It has been shown that if a modern human is not taught human language, and has void or very limited human contact/interaction (except for feeding) he will fail to speak, mature, and act more or less barbaric. Nurture has a lot to do with behavior considered civilized or "human". "Evolved", "higher" brains have little to do with what makes us human. Whatever natural "human" inclinations or potential we may be born with fail to develop if not nurtured. Ifevolution is true, where did the very first man get his knowledge and instruction? Where did he receive his language, and what enabled him to develop his sense of morality and values? If it all came from animals, why don't we all still use identical language and behavior of animals? Why aren't we all like Tarzan? Monkey see, monkey do, right?
Thereis a chief difference between animals and humans. Animals are more or less sure of things (instinct). Humans, on the other hand, tend to approach the world with wonder and curiosity. We seek to learn and know things. We have a need for knowledge and instruction. This is evident from the time we learn to speak. If evolution were true, why would the inquiring minds of early humans, (whose brains had developed logic enough to write and create tools) create an imaginary God to teach and guide them? An imaginary God could not be seen or heard, nor could it help man at all to be anything more than animal-like. A mere figment could never fulfill humans' pursuit of and need for knowledge. A fresh, inquiring, new species that realizes that it is unsure of things would not "invent" a God to instruct it. This is silly. Little children don't even do this. Children leave their endless stream of questions to real humans, not their imaginary friends.Obviously, God gave the first man language, spoke to him, and instructed him. Early humans spoke about God because they knew of God first hand. They did not invent Him. Really if evolution and materialistic forces truly created man from beast, then should there even be any mention of God ever in history? What is the real reason for God being connected to human society? The need for societal control is not enough since there was obviously a more important and basic need for knowledge and instruction to begin with. The idea of God has no business in a truly evolutionary genesis, yet we find He exists. Why? Because humanity did not create God. God created humanity. Ideas of God have been handed down from fact, not fiction, and records or Him have been preserved down till our day via writing. God is fundamental to humanity's existence.