This is exactly how others feel with this condescending superior attitude. It doesn't matter who is right or wrong, people have feelings to be taken into account.
No one can make you feel inferior without your consent.
--Eleanor Roosevelt
This is the wrong place to look for sympathy, empathy, or understanding. It is a debate board. It's all about the battle.
So it is best to keep your Achilles heel guarded and find your opponent's instead.
That's why it is wise to keep the encyclopedia idea of debate in mind and keep emotions out of it. That why we are to argue the position and not the person.
Usually, in a well-conducted debate, speakers are either
emotionally uncommitted or can preserve sufficient detachment to
maintain a coolly academic approach.
-- Encyclopedia Brittanica, on debate
As Zawi pointed out in
Message 3:
Someone who is wrong about an issue can increase their persuasiveness if their writing skills are superior to that of their opponent's, giving them an unfair advantage in debate,...
So if one is up against a good writer, they need to respond accordingly and not stoop to the personal.
If one is up against someone who stoops to the personal, one needs to maintain their distance.
Those of you very bright people should be leading the way and using your gifts to help others, not hurt them and dismiss them.
Unfortunately, since this is a debate board and opposition is the name of the game, it is difficult to just be inquisitive without being pummeled. Sad but true.