Is the Big Bang the best cosmology? Are there other cosmologies that fit the evidence of what astronomers see in our universe? One article I read proposed the number of new cosmological models to be in the hundreds.
There are many problems with the Big Bang I would like to cover in this post. The biggest problems I have with BB are the dark energy dark matter problems consider the following:
The Big Bang theory has truly become a case of the tail wagging the dog. The invention of dark energy and dark matter relies on human imagination. What has happened to observation shaping theory instead of the theory taking on a life of its own? Consider the proposal, we only observe five percent of the universe by telescopes, radio and otherwise. Seventy-two percent is supposedly dark energy and twenty three percent composed of Dark Matter. By far these are two of the most unlikely and bazaar things ever conceived of by science. However, this balance of density parameters must be there to bolster the Big Bang.
In addition, there is a suggestion that the Cosmological Principle may be incorrect, remember it states that the universe has no center or no edge. The Cosmological Principle was most appealing in that it provided a simpler solution in General Relativity but quantized redshifts and galaxy orientations seem to suggest a universe center. What could be more logical, if the universe had a beginning then it should have a center.
I would like to bring up a particular Christian cosmology the Carmeli 5d cosmology. It predicted the type 1A redshifts at the far reaches of the universe two years before they were discovered.
Cosmological relativity - CreationWiki, the encyclopedia of creation science
Carmeli places our Milky Way at or near the center of the universe. The suggestion that the Milky Way is at the center of the universe solves many of the observational problems existing in the Big Bang at the same time maintaining parsimony in the explanation. To date Astronomy has no evidence against the Milky Way being at the center of the universe.
Also dark matter and dark energy are not needed in Carmeli’s model. So, did God place the MilkyWay in a special place in the universe?