I think debates here concerning what this or that Bible says are hampered by posters not citing exactly which version of the Bible they are using as a reference. Often I feel that such posters may be talking past each other by using different translations. I have seen various sources indicating there are thousands of versions of the Bible and even on the internet there are search engines such as
BibleGateway that claim to search 100 versions simultaneously.
So I have some questions:
Some people here believe this or that Bible is a literal translation of the word of god. Please identify which version of the Bible is the literal word of god including the language in which it was written.
Some people apparently believe that all the versions generally state the same concepts and therefore are equivalent regardless of version or language. How does this belief square with the idea that every dot and crossed T is to be taken literally letter by letter. What about the difference just between the Catholic and many Protestant versions in number of books included or excluded?
A few people seem to believe that the best version of the Bible, such as the Tanakh when referring to the OT, is that which has undergone the least translations is subject to the least error. Does anyone agree or disagree with this assessment?
Also, there are various denominations that evidently consider the Bible either incomplete or improperly translated. Such would to me seem to include Mormons, Jehovah's Witnesses, Christian Scientists, etc. I am curious as to what justification one uses in declaring all previous versions of the Bible either incomplete or obsolete while simultaneously considering it whole, complete, and infallible.
I just think it creates problems when Biblical literalists refuse to identify exactly which version of the Bible they are using, including any supplemental 'prophets' they include, when arguing for the veracity of biblical history, sanctions, guidelines, laws, and prophecy.
So I ask those who claim Biblical inerrancy to identify which version is inerrant so that us unwashed masses can be 'saved.'
Remember refusal to do so puts your position concerning your own religion and proclamations in this forum in an unfavorable light.
I realize there have been threads discussing this very concept in the past and if one is still open please fold this proposal into the appropriate venue. If not then please place this PNT under The Bible: Accuracy and Inerrancy.
Edited by anglagard, : fix grammar problem
Read not to contradict and confute, not to believe and take for granted, not to find talk and discourse, but to weigh and consider - Francis Bacon
The more we understand particular things, the more we understand God - Spinoza