Information is independent of matter -
- Information, as an immaterial subject, cannot appear in the natural laws, or in other words, the natural laws deal only with matter and have nothing to do with information;
- Information does not obey the natural laws. Information follows its own rules, for example, language follows its vocabulary and grammar;
- Information cannot be generated by matter.
For biology, Information is independent of matter leads to —
- Life consists of matter and information;
- matter cannot produce genetic information;
- All bioinformatic processes don’t follow the natural laws.
On the origin of life on Earth
- Because the following three factors — the first life on Earth must contain genetic information, matter cannot produce genetic information, and the primitive Earth was a matter-only world before the origin of life -, the genetic information of the first life cannot be naturally generated on the primitive Earth;
- Therefore, the natural origin of life on Earth is impossible in science, so science cannot explain the origin of life on Earth based on the natural laws;
- In addition, these three factors will not change with the development of science and technology in the future, so science cannot explain the origin of life on Earth, not only today, but forever;
- The cause for the origin of life on Earth can only logically point to a supernatural power, namely God. God created life on Earth.
On the biological evolution
- Point mutations are caused by inevitable errors in DNA replication during cell division due to thermal movement, so they are random, but random point mutations cannot produce meaningful genetic information;
- All other genetic mutations, being bioinformatic processes, don’t follow the natural laws and are non-random;
- Therefore, biological evolution is not driven by natural forces and does not follow the natural laws. Science cannot explain the mechanism of biological evolution based on the natural laws;
- In addition, the reason leading to that science cannot explain the mechanism of biological evolution will not change with the development of science and technology in the future, so science cannot explain the mechanism of biological evolution, not only today, but forever;
- The cause for the mechanism of biological evolution can only logically point to a supernatural power, namely God. God gave life the ability to survive and evolve.
At present, I’ll only reply the posts related to the question — Life consists only of matter OR life consists of matter and information. SORRY.