Someone asked me recently (see
here) what the core created species are in the book of Genesis. So I thought I'd suggest a new topic with some quick research on what these would be according to Genesis 1 and Leviticus 11 for discussion of what parent species would be according to the Bible.
I provide the Hebrew words and explanation of what affects translation for the core species. Interlinear pages for seeing the original Hebrew text are available at,,,,, or one can use software like the
PowerBible 90 day demo or
eSword. For the families within them I just provide KJV translations which, while perhaps incorrect, will give a quick possibility for what the correct translation might be.
Genesis 1:11-12 gives 3 core species of plants:
'Deshe - It is usually translated "grass" by the KJV but sometimes "herb" as well. It was the 1st of the plant types mentioned and was created the 3rd day. (vv. 11-12)
'Eseb Zara' Zera' - Three Hebrew words are used, 'Eseb meaning plant (KJV herb or grass), Zara' meaning to sow (KJV sow), and Zera' meaning seed (KJV seed), thus Seed-Sowing Plant. It is the 2nd plant mentioned in Genesis 1 and was created the 2nd day. (vv. 11-12)
Periy 'Ets - The Hebrew words used are Periy meaning fruit and 'Ets meaning Tree. It is specifically said to have seed within itself. It was the 3rd of God's created plants mentioned in Genesis 1 and was created the 3rd day. (vv. 11-12)
Concerning other life, the apparent core species appear to exist according to Genesis 1:
Mayim Sherets - The Hebrew word Sherets is often translated creeping thing, and is used with another Hebrew word Mayim meaning waters, thus effectively referring to small marine life. It is the first creation mentioned in Genesis 1 and was made the 5th day (thus including marine life). (v. 20) In Leviticus 11:10 the marine life was specifically said to be everything without fins and scales in the seas and rivers.
'Owph - This Hebrew word is often translated "fowl" by the KJV but simply refers to flying creatures, both birds and insects, and appears the best defined of the Biblical families. They are the second creation mentioned in Genesis 1 and were made the 5th day. (vv. 20-22, 26, 28, 30) Specific bird families mentioned include nesher (KJV eagles), perec (KJV ossifrage), 'ozniyah (KJV ospray), da'ah (KJV vulture), 'ayah (KJV kite), 'oreb (KJV raven), bath ya'anah (KJV owl), tachmac (KJV night hawk), shachaph (KJV cuckow), nets (KJV hawk), kowc (KJV little owl), shalak (KJV cormorant), yanshuwph (KJV great owl), tanshemeth (KJV swan), qa'ath (KJV pelican), racham (KJV gier eagle), chaciydah (KJV stork), 'anaphah (KJV heron), duwkiyphath (KJV lapwing), and 'atalleph (KJV bat). (Leviticus 11:13-19)
The group also appears to have included insects as a subgroup,
'Owph Sherets, or Flying Creeping Things. Specific families named included 'arbeh (KJV locusts), col'am (KJV bald locusts), chargol (KJV beetles), and chagab (KJV grasshoppers). Insects were divided into two groups, one okay for eating (Clean), and one not okay (Unclean), with the difference those which had 4 legs as opposed to a different number. (Leviticus 11:21-25)
Tanniyn - This Hebrew word is translated first as "great whales" but usually is translated as "serpent" or "dragon", and once even "sea monster". It appears to involve some kind of huge reptiles of uncertain origin, perhaps dinosaurs. It is the 3rd creation mentioned in Genesis 1 and was created the 5th day. (v. 21) A specific family appears to be the livyathan (KJV leviathan, also called piercing serpent). (Isaiah 13:22)
Mayim Chay - Chay is often translated "life", whereas Mayim refers to waters, thus Marine Life. It appears a major category for fish and larger marine life. It is the 4th creation mentioned in Genesis 1 and was created the 5th day. (vv. 21-22) It appears grouped together with 3 of the 4 previously mentioned core species (minus 'Owph) as Dagah Yam (KJV fish of the sea) later in the chapter. (vv. 26, 28) They appear to be defined as having fins and scales in Leviticus 11:9.
