I'm having a tough time understanding this.
This story just came out recently.
Star 13 Billion Light Years Away
I'm told that the universe is about 13 billion years old, and here we have a star that is observed by us to be 13 billion light years away.
1/ Doesn't this mean that what we are now seeing is that star as it was at a time very shortly after the Big Bang?
2/ I also understood that there is an "event horizon" because of the expansion of the universe that has moved galaxies beyond our ability to perceive them. However here we have a star that has been here since nearly T=0 and we're still able to view it. Why is that?
3/ Using the penny on the balloon analogy shouldn't this mean that we are looking virtually all the way around the balloon, (the universe), and if we looked in another direction that we could see the same star very much closer?
I'm only suggesting this as a topic of discussion for my own information. I don't pretend to have the knowledge to actually debate it.