Message 1 is a reproduction of one of AbbyLeever's webpages. It was originally commented on, and linked to in another topic. It was my non-admin counterpart that suggested that the material deserved a topic of it's own.
I think there is the potential of controversy, on such webpage reproductions as messages, even if the page is the member's own production. I am inclined to think that parts of message 1 would have been best left out, when posted in the context of . In other words, administratively, I approve of the content, but not of the webpage type structure.
The bottom line, is that I encourage anyone that has any objections to the manner in which this material was presented, to do such in a
"Suggestions and Questions" topic, and not in this topic.
Here is the place to debate/discuss the content of message 1, and not the manner in which it was presented.
PS: It seems that some things have been edited in message 1, while I was preparing this message. Therefore, some of my above comments may be less/non-relevant.