That is not the point. The point is that I have lost my Constitutional protections therof.
Wouldn't you be angry if they passed a law saying that Christianity is illegal? What if you never got arrested for being Christian would that law be okay then?
Are you saying that just because we are never personally affected by legislation that Constitutionality does not matter?
Laws are wrong based upon their principle not who they do and do not affect. Jim Crow laws were wrong the moment they were brought into existance, not the moment they started to infringe on the rights of African Americans.
Why do you feel a law only becomes unconstitutional the moment it is unsed in an an unconstitutional way?
FOX has a pretty good system they have cooked up. 10 mil people watch the show on the network, FOX. Then 5 mil, different people, tune into FOX News to get outraged by it. I just hope that those good, God fearing people at FOX continue to battle those morally bankrupt people at FOX.
-- Lewis Black, The Daily Show