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Author Topic:   Anyone else notice this pattern?
Member (Idle past 735 days)
Posts: 5788
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Message 59 of 318 (447571)
01-09-2008 7:39 PM
Reply to: Message 1 by nator
12-28-2007 8:57 PM

I'll tell you what pattern I did notice, that supposedly higher educated, rational thinkers rarely know which way to turn a screw driver, can't hang a picture, or change their oil.
I've noticed there is a big difference in talking about how the world works, and actually working on it.
I've noticed so called "dumb" people, have more street smarts and common sense than most "educated" people. Autism kids are an example of just how people are good in some areas, and not good in others.
In other words what you've noticed is just life, and it doesn't mean shit. That's why the pattern exists. Should I go around calling all people who do not know how to turn a screw driver idiots? Or should I be fair, understanding, open minded, and willing to see both sides of a story and give the benefit of the doubt, and even help them to turn the dam screwdriver?
It's like your saying to us, only stupid people believe in God, and smart people are the ones that actually know what is going on. I fear not because I know God will show you different one day nator, as He did me. There's that chip I was talking about (bluegenes). The higher up you put yourself on that pedestal, the longer it is to fall.
Long live God, Nascar, beer, 3 wheelers, and people who can't spell who have no teeth. end rant.

This message is a reply to:
 Message 1 by nator, posted 12-28-2007 8:57 PM nator has replied

Replies to this message:
 Message 60 by Taz, posted 01-09-2008 7:59 PM riVeRraT has replied
 Message 70 by nator, posted 01-10-2008 6:11 PM riVeRraT has replied

Member (Idle past 735 days)
Posts: 5788
From: NY USA
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Message 66 of 318 (447687)
01-10-2008 1:03 PM
Reply to: Message 60 by Taz
01-09-2008 7:59 PM

In fact, I can't remember the last time I took my car or my wife's car to a mechanic for something as routine as an oil change. I do all of that myself. Heck, I even rotate my own tires.
What ever made you think you were one of those who can express themselves well? People who lose their temper often are not among the ranks of people expressing themselves well.
I agree. Perhaps NASA should have hired "dumb" people to plan for the missions to other planets. Heck, let's hire "dumb" people to design the next kick-ass passenger jet.
What do street smarts and common sense have to do with designing a jet or going to the moon? Talk about missed points.
Tell you another thing. I belong to a R/C plane club, and there is 100 members. Most of them are engineers, doctors, lawyers, etc. When they need someone to maiden there plane, they call me. Most of them can't actually fly the dam things. As a matter of fact a professor of aeronautics has asked me to maiden his UAV he designed and built with his students (video to follow when it happens). I said ok, but I made him change his plane around. Seems he designed it with too much wing loading, and the thing would never fly.
It's not that education doesn't impress me, or that it is not important. It's just that stupid people will always be stupid I guess.
My whole point is that not everyone can be good at everything, and the way you express yourself in writing may not have anything to do with how smart you are, or if you are right or wrong. Like you said everyone has a niche in society. Too make this world a better place, would be to accept that, and try to read in between the lines a bit, and give people the benefit of the doubt. And not try to point out any "patterns". Nator's patterns do not mean a thing, and she is just guessing. This is not the result of some scientific study, it's just her poopy opinion. Maybe all the people who are creationists, and can write well, just don't bother with this forum. I mean even Jesus walked away.
No. We're saying you guys stick with the street smarts and leave the academic stuff to us.
That attitude is pure bullshit, and a loser one at that. Any engineer who doesn't listen to his laymen will soon find himself at the wrong end of a bad design. No amount of "academic stuff" will ever get us were we want to be, or increase knowledge. Sooner or later someone has to be able to put it together to see if it works. I know plenty of "engineers" who don't know their ass from there elbow, and plenty of laymen who try to design stuff, and practically put peoples lives in danger. The beauty should be in working together, a trait I never see you exert.

