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dogmai Guest |
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Author | Topic: We are the gods.. | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
dogmai Guest |
Evolution or Revolution..?So here we are"modern"..still following the writings of many story tellers..and still accepting the theories of Darwin...?The Answers are simple and have nothing to do..Mutations,DNA,The Great Flood and flying saucers....etc..When will be finally accept that we Humans are alone.When will we accept that we are the "Gods" who will create the future and who have created the past..Mother earth is a result of many "bits" from other worlds landing in the same place..Many combinations were needed in exact quanties,a certain distance from the Sun..and Walla..?These "bits" are useless devices on their own..but when placed together on one place,the potential for reactions to occur,became possibel,thus a lifeless Earth, became living reality.If the "enviroment" is the Universe..then earth represents all parts of the enviroment we live in..Earth had two moons not one.. Space debri shattered one,while scarring the other,resulting in massive earth bound chunks of mass crashing down onto the planet..The resulting impact,caused earths own debri to be ejected back into outer space..with many of its projectiles again hitting the serface of the remaining moon..If we take the moon as it is now..colour in the deepest areas in blue to represent water, and freely outline the remaining high ground ...with a little imagination,we would have a planet that looks very much like our own earth..Like there is a need for space to exist first, in holding all heavenly bodies within its realm,Deep canons,and craters would have been required to exist first on earth,before water was able to fill them..Hence The Planet mass came first,Potential Life was embedded second, the sun came third,and the seas of our planet earth came fourth. Now I don't want to be peripetetic about it..But the fact of the matter is,a simple easy to explain hypothesis has been presented,without the need for me hiding behind terms such as quarls,nutrinos, and all the rest of the jargon which is used by the scientific community,in explaining something which usually turns out to mean nothing..Like all things yet to come,it is possible to work out from our past what will eventuate in the future..maths is very forgiving in this area but limited..eg
No Gods plays the role of supreme creator,this is a protocol established and is reserved for the masses,and not for intelligent people who are trying to establish from where we came..How could anyone explain to the masses in clear comprehension that a flood is coming,which will cover the planet..You can't..., farming peasants are unable to think on such a level..But if I were to explain to such peasants,that water as high as a distant mountain(Ararat) will soon come..Even uneducated peasants would clearly understand this..So it seems that parts of the bible were taken from a story given by someone who was within visual sight of a distant Mountain..(Turkey) and so forth and so on..."pretty simple explanation" when you think about it..but then again,understandable if you were trying to explain the creation of the Universe to simple people..Surely we have progressed a lot further ,than Darwin or bibical scholars could have possibly imagined in their time,and yet many accept these "Gospels" as being an acceptable theory of evolution,and creationist theories. Are we really that daft...? The Universe came about to exist within the realm of another Medium..light..and Light has a definate start and ending...when light diminishes darkness sets in...and darkness is the only medium in the universe which allows light to exist in the first place...Take your average Light bulb..What makes it give off light waves and light particles..?No its not directly associated with electricity or vaccum..It's the free space between between the burning filament,and the glass bulb encasing the vaccum...The Space in between the two active recipients is what allows light to exist...So where did the universe emerge from...?There is no expanding Universe..there is only expanding light...When light cannot travel any further within the realm that was created for its being..then at that point the Universe stops..and Space takes over reflecting like a mirror everything held within the realm of the universe to give an impression of perpetual contiuation,after light stops travelling.eg: You many see light burning on earth from within an orbiting spacecraft,although its light particles and waves are not able to reach you,If you were able to travel until the end of light and hence time, and turn around,you will see exactly what we are seeing know through earth/spacebound bound telescopes..Reflections of a mirror image is indeed complex and deceptive. Instantaneous time is defined by the fact that if one can travel at 300000 times faster than the speed of light..then one would be travelling in an instant, with time meaning nothing.Hence since the sun is the biggest torch we know..then such light would only be able to reach a distance being the speed of light per KPS times 300,001 Km in all directions...in relation to the size of particular light source.Our deep space discoveries are based on linear examination of space..hence false calculations based on linear lenghths of time and distance,and not area mass taken up by an area some 30 Billion kilometers in radius (minimum).When Light stops so does time..and the illusion begins... Light came first,from it darkeness and space eventuated..so we now have the planets,life forms seas...etc..etc..amd we have a beggining when time began.How then the the phyical being of all heavenly bodies eventuate..?What is the link that can turn light into darnkess,in creating a realm where heavenly bodies can be formed to exist..?..I'm not going to tell you..I do have a very good hypothesis,very viable...but unfortunately totally differnt to the accepted "academic" views of today..When I feel its time to let the cat out of the bag,I will...But let me at least give you a hint..Firstly the Sun..it size has something to do with it...Big Bang theory..forget about it...Next week?How did humans evolve..(which is an incorrect term)..Humans did not evolve,the base was always there,and enhancements were added..Today it's called "badge" engineering...Back then it was "nature engineering"..totally different to the definition of "evolve"..but thats another story...and a very good one at that. dogmai David Papaastroatlas@hotmail.com [This message has been edited by Admin, 08-12-2002]
Percy Member Posts: 23163 From: New Hampshire Joined: Member Rating: 5.7 |
It might just be me, but I have a lot of trouble reading huge, monolithic paragraphs. There's an edit button at the bottom of each message, and if you feel like it you can edit your message to be readable by those like myself who are large-paragraph challenged.
