I like to support causes I believe in, but supporting those causes will add you to lots of calling lists, snailmail lists and email lists. I am gradually removing myself from these lists, but it's a slow process.
I don't dare donate to these causes anymore, because as soon as I do I'll be back on their lists. Donating one day just causes a request for more money the next. That's how they thank you for your donation, by endless dunning for more money.
I'm in the process of actually removing myself from all lists related to the two universities I'm an alumnus of. I loved my time at these places and am always delighted to hear news of what's going on there, but I can't stand all the associated requests for money.
I just got a call from Planned Parenthood. "You're reading from a script," I said. "I'm required by the laws of New Hampshire to read this message..." he said, but I interrupted. "I'm not listening to a script. I like Planned Parenthood, but find a better way to solicit funds. Good bye."
Glad I got that off my chest.