This message is a reply to:
 Message 60 by Taz, posted 01-09-2008 7:59 PM Taz has replied

Replies to this message:
 Message 69 by Taz, posted 01-10-2008 4:04 PM riVeRraT has replied
 Message 71 by nator, posted 01-10-2008 6:37 PM riVeRraT has replied

Member (Idle past 735 days)
Posts: 5788
From: NY USA
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Message 67 of 318 (447688)
01-10-2008 1:05 PM
Reply to: Message 65 by ringo
01-10-2008 12:32 PM

Re: Working At Improvement
There's only one thing wrong with you quoting me. It is a missed quote, taken out of context. So while your trying to be "cute" you are only displaying a lack of understand and comprehension.

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 Message 65 by ringo, posted 01-10-2008 12:32 PM ringo has replied

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 Message 68 by ringo, posted 01-10-2008 3:05 PM riVeRraT has replied

Member (Idle past 735 days)
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From: NY USA
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Message 78 of 318 (447917)
01-11-2008 12:10 PM
Reply to: Message 68 by ringo
01-10-2008 3:05 PM

Re: Working At Improvement
Whether or not you said what you meant is your problem
It is close to the topic, that is why I brought it up. I've noticed a pattern with people who, quote "express themselves well in writing" seem to not be able to understand others writings, unless they agree on things, and even then it is shaky. I know it is not me, because many people understand perfectly what I write. On occasion there is a question or two, which is fine. We are all prone to leave out a thought or two once in awhile.
Which brings up a thought. Many of these so called "good writers" seem not to understand the bible in context, and all the time take things out of context. But I know that is something that only God can help them with.
My quote, was on the subject of multiple conversion experiences, not a single event, of which I have experienced. So your claim of people trying to tell for years is invalid.

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 Message 68 by ringo, posted 01-10-2008 3:05 PM ringo has replied

Replies to this message:
 Message 80 by ringo, posted 01-11-2008 1:03 PM riVeRraT has replied
 Message 89 by nator, posted 01-11-2008 6:14 PM riVeRraT has replied

Member (Idle past 735 days)
Posts: 5788
From: NY USA
Joined: 05-09-2004

Message 79 of 318 (447930)
01-11-2008 12:47 PM
Reply to: Message 69 by Taz
01-10-2008 4:04 PM

Riverrat, as much as I appreciate you responding to me, I'm not sure how your reply has anything to do with the quoted text. Does it make any sense to you?
You seemed to jump in there and say "hey, but I can turn a screw driver" which is in direct response to the pattern I noticed. As if to say, "I can articulate well, and turn a screw driver."
If you meant different, then I did not get it.
But riverrat, that's exactly the point. It's people who claim to have the street smarts who always seem to try to tell scientists what to do. Ask yourself this question. Are you a biologist? Are many creationists biologists?
I will try to explain it again. People with street smarts, are not smarter, or dumber than people with academic smarts. Nator is trying to point out the creationists cannot articulate well, which hints at them being "dumb", hence that is why they believe in God.
People with street smarts should not ever tell a rocket scientist what to do with his trade. But they can see clearly when something is not right, and can give feedback when appropriate.
Scientist, or biologist, should not be telling people there is no God.
Fair enough?
I do not know if creationist are biologists. I don't even care about I.D. or creationism. I believe in God by faith for other reasons, and I take it on faith that He created the world. How that all happened, I do not know, or pretend to know.
I do know that I would never go see a creationist, if I needed a tumor removed. Only for prayer.
Are many creationists physicists? We don't try to tell you which wrench to use on what. Why is it that you people are trying to tell us what's scientific and what's not?
This to me seems like a bad attitude. You see, many "mechanics" need to know the engineering side of things, so that they can accurately diagnose, and repair. While the engineer, doesn't seem to need to know how to turn a screw driver. If an engineer doesn't know how to turn a screw driver, or how difficult it is to get into a spot and actually turn the dam thing, then how is he going to design stuff to be worked on? Don't you even know where science started?
I do not include myself in this description, as owning my own business, I design, build, install and repair all that I work on. You can bet when I install something, it is put in a way that can be easily repaired.
As far as things being scientific or not, I am entitled to my opinion, as I use science for my trade, and read many publications, and watch shows. I also notice how whats is correct today, is not correct tomorrow, when it comes to science. Almost every night is a new a revolutionary discovery that will rewrite the science books. So it really doesn't matter what I think or say, cause it does not matter what science thinks or says, it is constantly changing. This statement is not putting science down, just putting it into perspective.
But then again, it is a general trend that we see creationists who can't write very well present the most bogus "evidence" for creation.
That is because there is a group of people out there who may possibly know and love God, and want to spread the message. In their eagerness to try and understand the Lord, they are mislead by creation science, and then jump in here and want to "set the record straight." It is that desire to spread the gospel that brings these people around. I was one of them. Instead of leaving though, I remained open minded and used the information in these forums to further educate myself, improve my writing skills, and have a better understanding of God, love, and science. It is funny, because in here I may "preach the gospel. or share about God, where as in church I talk about science to people, and just what role science should play in religion. (basically nothing).
What does this tell us? It tells us that we experience is just as important as book smarts.
Now you are getting it.
Ok, let's take it a step further. Creationists want us to teach the literal 6 day creation and noah's flood in the science classroom.
Which has nothing to do with the topic.

