Pinocchio, Snow White and Superman are walking down the street when they come across a sign, 'Beauty contest for the most beautiful woman in the world.'
'I am entering,' said Snow White. After half an hour she comes out and they ask her, 'Well, how was it? 'First Place', Snow White replied.
They continue walking and they see a sign: 'Contest for the strongest man in the world .'
'I'm entering,' says Superman and after half an hour he returns and they ask him, 'How was it?' 'First Place,' answers Superman.
They continue walking when they see a sign 'Contest! Who is the world's greatest liar?'
Pinocchio enters. After half an hour he returns with tears in his eyes. 'What happened?' they asked,
'Who's Dick Cheney?' asked Pinocchio
Doctor Bashir: "Of all the stories you told me, which were true and which weren't?"
Elim Garak: "My dear Doctor, they're all true"
Doctor Bashir: "Even the lies?"
Elim Garak: "Especially the lies"