--Percy [This message has been edited by Percipient, 08-12-2002]
Philip Member (Idle past 5044 days) Posts: 656 From: Albertville, AL, USA Joined: |
OK, David,
Please, bring it on, cough it up!The worse, we will do, methinks, is criticize or support components of your model, scientifically (I hope). We’re not permitted to be belligerent (my apologizes for mine to all), that would belittle you personally. All debaters here have been ‘diced-up’, from time to time, in this heated debate. But most recoup and resurrect formidably, as you will, I hope.
joz Inactive Member |
quote: 1)How do you know this.... Or is this opinion based on a statistical calculation without data (i.e idle speculation) what evidence do you have? remember absence of evidence is not evidence of absence.... 2)So we are "gods" and we created the past huh..... So can I take your time machine for a spin sometime? 3)Not sure about worlds per se but certainly supernova remnants... 4)Actually I am pretty sure that were you to take your time machine go back 5 billion years and sit there observing (you are immortal right I mean you`re a god and all....) you would see the sun form before the earth... 5)Possibly you mean quarks and neutrinos.... 6)How is the steam generated? do we go back to burning coal and wood? or do we use aour god abilities to vaporize it.... Fusion or Fission? I don`t think Fission is all that good a choice for a car.... 7)look on links and information board for a topic called "cold fusion maybe this time" it contains a report putting fusion power about 50 or so years away.... 8)Bishop Berkley wasn`t intellegent? Newton? your wrong here belief in gods or atheism is demonstrably independant of intellectual ability... 9)Um bud the free space is the vacuum... thats why the permitivity of a vacuum is known as the permitivity of free space.... 10)Actually if you could travel to the end of the light you would see what was happening at the end of the Planck era.... Which ain`t gonna happen unless you have a FTL drive as well as a time machine.... Oh and if you can see a light its wave/particles (note wave particle duality not as you expressed seperate particles and waves, put De Broglie on your reading list) have indeed reached you... 11)Well t = gamma*t` Gamma = 1/root(1-v2/c2) so you are saying that 0 = 1/root(-89999999999) ? I`m sorry but I disagree with you.... even if FTL travel is possible time never stops..... 12)The sun isn`t the biggest star (thankfully) and it isn`t the brightest star (equally thankfully)... 13)Um 30 billion Km isn`t actually all that far bud, in fact it only takes light 1,000,000 seconds to travel that far.... only about 11.57 days in fact.... Sounds impressive though.... 14)Hey why wait.... 15)Ah so your an ID theorist then eh? but you think that we humans made ourselves and are gods..... hmmmm no this addition doesn`t make ID any more coherrant.... [This message has been edited by joz, 05-09-2002]
joz Inactive Member |
Ok Percy I want a medal for trawling through that to reply.....
jimmy Inactive Member |
"There is a way that seems right to man, but in the end it only leads to death."
Jet Inactive Member |
Shades of Neo-Nihilistic Armstrongism!
Considering this topics beginning, it is no wonder that it died a quick and merciful death. Things That Make You G
Jet ------------------"KNOWLEDGE IS POWER! FEED YOUR BRAIN!".....................Jet "An entire world, rich in structure and history, may have existed before our Universe appeared; but if it did, science cannot tell what kind of world it was. A sound explanation may exist for the explosive birth of our Universe; but if it does, science cannot find out what the explanation is. The scientist's pursuit of the past ends in the moment of creation. This is an exceedingly strange development, unexpected by all but the theologians. Now we would like to pursue that inquiry farther back in time, but the barrier to further progress seems insurmountable. It is not a matter of another year, another decade of work, another measurement, or another theory; at this moment it seems as though science will never be able to raise the curtain on the mystery of creation. For the scientist who has lived by his faith in the power of reason, the story ends like a bad dream. He has scaled the mountains of ignorance; he is about to conquer the highest peak; as he pulls himself over the final rock, he is greeted by a band of theologians who have been sitting there for centuries." Astrophysicist Robert Jastrow
Andya Primanda Inactive Member |
quote: ...it's called 'living'. Nobody alive is able to get out of it, the only way out of 'living' _is_ death. So why bother? We all gonna be dead anyway! And Dawkins said, we are lucky to be able to die, because most people are not going to die, for they are never born.
