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Author | Topic: The Second Trump Presidency | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
PaulK Member Posts: 18053 Joined: Member Rating: 4.9
quote: You mean that you are falling down the anti-vax rabbit hole.
quote:Nevertheless they are still required to pay compensation for vaccine injuries. Isn’t this exactly the sort of thing your “tort reform”should be doing? quote: The battle against disease goes on. And you want to stop it?
quote: Having seen a similar case - and anti-vax campaigners misrepresenting the outcome - I suspect that this is far from the whole truth. But go ahead - produce references if you think you can show otherwise.
quote: It was not a fabrication - it may not be the case that RFK Jr wants to get rid of all polio vaccines but the events underlying the claim - and RFK Jrs anti-vax sentiments are very real.
quote: So in other words they haven’t even floated any ideas yet. A bit soon to judge, wouldn’t you say? And certainly no reason for ignoring past performance.
quote: So, spreading disease and quackery it is then.
Tangle Member Posts: 9630 From: UK Joined: Member Rating: 5.3 |
Over here we're astonished to hear that the Orange Moron has threatened to invade Greenland if they don't give it to him. Mini Trump is there now making a fool of himself.
The Trump minime, Musk has created a real and dangerous mess by calling one of our MPs with a gold standard for safeguarding women a ‘rape genocide apologist’. She's now under real physical threat from right-wing nutters. Thanks guys - and he isn't even in place yet.Je suis Charlie. Je suis Ahmed. Je suis Juif. Je suis Parisien. I am Mancunian. I am Brum. I am London. Olen Suomi Soy Barcelona. I am Ukraine. "Science adjusts it's views based on what's observed. |
Percy Member Posts: 23156 From: New Hampshire Joined: Member Rating: 5.7 |
I don't understand why you went into that extended digression. The man is a liar, a cheater, and a stealer. Those are all in the Ten Commandments. How can a Christian support such a man?
Percy Member Posts: 23156 From: New Hampshire Joined: Member Rating: 5.7
K.Rose writes in Message 228: PaulK writes in Message 226: You will have irresponsible patients everywhere.Food guidance is another one... Agree these are longstanding problems. A good part of the reason is that nobody talks about them. Instead, we celebrate obesity and normalize overweight people in advertisements and store mannequins. Americans are the fattest people in the world. I hesitate to be so brusque about it, but the situation demands it. Here's a bit of good news. I read recently that for the first time in a long time that American obesity recently declined slightly. I believe it's a mistake to blame the victim. When much of an entire nation, especially one the size of the U.S., is experiencing the same problem then something else is going on. Easy, inexpensive and delicious calories are difficult to resist. Some proportion of the population can muster the willpower, but by and large willpower diets don't work. Insurance companies do get involved in certain ways, at least some of them, for instance by paying for gym memberships and health advisors.
Trump's Team promises to address these problems head-on. Obesity? Good luck. That opinion has nothing to do with Trump - I just think the problem's very big with many factors.
The past is passed, we have new problems, and we need to give these guys a chance. They already had a chance and look what happened. Why the American people gave them another chance is not something I can make any sense of.
I haven't heard anything that's anywhere close to their ideas in very long time. If you think back to a period beginning about eight years ago you might recall some extremely similar ideas. Threatening Denmark, Panama and Canada may seem like new ideas to you, but to me it seems like the same old same old. Maybe one of the recent virus spikes (norovirus, RSV and bird flu) will give Trump an opportunity for a covid redux.
quote: We can litigate the past few decades' events "till the cows come home", casting all the aspersions we want. PaulK said nothing about litigation - did you perhaps mean argue? Anyway, you're dismissing facts as "digs" and "aspersions", but they are facts, facts that you're ignoring. You can't dismiss or ignore or pretend or explain them away.
