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Author | Topic: Man's Successor | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
sstaubin Junior Member (Idle past 6189 days) Posts: 4 Joined: |
What will be the name of Man's Successor?
I'm trying to determine what will be the name of the animal that man will evolve to. Here's a Species List: This list is in chronological order by genus. SahelanthropusSahelanthropus tchadensis OrrorinOrrorin tugenensis ArdipithecusArdipithecus kadabba Ardipithecus ramidus AustralopithecusAustralopithecus anamensis Australopithecus afarensis Australopithecus bahrelghazali Australopithecus africanus Australopithecus garhi ParanthropusParanthropus aethiopicus Paranthropus boisei Paranthropus robustus KenyanthropusKenyanthropus platyops HomoHomo habilis Homo rudolfensis Homo ergaster Homo georgicus Homo erectus Homo cepranensis Homo antecessor Homo heidelbergensis Homo rhodesiensis Homo neanderthalensis Homo sapiens idaltu Homo sapiens (Cro-magnon) Homo sapiens sapiens Homo floresiensis What's next? Does anyone know what the logical extension of Homo is? Edited by sstaubin, : Clairification
Admin Director Posts: 13140 From: EvC Forum Joined: |
You need to flesh this out into at least a good paragraph or two. Introduce your topic, provide some background, then outline your position.
sstaubin Junior Member (Idle past 6189 days) Posts: 4 Joined: |
Thanks Percy,
I've edited the original post for more clarification.
Admin Director Posts: 13140 From: EvC Forum Joined: |
Thread moved here from the Proposed New Topics forum.
AZPaul3 Member Posts: 8712 From: Phoenix Joined: Member Rating: 5.0 |
I can think of three:
Homo Cybernesis - for the Borg fans.Homo Singularus - for Ray Kurzweil fans. Homo Extinctus - for Al Gore fans. Edited by AZPaul3, : kant spel
pelican Member (Idle past 5308 days) Posts: 781 From: australia Joined: |
What will be the name of Man's Successor? WOMAN ![]()
Dr Adequate Member Posts: 16113 Joined: |
In the future, we shall of course all be strict cladists.
Hence, we will not rename our species until it evolves into two reproductively isolated species, at which point we shall have to give new names to both of them. Homo terra and Homo centauri?
Chiroptera Inactive Member |
What will be the name of Man's Successor? *sigh* I have this fear that I'm going to be "volunteered" to serve on the search committee.
Sorry. Academia joke. ...Onward to Victory is the last great illusion the Republican Party has left to sell in this country, even to its own followers. They can't sell fiscal responsibility, they can't sell "values," they can't sell competence, they can't sell small government, they can't even sell the economy. -- Matt Taibbi
Taz Member (Idle past 3614 days) Posts: 5069 From: Zerus Joined: |
Homo Perfectus
Homo Ledomus Edited by Taz, : No reason given.
Chessmaster Junior Member (Idle past 4951 days) Posts: 11 Joined: |
Homo Supremos
Agobot Member (Idle past 5853 days) Posts: 786 Joined: |
We are doomed... as times moves on, we develop more and more powerful weapons. It's just a matter of time till some radical lowlife group gets hold of such weapons and wipes us all out(all in the name of god or some similar horseshit). Hence, an immediate ban on religions is a must.
Edited by Agobot, : No reason given. Edited by Agobot, : No reason given.
Dr Adequate Member Posts: 16113 Joined: |
I really don't think you've thought that one through.
Agobot Member (Idle past 5853 days) Posts: 786 Joined: |
Whether you like it or not, the tolerance experiment has failed. And so did the experiement for the integration of people of different religions into one society. Both have failed miserably in the EU and the US. If we continue to turn a blind eye to the growing islamic threat, the civilisations clash is inevitable. If we want a successor, a total ban on religions is a must before they get hold of nuclear weapons and wack us in the name of god.
Edited by Agobot, : No reason given.
Blue Jay Member (Idle past 3021 days) Posts: 2843 From: You couldn't pronounce it with your mouthparts Joined: |
Maybe we should name the new species after the first individual we positively determine to be of said species, such as:
Homo bluejayi Though you'd be better off using last names than first names, like this: Homo adequateiHomo staubini Maybe, we'd name them after the discoverer, in the same manner. Or, we could name them after the trait that distinguishes them from us: Homo quadratocephalusHomo horridops Homo magnarostrus There was a point to this [post], but it has temporarily escaped the chronicler's mind. -modified from Life, the Universe and Everything, Douglas Adams
Dr Adequate Member Posts: 16113 Joined: |
Whether you like it or not, the tolerance experiment has failed. And so did the experiement for the integration of people of different religions into one society. Both have failed miserably in the EU and the US. No they haven't. Not from where I'm sitting. (Leicester, UK.)
If we continue to turn a blind eye to the growing islamic threat, the civilisations clash is inevitable. If we want a successor, a total ban on religions is a must before they get hold of nuclear weapons and wack us in the name of god. I still think that you haven't thought this through. First, the people who wish to ban religion are a minority. They are a minority even among the irreligious. How are "we" meant to ban religion? Some sort of un-Holy War? But "we" are outnumbered. And I, for one, despite my lack of belief, would fight on the other side. Secondly, any such attempt would precipitate exactly the sort of crisis you wish to avoid. Finally, your proposition is grossly immoral, for exactly the same reason that the worst excesses of religion are immoral: because you wish to introduce compulsion into matters of conscience. What, pray tell me, are "we" meant to do with the believers who do not respect "our" ban on religion? Burn them at the stake? Stone them to death? Do explain. --- N.B: I notice that this has nothing whatsoever to do with the topic of the thread. Edited by Dr Adequate, : No reason given.
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