allen Guest |
soyou let me know when you can throw a thousand parts of a watch into random areas of the universe..let me know when they randomly come back together and make a working watch.. then i will coioncider you a god....but not of the first kind...for there is only one god .JESUS
mark24 Member (Idle past 5517 days) Posts: 3857 From: UK Joined: |
quote: Let me see Jesus do it, then I'll consider him a God...... Mark ------------------Occam's razor is not for shaving with.
allen Guest |
You are living in what he already has done..
but let me continue with what the author of the original post mentioning the sequences of what came first without his documention. If he goes to the bible and reads the first chapter, he will see that his posted sequences of creation are all wrong as in out of order..the documentation i have is proof. The bible...it is historical proof written by the creator himself..yet man cannot accept the truth of creation by GOD. As for you who have posted the reply: let me see Jesus do it, then you will call him God, He has done it, and Now you can call him God.. i would like to see you create anything in the like He has created: ie: a working order for man to live in . Dont make me laugh at you again by posting foolish undocumented facts or creations made by man himself...creation was made for man to dwell in with God.
John Inactive Member |
quote: I thought it was Allah.... no, Shiva... no, that's not it, Marduk.... wait, no, Ra .... hang on, Tagaloa .... oops, sorry, Pan Gu.... Great Spirit, Tu-Chia-pai, Pele, Unkulunkulu, Bumba........ ------------------http://www.hells-handmaiden.com
allen Guest |
your post is noted john..
there is no confusion as to who created the heaven and the earth..it is shown in the first verse in the bible. In the beginning God created..therefore, God is the creator, Not buddah, or anyother man made god created . Is it hard to realise the historical record of who made the heaven or the earth. This is were man loses perspective of not only himself, but the sequentual events that led to mans creation by God. Later if you decide to read the bible, you will find that the son of God is Jesus. Yes God has a son. Then, if you open your mind and truely read and search the bible you will not be left unknowledgable of the Creation of God, and the works of his son Jesus. Now begin your journey as if you were there watching events unfold..because you can , because God has allowed man to read the record of his works , and the works of his son Jesus..all your questions are in there...its quite simple..try not making a political potpouri of the facts as they unfold..just assume you can accept what is written..it will be a start. Unfold your mind..place yourself as an onlooker in the events in the bible..try reading it cover to cover..try to understand..but you Must keep reading, because some of your questions are later explained as you read on in the bible.. now if you can't read the bible, then you cannot know the truth it is presenting you..also..while reading the bible, pray to God who created all, and ask Him for guidence and knowledge and understanding.. because he warns us: a man not of the spirit cannot discern the spiritual things he is writting about.. so now you know that not only is the bible a historical read of actual events that unfolded before mans time, but it also shows us the spiritual world that does exist out there.. maybe i look at the bible as a portal to the spirit world.. yes it excites me that i have found a true reading of spirits and the angels and demons etc. and i believe the bible is the true word of mankinds creator >>God. The bible does not say God has a second name..just God. Jesus was called many different names : healer..father..all knowing...son of the living God. etc. so i find it comforting knowing there is a God..but i suddenly realise , God is God. The creator.\so onward...when i was a child, i feared the unknown. i feared monsters under my bed.. i saw things i couldnt explain at a very young age. Untill i grew up and started reading the bible, did i then start to understand the bumps in the night..the angels.. fallen angels..demons..etc..and i came to the conclusion i had no better answer to my frights and unknown spiritual entities...well...i read that a particular angel decided he was going to sit higher than God..and God being a jelous God..kicked his butt out of heaven..(this is a short story form, bare with me.)...and the angels who followed this angle were thrown out of heaven..just like adam and eve were thrown out of the garden..God cannot be with sin. The angels name was Lucifer..but God renamed him: Satan//and the angles were no longer angels..but became demons..that is what vexes us today.. and angry fallen angel and demons..wouldnt you be a little peed off if you lived in heaven and were now cast down to earth...i would be..so we are vexed by them...the bible says to be cautious because we entertain angles unaware..so that means we are seen by the spiritual beings...well nuff said about that..im again not a preacher, but i do want you to understand there is only one God..God himself.Tho Jesus said: if you see me you have seen the father...which means: Jesus is no different than his father God. Yet Jesus was here on earth according to the bible..so to me that means if we have seen Jesus...we have seen God..or at least the people that were alive when he was here on earth..cool eh...i think so...but yet man cannot and wills not to believe in God Jesus or any of the creation. why, because he chooses not to believe in God..so what is left, is that the unbeliever is a believer in Satan. The evil.Satan is described as a fallen angel..destined by God to a eternal damnation in Hell ..Hell being a place where God also created to put Satan and his following angels into for eternity.. a place of torture...also the unbelievers in God and his son will find themselves in hell also for not coming to the forgiving power Jesus laid on the cross to pay for all mans sins. well you must read the entire bible..you have to search the bible..dont skip around.. read it front to rear. because i have found that events in the old testiment portray the things that come about in the new testiment. The bible is a wonderful read...REMEMBER..ONLY ONE GOD..AND THAT IS: GOD. . . and his son JESUS. dont argue..just read.
