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Author | Topic: Evolution Disproven. | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
RvX Inactive Member |
I don't understand why people are still being brainwashed by this false evolution hypothesis... here's some evidence against it...
LAWS OF SCIENCE 1. No living organism can become something superior to itself. 2. Chance cannot cause anything. 3. Something cannot come from nothing. (Spontaneous Generation) 4. Things move from order to disorder, not the other way around. All of these proven laws of science contradict evolution. Also, some more stuff... Uranus and Venus (I'm pretty sure it's those) are moving in retrograde motion... how could this happen? A "big bang" would make everything rotate/spin the same way... Charles Darwin even admitted that he was randomly throwing out theories and that evolution "could not be true..." Let's have a cool discussion here... evolution v creation... Thanks guys! BTW: Mod, I read that post... sorry about that, won't post the same thing again...
Creationist-IIS Inactive Member |
Evolution simply is trash. I agree with you, sir. Evolution is complete junk simply because it is not good science and it cannot have happened. Has anyone sucessfully seen the progress of evolution?
No! Evolution is neither reproducable or observable. With the facts RvX posted above, it shows how evolution is false. CREATION FOR EVER!
Percy Member Posts: 23189 From: New Hampshire Joined: Member Rating: 5.6 |
I will delete account "Creationist" and ban the associated email. Only one registration is permitted per person. You wouldn't also happen to be Creationist-IIS?
--PercyEvC Forum Administrator
RvX Inactive Member |
No... I'm not Creationist-IIS...
I had no idea I could only register once, I'm really very sorry... I thought that it'd be OK to just tell you in the post that I know the rules now... and that I'm sorry for any hassle caused... Thanks...! [This message has been edited by RvX, 06-05-2002]
TrueCreation Inactive Member |
OMG, ok RvX, I hope someone assasinates Kent Hovind for all the brain-washing he has put you through. I am a YEC and I am intelligable enough to pass off this post as complete and utter idiocy and/or luticrus logic [No pun intended]. I understand that you have a seriously major lack in the ToE, so bare with me on my slightly hostile word usage. I think you are in great need of an antidote, stick around here and you may be cured, as well as some apetizers may do well. A elementary biology text book may suit you well. I have two recommendations:
Biology - The web of life; Strauss & LisowskiBiology - Concets & Connections - Second Edition; Campbell et al. --Regarding the Hovind Parroting:"Also, some more stuff... Uranus and Venus (I'm pretty sure it's those) are moving in retrograde motion... how could this happen? A "big bang" would make everything rotate/spin the same way..." --Basic lessons in astronomy will deliver you the conventional theories on the origin of planet orbits and rotation sequences. A quick overview of the mainstream Nebula hypothesis will evidently show you that this observation is no surprise. The Big Bang theory has absolutely nothing to do with Uranus and venus. "Charles Darwin even admitted that he was randomly throwing out theories and that evolution "could not be true..."--OMG, someone else help him with this one. --Sorry if reality hurts too much, but you have to stay away from that Hovind/Wyatt/Brown material, it really irritates and turns science into political propaganda and brain-washing tactics. My thoughts on Kent Hovind:
http://www.evcforum.net/cgi-bin/dm.cgi?action=page&f=11&t=17&p=11 http://www.evcforum.net/cgi-bin/dm.cgi?action=page&f=11&t=17&p=12 post 158 sets the stage well. ------------------ ![]()
wj Inactive Member |
RvX, if your post didn't smell so strongly of troll it might elicit a serious response. Unfortunately that is not the case.
RvX Inactive Member |
#1 What are TOE and YEC... sorry, not familiar with these terms, lol...
#2 Retrograde motion has everything to do with the Big Bang. In the "Big Bang," everything went spinning in the same direction. This proves that wrong. #3 What's wrong with Kent Hovind? OK, maybe his theory may and may not be correct, but he sure does know what he's talking about... I didn't use much from Kent Hovind anyway, basically just the retrograde motion point... TrueCreation: do you believe in Theistic Evolution or something? And guys, doesn't it really put you down to be this rude and insulting to a new member of this forum? Just be cool and tell me what's wrong... thanks. [This message has been edited by RvX, 06-06-2002]
Joe Meert Member (Idle past 6006 days) Posts: 913 From: Gainesville Joined: |
[QUOTE]Originally posted by RvX:
[B]I don't understand why people are still being brainwashed by this false evolution hypothesis... here's some evidence against it... LAWS OF SCIENCE 1. No living organism can become something superior to itself.[/QUOTE] JM: What exactly do you mean? I have become superior to myself (intellectually anyway) since birth.
quote: JM: Correct! Chance describes a set of outcomes. What exactly did you mean by this statement? Heads on a coin flip is a chance result. In this case, the chance is 50-50. Chance is not a causative mechanism, but instead describes the probability of an outcome.
quote: JM: This is an important point because.....???
quote: JM: False! I cleaned my desk today. I moved from disorder to order! Now, it's true that I expended energy in doing so.
quote: JM: You'll need to review 'law' and 'evolution' before posting again.