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 Message 69 by Taz, posted 01-10-2008 4:04 PM Taz has not replied

Member (Idle past 735 days)
Posts: 5788
From: NY USA
Joined: 05-09-2004

Message 81 of 318 (447936)
01-11-2008 1:05 PM
Reply to: Message 70 by nator
01-10-2008 6:11 PM

Having spent the last 15 years hanging out with many, many science PhD candidates and professional scientists, the opposite has been true in my experience.
I call Bullshit. You always come out these things that appear to completely contradict what I say. Let me tell you nator, I work on things for a living, and the majority of my customers are academic people who do not know how to turn a screw driver.
I even had one lady who was so impressed with my problem solving skills, and once explained to her in an understandable fashion she commented on why can't her husband who is a brain surgeon, figure these things out. This is typical.
I'll bet you wouldn't know how to design an FMRI experiment to test a theory about a particular aspect of working memory and how to analyse the data, but that's because you haven't gone to graduate school and gotten a PhD in Cognitive Psychology and therefore haven't been trained to do that. My husband has, and that's why he can, and has, done that numerous times.
Which has nothing to do with what I said, and only agrees with what I said.
The "dumb" ones were the ones more likely to have spent time in prison and to have gotten mixed up with drugs. Obviously, they couldn't have had much "street smarts" or "common sense" if they got mixed up with that kind of stuff.
**blink** you didn't just say that all people on drugs are dumb?
The smart ones, regardless of educational background, were always trying to get more education.
I worked in a hospital for 11 years. Almost every doctor there was on cocaine. I knew the guy who sold it to them.
Furthermore, our ability to communicate our ideas effectively in written form is a very good indicator of how orderly our thinking is and if we have mastered the use of our language.
No it isn't. People who score well in English do not usually do as well in math, and vise versa. Very few people possess the complete package, or are compelled to even try. I hated English, but that does not mean I couldn't be good at it. Just coming into these forums has inspired me to become better at it. I hope you have noticed an improvement.
Not everyone will be a brilliant writer, of course, but it is shameful how truly poorly some people write in this country. We already know that sub-standard school systems turn out illiterate people so it isn't that much of a stretch to figure that it will also turn out people who are really poor writers.
I agree.
What I'd like to know, though, is why so many of those terrible writers on this board seem to be religious and/or Creationists?
The smart ones are smart enough not to hang around?
I don't know, there must be 100 variables.
I am saying that a lot of Creationists are poor writers.
*correction* A lot of creationists on this board are poor writers. Which has nothing to do with their intelligence.
Apparently, you have a problem with comprehension as well as expression.
If you would have expressed it the way I just put it, then I would have understood better, and not left so much to the assuming mind. Plus I add all the other things you say into the mix, and I am pretty sure what you meant by it. Maybe you need to take more time to express yourself better.
There are lots of smart people who believe in God, but I think people can't be all that smart and also a Creationist. At the very least, a smart Creationist has to struggle with a lot of cognitive dissonance and willful ignorance.
Depends on the reason why you are a creationist. Read my response to taz.

