The ancient Catholic Mass is centered around the sacrament of Communion.
The word "mass" is derived from "massah" which means "barley cakes". These cakes are round thin wafers shaped like the sun. "Cana" means "priests" and "bal" stands for the ancient deity-idol of "Baal". The priests of Baal originated the practice of communion with Baal by eating his flesh in the form of these sun shaped wafers. Hence the origin of the word
"cannibal" = priests of Baal; and the origin of Mass = massah (barley cakes). [source: Dr. Gene Scott, oral teaching]
When the Catholic priest presides over Mass spoken in old Latin he raises the unbroken round wafer and says
"hocest corpus meus" = "this is my body". These Latin words are the origin of our English phrase
"hocus pocus". The Catholic Church claims at this precise moment, that is, when the priest speaks the elements in the chalice (wine) and the wafer (bread) transmutes (hocus pocus) into the literal blood and body of Christ.
"One time a man spilled the blood of Christ on his beard and they burned him to death" [Dr. Scott].
These facts show the heathen origins of the Catholic Mass. Bible students know when Jesus instituted the interpretation of Passover His blood was in His veins and His flesh was on His bones. Both elements are and were SYMBOLS representing the two-fold atonement work of Christ. Jesus broke the bread unlike the unbroken wafers of Baal-sun worship (which originated in Egypt).
Protestants attribute the Mass rite as crystal clear evidence of the invisible effects of Satan's corruption presence. NOBODY CAN SPEAK AND HAVE ONE SUBSTANCE TRANSMUTE ITSELF INTO ANOTHER SUBSTANCE (hocus pocus/black magic) - except God. Catholic transubstantiation is pure heresy originating from the dark mind of Satan.
Modern rational minds laugh at religionists over things like transubstantiation. Can you imagine Einstein or Sagan or Dennett or Hawking considering the "validity" of transubstantiation ? It is dismissed
a priori just as fast as anyone claiming the Earth is flat.
Satan has no long as something works he stays with it....there is no need to alter his attacks....the infinite law of perpetual double f*ck up.... [Dr. Scott].
In other words, it worked on religionists (people who have awareness of God) therefore, it should work on secular (people who have no awareness of God).
When Darwin speaks bears can transmute themselves into whales (First edition),
Origin of Species.
When Goldschmidt speaks a reptile or a bird is hatched from one or the others egg.
When Tim White speaks apes transmute themselves into hominids.
When Gould speaks "punctuationism" (hocus pocus) evolution very quickly conforms with the fossil record.
When Darwinists speak Clergymen came from molluscs (materialistic explanation for the existence of God in the minds of believers; common ancestry). [Desmond & Moore "Darwin" page XVIII, 1991]
We know the crust of the Earth shows no evidence of speciation whatsoever. Darwin recognized this fact as did Gould. What justifies "the fact" of speciation ?
When Darwinists speak.
The Cathloic priest uses his standing and his robe and collar to insulate any objections to transubstantiation. Darwinists use their educational credentials in like manner.
What could possibly make modern educated men believe in transubspeciation when the observable crust of the Earth falsifies the idea in its tracks ?
The effects of the presence of the invisible person of Satan.
Catholic priest and the modern Darwinist are shown to be identical.
Ray Martinez, Protestant Evangelical Paulinist
Edited by Herepton, : No reason given.