quote: JM: Ahh yes, Kent Hovind's head rears. This guy has a fake Ph.D. and is going around pretending to be something he is not. The answer is simple, of course. The 'Big Bang' happened around 12-17 billion years ago. Our solar system only about 5 billion years ago. A big bang would impart a radially-directed force outward. Some spin may be imparted to those objects, but please explain why it would necessarily be unidirectional? Further, explain why an event that occurred 7-12 billion years before the formation of our solar system would provide a 'spin' for the planets in our solar system?
quote: JM: You stole that from a creationist. Darwin said no such thing. Could you cite the full source of this 'quote'? Thanks!
quote: JM:Sure, but let's not bring nonsensical copied arguments to the table, OK? Cheers Joe Meert
compmage Member (Idle past 5479 days) Posts: 601 From: South Africa Joined: |
quote: This is logically true, you are yourself so how could you ever be superior to yourself? I am however sure that this is not what you were getting at. Also, individuals don't evolve, populations do, therefore this has no bearing on evolution.
quote: Chance can cause many things. Maybe you ment 'anything useful' or something like that? However, since evolution does not support 'anything' coming from nothing this statement also has nothing to do with evolution.
quote: Well done. That takes care of creation science (God creating the universe out of nothing). Were are you points against evolution?
quote: I presume you are refering the the Second Law of Thermodynamics?Evolution no more violates this law than snowflakes do (ordered crystals forming out of water). Thermodynamics does not strickly have to do with order and disorder. Care to read a textbook? quote: All of these laws? I'm sorry but I detect only one reference to a 'law of science' and you clearly misunderstand the law and its applications.
quote: Addressed by TC.
quote: Really? Care to give me a reference? Or is this another creationist misquote?
quote: TOE = Theory of EvolutionYEC = Young Earth Creationist quote: Retrograde motion has nothing to do with the BB (Big Bang). The universe expanded into a true vaccume. Where does the BB say that everything went 'spinning in the same direction'?
quote: Given that his 'theory' is not scientific and that his objections to the ToE are laughable. I submit that he does not know what he is talking about. ------------------compmage
joz Inactive Member |
Ummm hate to point this out but retrograde motion has nothing to do with the direction of spin, in fact it is due to the fact that we observe the planets moving in their orbits from a planet which is itself moving in orbit...
This leads to apparent backtracking across the background of the stars we observe this retrograde motion in all planets in our solar system.... Hovinds use of the term retrograde motion proves beyond doubt that he is a clueless moron...
Quetzal Member (Idle past 6198 days) Posts: 3228 Joined: |
TC: Well done!!! And from the loyal opposition, to boot! (Percy: We need an applause smilie.)
Quetzal Member (Idle past 6198 days) Posts: 3228 Joined: |
Creationist: If I might point you to this post on this forum. I laid out the process you're declaiming against in a way my 12-year-old understood (although I had to explain some of the terminology). Maybe you could share your incredible insights on that thread?
Peter Member (Idle past 1805 days) Posts: 2161 From: Cambridgeshire, UK. Joined: |
I think most of this post has been covered, but I'll add
my comments too ...
quote: Evolution is not about 'becoming superior' only about changebrought about by environmental pressure. quote: No (as mentioned by someone else) ... but if there is aprobability of something happen then that event CAN happen no matter how remote you might beleive the chance to be. The 'chance' of flipping a coin to heads is 1/2, that doesn'tmean that flipping a coin 100 times will result in 50 heads and 50 tails. quote: In respect of evolution, no one is saying that it did.
quote: Explain this more ... what do you mean by order and disorder ? In my understanding of those terms, in a metaphysical sense,order is a sub-set of disorder. That's just my opinion ... one of my more whacky one's perhaps, but ...
Daydreamer Inactive Member |
quote: I'd parody this about Creationism, but there are a few Creationists here I respect, so I will hold my tongue.
quote: You're butchering the word LAW - in science it is something that explains a phenomena without explaining why, such as gravity. A THEORY is something that explains both what and why, such as Evolution which which explains phylogenetic diversity (what) as a natural consequence of the existence of self replicating entities (why).
quote: Superior is a subjective term, and without definition it is meaningless. Also, if a bacteria in a slightly poisonous environment gives rise to an offspring with a mutation making it more resistant to the poison, is that offspring not superior?
quote: Chance is not a causative agent, it is the measure of the probability of some event occuring based on knowledge of the conditions required for the event and those present.
quote: Who said 'nothing' ever existed?
quote: This only applies in closed systems. If you would so kindly go outside and look up at the small yellow thing in the bright blue thing, you'd see that this doesn't apply to the earth. If you would so kindly stop eating and drinking, you'd see this doesn't apply to living things.
quote: Wrong on all accounts.
quote: The Big Bang wasn't homogenous, hence the fact the universe isn't uniform by any standard.
quote: Source this or shut yer yap.
quote: We are already doing so elsewhere, something which your mindnumbing post is working against, not for.
Percy Member Posts: 23189 From: New Hampshire Joined: Member Rating: 5.6 |
To the evolutionists: Is it really any fun hitting home runs off a little leaguer?
To TC: You get an attaboy!
To RvX: If the topic really interests you, hang in there.
--PercyEvC Forum Administrator
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