This message is a reply to:
 Message 70 by nator, posted 01-10-2008 6:11 PM nator has replied

Replies to this message:
 Message 91 by nator, posted 01-11-2008 6:49 PM riVeRraT has not replied

Member (Idle past 735 days)
Posts: 5788
From: NY USA
Joined: 05-09-2004

Message 82 of 318 (447944)
01-11-2008 1:13 PM
Reply to: Message 80 by ringo
01-11-2008 1:03 PM

Name six.
LMAO. Usually it is name 2 or 3. You had to go to six? Poor show ringo. What are you scared I might actually name them? Why should I bother, you then would only go on to explain how those people are not well understood, or some bullshit like that. You have even understood me most times. You just claimed it a few posts ago.
Being understood, and not being agreed with are two different things.
Hint: One of the keys to writing clarity is anticipating what your words will mean to the reader. Knowing what's in your own mind isn't enough. Communication hinges on being able to trigger the same thoughts in other minds.
Yes, agreed, but not all minds think the same. Especially when it comes to God. I can only relate to my own experience with God, and how much my thoughts on Him and my understanding of the bible, changed in the snap of a finger. If God shows you a touch of His love, how then do you show to others? I believe that is our job. the point is not to give up on the first try. My step-son is handicap, when I met him he was 8 and could not fathom how many pints are in a quart. I had to explain it to him 30 different ways before he got it. You might take 31, but thats ok
you were saying more than you thought you were saying.
No, the topic was very specific of that reply. You just added to it, and took it out of context. A pattern I noticed with so called "articulate people."
Edited by riVeRraT, : No reason given.

This message is a reply to:
 Message 80 by ringo, posted 01-11-2008 1:03 PM ringo has replied

Replies to this message:
 Message 84 by ringo, posted 01-11-2008 1:42 PM riVeRraT has replied

Member (Idle past 735 days)
Posts: 5788
From: NY USA
Joined: 05-09-2004

Message 83 of 318 (447950)
01-11-2008 1:23 PM
Reply to: Message 71 by nator
01-10-2008 6:37 PM

When Taz explains something, I can understand him just fine.
Because you agree with him.
Well, I suppose that means you express yourself the least well of just about anyone on this board.
Is insulting people a part of expressing yourself well?
I never claimed any different. As a matter of fact I have always expressed how frustrated I am with being able to get my thoughts across to others. Mostly to those who disagree with me. But I am not convinced it is my writing skills, or the stubbornness of others. All I know is there are communication gaps, and forums are pretty challenging. I mean you could go on to explain something to me, and if I just don't understand, that does not mean you didn't write it well. The same consideration needs to be taken both ways.

This message is a reply to:
 Message 71 by nator, posted 01-10-2008 6:37 PM nator has replied

Replies to this message:
 Message 92 by nator, posted 01-11-2008 7:13 PM riVeRraT has not replied

Member (Idle past 735 days)
Posts: 5788
From: NY USA
Joined: 05-09-2004

Message 85 of 318 (447956)
01-11-2008 1:45 PM
Reply to: Message 84 by ringo
01-11-2008 1:42 PM