But that won't accomplish anything going forward. The only thing to be gained from the past is objectively-gleaned Lessons Learned, and this Trump Team promises to do that. Are you delusional? Trump never, ever, admits error. He has no "Lessons Learned." The "Trump Team" will make the same types of mistakes they made the first time.
If they fall short, I will be the first to acknowledge their failure. They fell short the first time and you're not acknowledging that, so the odds of you acknowledging any failures in this second administration are equally non-existent.
I am optimistic because I expect good things out of this administration,... Why?
...and if I don't see it I will be disappointed and I will have no reason to rationalize or conceal my disappointment. My expectation is that since you express no disappointment in the first administration that you won't express any about anything meaningful in this one either. I will be very surprised if I'm wrong.
I hired these people to do a job. What job was that? Destroy democracy? Alienate our allies? Destroy our environment? Let our citizens die? --Percy Edited by Percy, : Grammar.
Percy Member Posts: 23156 From: New Hampshire Joined: Member Rating: 5.7 |
K.Rose writes in Message 225: xongsmith writes in Message 223: but Trump doesn't uphold the Constitution. He shits all over it. How so? Seriously, dude? You want us to take your views on Trump seriously and then you give us this "play dumb" bullshit? What is it with you? EvC Forum has been around for a long, long time (longer than Facebook and X) and used to be very active, but Google now puts us way at the bottom of searches so we no longer attract many new members and activity levels are way, way down from their heights from around 2004-2014. I'm the only active admin left, so the admonition to admins to not moderate threads they're participating in no longer makes sense and has to go by the board because I'm participating in all the active threads. If you have an explanation that would help me see this behavior in a different light then message me, but otherwise just cut the crap, okay? --Percy
DrJones* Member Posts: 2362 From: Edmonton, Alberta, Canada Joined: Member Rating: 6.7 |
How can a Christian support such a man?
easy they care more about power than moralsIt's not enough to bash in heads, you've got to bash in minds soon I discovered that this rock thing was true Jerry Lee Lewis was the devil Jesus was an architect previous to his career as a prophet All of a sudden i found myself in love with the world And so there was only one thing I could do Was ding a ding dang my dang along ling long - Jesus Built my Hotrod Ministry Live every week like it's Shark Week! - Tracey Jordan Just a monkey in a long line of kings. - Matthew Good If "elitist" just means "not the dumbest motherfucker in the room", I'll be an elitist! - Get Your War On *not an actual doctor
Admin Director Posts: 13140 From: EvC Forum Joined:
In case it wasn't clear, you weren't expected to agree with xongsmith. It was the pretending you had no idea what he was referring to that was problematic.
Percy Member Posts: 23156 From: New Hampshire Joined: Member Rating: 5.7 |
Responding to this again given Trump's comments yesterday:
K.Rose writes in Message 228: I haven't heard anything that's anywhere close to their ideas in very long time. Trump's comments yesterday from 'He is the blame for this': Trump points finger at Newsom for wildfires with disputed evidence - ABC News:
quote: Does this sound like a new idea to you, blaming Democratic politicians for natural disasters that occur in their region? Again, think back to a period beginning eight years ago. Do you recall Trump blaming Newsom for California fires then, too? Maybe when he said, "Get your act together Governor. You don’t see close to the level of burn in other states," back in 2019? Maybe when he said, "They’re starting again in California. I said, you gotta clean your floors, you gotta clean your forests — there are many, many years of leaves and broken trees and they’re like, like, so flammable, you touch them and it goes up...Maybe we’re just going to have to make them pay for it because they don’t listen to us," in 2020? In Trump's view, those parts of the country that are not led by loyal Republicans may as well not be part of the United States. He doesn't seem to understand that he will soon be president of all the states of the country, not just those states led by politicians he likes. --Percy
K.Rose Member Posts: 234 From: Michigan Joined: Member Rating: 3.9 |
Admin writes in Message 247: It was the pretending you had no idea what he was referring to that was problematic. I'm not sure what you're saying here. Have I violated some rule? Here is the entirety of his post:
xongsmith writes in Message 223: but Trump doesn't uphold the Constitution. He [s***s] all over it. That's one assertion with no supporting argument, and one ambiguous crude reference. Asking for some type of elaboration is quite reasonable.