John Inactive Member |
quote: Good grief..... Don't you get it? An appeal to the Bible is meaningless to me.
quote: You assume that I haven't read the Bible. I have-- four times end to end during my adult life and I had unmeasurable exposure during my childhood-- church three time a week, Bible classes, youth groups, retreats.
quote: Virtually every god on the planet has a son.
quote: Are you trying to hypnotise me?
quote: But I am not. It is a book, just a BOOK!
quote: You are getting sleepy.... sleepy.....
quote: oops, beat you to it.
quote: It gets more absurd the more I read it.
quote: And the answers are meaningless if the book is just another book of mythology, which it is.
quote: Assuming the veracity of the Bible...
quote: Really, you just don't get it.
quote: Nope, sorry, I don't know this.
quote: No more so than any other book of mythology.
quote: Don't care at all what you believe. Your belief isn't evidence.
quote: You don't know your bible very well. God, just God, actually goes by many different names. Ever read it in HEBREW? Skipping the personnal witnessing.
quote: If one likes slaughter, rape, slavery, misogyny, cruelty, vicious injustice.... but actually, for such like DeSade is much more fun.
quote: Shutting brain of now. ------------------http://www.hells-handmaiden.com
allen Guest |
i was not posting to make you believe anything..if you indeed have read the bible 4 times completely thru, and in hebrew,thats a plus for you...short of getting personal with you, i dont choose to do so, so if your looking for another chance to deny Jesus and what he did for you personally, is your choosing.I just wanted to share my thoughts on evolution vs. creation. I mean i just wanted to let someone else see what i believe..not to get picked apart, or to convince someone else to believe , i simply mean this in short:
THAT I BELIEVE THE BIBLE IS A HISTORICAL RECORD, THAT IT SHOWS PROOF TO A BELIEVER IN THE WORD THAT GOD HIMSELF HAS WRITTEN.THAT THERE IS A SPIRITUAL WORLD THAT LIVES ALONG SIDE US. THAT WE HUMANS HAVE A SPIRIT INSIDE US.THAT THE BIBLE SPEAKS OF THE LOST OR UNSAVED/THE SAVED/. But yes the bible speaks of whores and liars and murderers and theives and perverts and the like, because the bible warns these and all men (sinners), there is a judgement comming, and a spiritural damnation for the sinners.IM JUST SAYING THAT I BELIEVE WHAT IT SAYS..BECAUSE IT ANSWERS MY FEARS...IT CLARIFYS WHAT I CANT SEE...SO I CHOOSE TO BELIEVE WHAT IT READS.. so you may have made your choice, and i cannot do anything about your choices..i do not live in your body so i dont care what you choose . I just feel it is a shame that adults today cant grasp the historical record the bible is..when a small child can accept it more easily with out any debate to its meaning.. I JUST THINK IT IS UNBELIEVEABLE ADULTS HAVE TO NIT PIC THE WORDS THAT COME FROM THE TRUE GOD HIMSELF..AND FLATLY REJECTING THE OLDEST DOCUMENT THAT TELLS US WHAT HAPPENED IN THE BEGINNING AS OPPOSED TO A MERE MAN WHO BURRIES A PIGS SKULL ALONG WITH A HUMAN REMAINS AND SAYS HE FOUND THE FIRST HOMOERECTUS..AND THAT DARWIN BEFORE HE DIED CLAIMED IN HIS LAST WORDS...THAT THERE MUST BE A GOD WHO CREATED. I JUST AM SAYING WHAT I BELIEVE TO BE TRUE...but you may go ahead as you will...hack apart my post, and have fun..it dont bother me at all..i just am waiting for someone to reply with an adult view to what i have written...i really dont care what you believe in...i just posted what i have found in my life..and was shareing it with you. But go ahead and call me names and tell me i need to start reading hebrew just because you have.. well im happy you can read hebrew...that is your choice not mine...i have heard that the hebrew language is more detailed and has more true meaning than the king james verson of the bible...happy happy happy...im not going to get pissed off because im less educated than others...i know i am, and i dont intend to go to college..or for that matter care how i spell... to me that is not at all important for me...CAN I JUST SHARE ..sheesh. oh, its your turn John...id like to hear some detail as to what you believe on the main topic i was trying to relate to..evolution/creation using the bible as a documented proof of creation. just my beliefs john..john do you have ANY BELIEFS? then share them with me because i am truely a kind person..i just want to share what i believe, not convert, not twist anyones arm..so lets reply to that ok john...dont get personal . .i havent been. alle
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