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Author Topic:   Who & what are the demons ?
Member (Idle past 4686 days)
Posts: 574
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Joined: 08-24-2003

Message 1 of 2 (492861)
01-03-2009 10:46 AM

We have heard it rumored that the demons Jesus and His apostles cast out are fallen angels.
However, there is no passage that actually says that (to our knowledge). This came to us earlier as we were contemplating Jude 6, And angels who did not keep their own domain, but abandoned their proper abode, He has kept in eternal bonds under darkness for the judgment of the great day
2nd Peter 2:4 is similar.
The issue here is that Satan and his Angels are cast out of Heaven immediately after Jesus' resurrection (Rev 12:9). If the Authors of Jude and Peter claim that these angels were put into hell, then they could not have been around tormenting people during Acts, and Paul would not be too concerned about their teaching people in 1st Timothy 4:1.
If it may appear that demons are not fallen angels, then what are they, and where do they come from? Some might find this just an odd question of no real relevance, but some would find it very relevant because many teach that the Father cannot create anything evil. The bible itself says no such thing, but many hold that it would go against the God's goodness. This is rumored to be the same reason people claim Satan had to be an angel at some point. Actually, it seems the above verses would suggest that Satan is not, in fact, a fallen angel, as (apparently) he is not confined in hell at the moment.
Perhaps demons are evil souls of Nephlim who died.
Anyone else have some ideas?
One Love
bible study please (& thank you)
Edited by Bailey, : grammar

I'm not here to mock or condemn what you believe, I'm just a fool playing with ideas.
My only intention is to tickle your thinker. Trust nothing I say. Learn for yourself.
Think for yourself.
Mercy Trumps Judgement,
Love Weary

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Joined: 06-14-2002

Message 2 of 2 (493024)
01-05-2009 8:07 AM

Thread copied to the Who & what are the demons ? thread in the Faith and Belief forum, this copy of the thread has been closed.

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