K.Rose Member Posts: 234 From: Michigan Joined: Member Rating: 3.9 |
Percy writes in Message 245: ... then you give us this "play dumb"... Help me understand the protocol here. Is asking someone to elaborate "playing dumb", or is disagreeing with someone playing dumb? An entry like 223 makes it clear that Trump is disliked, but it doesn't of any thoughtful, reasoned support for its claim.
quote:Not to kiss up, but I must say:
K.Rose Member Posts: 234 From: Michigan Joined: Member Rating: 3.9 |
Percy writes in Message 243: I don't understand why you went into that extended digression. Gee whiz, Percy. You asked me more or less the same question ("how can a moral Christian vote for him") at least three times, so I wanted to give you a clear explanation. This line of discussion may digress from the main topic (2nd Trump Presidency), but it's perfectly in line with your entries and questions.
K.Rose Member Posts: 234 From: Michigan Joined: Member Rating: 3.9 |
PaulK writes in Message 241:
Alas, we are at an impasse. You are of the mind that Trump and his Team are thoroughly wrong-headed, incapable, duplicitous, and insincere. Not sure what compelling evidence could be brought in to support this, outside of adamant opinion. I am optimistic that Trump and his Team will be successful even though they have not started and are not even officially in place. I have no compelling evidence to offer, outside of this opinion. Not sure where to go from here.
PaulK Member Posts: 18053 Joined: Member Rating: 4.9 |
quote: More accurately I know that. Just as I know that Trump is hardly for the “little man”. Remember the cruise ship at the start of the Covid pandemic? And how Trump only cared about the figures and how they made him look? Or how about the fake elector plot? Or the related attempt to get Mike Pence to arbitrarily send the certified votes back to the States -something even Pence recognised as being against the Constitution. Not to mention that you lead off with anti-vax spin.
quote: Because despite the supposed transparency Trump is just throwing things out - the suggestion that he might try to conquer Greenland is even worse than his promise that Mexico would pay for his wall. In the election Trump was claiming that he was the one for peace and his opponents were the warmongers. Yet now he’s suggesting that he might start a war with Europe by attacking a NATO member! Seriously does that look good to you? Is that really what the incoming President should be saying?
Admin Director Posts: 13140 From: EvC Forum Joined: |
K.Rose writes in Message 249: Admin writes in Message 247: It was the pretending you had no idea what he was referring to that was problematic. I'm not sure what you're saying here. Have I violated some rule? Here is the entirety of his post:
xongsmith writes in Message 223: but Trump doesn't uphold the Constitution. He [s***s] all over it. That's one assertion with no supporting argument, and one ambiguous crude reference. Asking for some type of elaboration is quite reasonable. How so? How do you like it when it's done to you? What you mean is quite as obvious as xongsmith's reference to a constant focus of this thread. If you truly don't get it then that's on you. People can't be expected to have to deal with this level of obtuseness. --Percy
Percy Member Posts: 23156 From: New Hampshire Joined: Member Rating: 5.7
K.Rose writes in Message 251: Percy writes in Message 243: I don't understand why you went into that extended digression. Gee whiz, Percy. You asked me more or less the same question ("how can a moral Christian vote for him") at least three times, so I wanted to give you a clear explanation. This line of discussion may digress from the main topic (2nd Trump Presidency), but it's perfectly in line with your entries and questions. I don't know what to tell you. You entirely missed the point by digressing into Godly versus worldly law. Trump lies, cheats and steals. That breaks both Godly and worldly laws. It's in the legal codes of all the towns, cities and states and of the nation, and it's in God's Ten Commandments. How can a Christian support such a man? --Percy
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