'Erets Chay - Two Hebrew words are used here, Chay often translated "life" by the KJV, and 'Erets meaning Earth, in other words, Earth Life (KJV beasts of the earth). They are the 5th creation mentioned and were created the 6th day. (v. 24, 25, 28, 30) They were mentioned twice in v. 24 and thus may include two primary kinds. They appear to have been divided by those which went on their paws on all fours, and those which did not. (Leviticus 11:27-28)
Behemah - The Hebrew word is always translated by the KJV as "beast" or "cattle" and appears to involve the idea of cattle. They are the 6th creation mentioned and were created the 6th day.(vv. 24-26) They were defined in two groups, those with parted hooves/cloved feet which chewed the cud, and those which did not.(Leviticus 11:4) Specific families appear to include chamowr (KJV ass), showr (KJV ox), seh (KJV sheep), gamal (KJV camel), shaphan (KJV coney), 'arnebath (KJV hare), and chaziyr (KJV swine). (Exodus 22:10, Leviticus 11:4-8)
Remes - Remes is usually translated "creeping thing" by the KJV, and the word appears to mean Reptile or Lizard. It doesn't appear to involve insects, which are mentioned instead as Owph in Leviticus 11:20-23. This is the 7th creation of Genesis 1 and was created the 6th day. (vv. 24-26) It appears to be also described as Sherets 'Erets in Leviticus 11:29, in describing creeping things of the earth, with specific families said to be 'akbar (KJV mice), tsab (KJV tortoise), 'anaqah (KJV ferret), koach (KJV chameleon), lata'ah (KJV lizard), chomet (KJV snail), and tanshameth (KJV mole). (Leviticus 11:29-35).
'Adam - Meaning man. They were the 8th and last of God's creations made in Genesis 1, and were created on the 6th day; designated as caretakers of the other creations. (vv. 26-30)
When separating by groups was done, it was for purposes of safety in eating, according to Leviticus 11. Creatures were divided into groups of Clean vs. Unclean, those which were safe for eating vs. those which were not to be eaten. The chapter was written to ensure Israelites ate only that which was okayed by God, perhaps for their own safety. (vv. 47-48) Distinctions mentioned in the chapter include:
-Insects were defined as clean if they had 4 legs (v. 21) but unclean otherwise. Those which touched the dead bodies of unclean ones were to wash their clothes. (vv. 24-25) Anything which crawled on the earth or had extra legs appeared forbidden as unclean in general. (vv. 41-42)
-Flying creatures (Owph) were defined as unclean by specific families rather than having defined criteria, which is why so many specific types are mentioned in the Bible. (vv. 13-19)
-Marine life was defined as unclean if it did not have fins or scales. Israelites were told not to touch the dead bodies of unclean ones. (vv. 9-12)
-Earth life was defined as unclean if it went on its paws on all fours. Israelites were told not to touch the dead bodies of unclean ones and to wash their clothes if they did.
-Cattle were defined as unclean if they chewed the cud or had cloven hooves. Israelites were told not to touch their dead bodies. (vv. 3-8, 26)
-Reptiles were defined as unclean, like birds, by specific families, rather than defined criteria. Those mentioned were considered so dangerous that anything they fell on (wood, clothing, tools, seed, etc.) had to be cleaned with water and purified. Vessels they fell into were to be broken. Probably a precaution against venomous ones like snakes. (vv. 29-38)
Edited by Jzyehoshua, : finished!
Edited by Jzyehoshua, : improving plant section
Edited by Jzyehoshua, : improving owph section
Edited by Jzyehoshua, : remes erets, minor change
Edited by Jzyehoshua, : No reason given.
Edited by Jzyehoshua, : No reason given.
Edited by Jzyehoshua, : mentioning leviticus 11 clean vs unclean explanation
Edited by Jzyehoshua, : interlinear tools mentioned for research purposes
Edited by Adminnemooseus, : Add more blank lines.