Hello everyone,
I spent a few years to actually test the predictions of intelligent design at the present time. A paper with about 60 pages and 9 appendices resulted (
About Testing Intelligent Design at the Present Time and References About a Triune God, viXra.org e-Print archive, viXra:1504.0033) that supports the theory of ID. We sent our paper to other researchers we know to get some feedback and even to ID proponents at the end. They were really thrilled by our results and suggested BIO-Complexity for a peer-review. We submitted our paper to BIO-Complexity but it was not accepted for a peer review, they only accept papers about biology. We asked other conventional research journals whether they accept papers about ID, but they only replied they will neither review nor publish a paper about intelligent design. Therefore we have now given up to search for a journal that would accept our paper. This statement is not only an expression of regret. I also want to warn every scientist who considers to write a research paper about intelligent design to not do so. It's not worth the effort. No one will ever review or publish it. That's sad but it's the truth.