuts.
Director of National IntelligenceTulsi GabbardFormer Representative from Hawaii with no experience in intelligence. Like Trump she favors Putin. This nomination is nuts.
Director of Homeland SecurityKristi NoemGovernor of South Dakota. Yes, she's the one who shot and killed the family dog for being "untrainable". She'll likely be a strong leader who aggressively carries out Trump's policies on immigration and the border.
Director of CIAJohn RatcliffeServed as Director of National Intelligence in the 1st Trump administration. Likely a solid pick.
EPA AdministratorLee ZeldinFormer Representative from New York. Weak background in environmental policy. His prime qualification is being a Trump loyalist.
Ambassador to UNElise StefanikReprentative from New York. She will strongly promote Trump's vision at the UN.
Department of Government EfficiencyElon MuskBillioinaire. The department would likely take the form of an advisory commission. Vivek Ramaswarmy will be co-leader. Who knows what havoc the pair will wreak.
Secretary of Health and Human ServicesRobert F. Kennedy Jr.RFK is an anti-vaxer and a promoter of public-health conspiracy theories. This nomination is nuts.
Secretary of the InteriorDoug BurgumGovernor of North Dakota. He favors opening federal lands to and waters to oil and gas drilling. The climate takes another hit.

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 Message 57 by Percy, posted 11-15-2024 6:55 AM Percy has seen this message but not replied

Posts: 23170
From: New Hampshire
Joined: 12-23-2000
Member Rating: 5.7

Message 60 of 470 (920763)
11-15-2024 9:01 AM

Washington Post Editorial Page Breaks Loose
After the Bezos muzzling of the Washington editorial department, it has apparently broken loose and doubled down on the opinion they were not permitted to express prior to the election. Here are some of the Washington Post opinion pieces currently running on its home page:
If Bezos was hoping the Washington Post would, after his exercise of power, keep a lower profile that would avoid attracting Trump's attention, he'll apparently be sadly disappointed.

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