1.You are just full of yourself.
2 Yourself is full.
3 You are a legend in your own mind.
4 Who better than you?
5 Skipped a meal of humble pie?
6 Pride is the #1 sin.
7 How great you are.
8 Awesome!
9 Truly, no one is better than you!
10 You have it all figured out.
11 I guess you do not need to learn anything.
12 When I grow up, I want to be like you.
13 You are a bloom of pride.
14 Your pride is overwhelming.
15 Your intelligence is above par.
16 You need not talk here, you have it all figured out.
17 I guess someone got straight 100%'s on their report card.
18 How great is your ego!
19 Full of self esteem.
20 You hold yourself in the highest regard.
21 You only think you are brilliant.
22 It's great to have as much self respect as you.
23 Confident are we?
24 You realize of course you will eat those words one day?
25 Totally self-assured, that and a $1.50 will get you on the bus.
26 Ringo, a man with dignity.
27 Supreme face!
28 The glory is mine!!!
29 Ringo talk, otherwise known as "prestige bullshit."
and #30:
Ringo--the flatter man.
Edited by riVeRraT, : No reason given.

This message is a reply to:
 Message 84 by ringo, posted 01-11-2008 1:42 PM ringo has replied

Replies to this message:
 Message 86 by ringo, posted 01-11-2008 2:05 PM riVeRraT has replied

Member (Idle past 735 days)
Posts: 5788
From: NY USA
Joined: 05-09-2004

Message 87 of 318 (448016)
01-11-2008 5:46 PM
Reply to: Message 86 by ringo
01-11-2008 2:05 PM

All the people who understand me are the ones who don't reply, which is more than six. When I used to display my email, many people who do not even participate in the forum wrote to me, and thanked me for my faith. There was more than 7. You, like nator seem to be confusing people understanding me, with people agreeing with me.
Also factor in the FACT that people here who are so called "articulate" seem to take things out of context all the time. Whether they do that on purpose, or it is a sign of something else remains to be seen, but your display of my quote in your sig is a prime example. First you claim to know what I have said, but then when pointed out what was really meant, and the obvious context we were in, you contradict yourself and then say, I said more then what I said.
So basically I was perfectly clear, you just decided to take it out of context and use it to say something else, and assign my name to it.
That's the real pattern.

This message is a reply to:
 Message 86 by ringo, posted 01-11-2008 2:05 PM ringo has replied

Replies to this message:
 Message 88 by ringo, posted 01-11-2008 6:06 PM riVeRraT has not replied
 Message 90 by nwr, posted 01-11-2008 6:20 PM riVeRraT has not replied

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Posts: 5788
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Message 93 of 318 (448373)
01-13-2008 7:50 AM
Reply to: Message 89 by nator
01-11-2008 6:14 PM

Re: Working At Improvement
Lots of people don't understand what the hell you are trying to say, rat.
Like I said, I am not convinced that it is solely my writing as much as it is ones ability to comprehend. The bible is very well written, yet most of us fail to understand it. If you disagree with me, then that will only amplify the problem. For the most part you understand me, otherwise you wouldn't even be talking to me.
I understand mike the wiz, iano, and buzsaw perfectly. Well iano sometimes speaks in code, and you have to really think about what they he is saying. doesn't mean he isn't expressing himself well.
I know some people here express themselves better than others, but that does not mean they are mis-understood, or "mangle the language."
Nosey Ned, and Molibol are some of my favorites, they express themselves in the fewest words, and only address the issue, where as you seem to constantly drift off topic, and take things out of context, which then sends the conversation off in directions. Then you accuse me of losing track of my own words, when all I am trying to too is address what you say. That never happens with the fore-mentioned people, and other people as well.
If I may assume that you are referring to me,
Well I was thinking of ringo when I wrote that, but yes you are included in that. I often find problems with your comprehension, and rrhain as well. It's only your willingness to drift off-topic and assuming attitude that does it, not your intelligence. What drives it is still unclear to me, unless it is just a hatred towards people who believe in God.

This message is a reply to:
 Message 89 by nator, posted 01-11-2008 6:14 PM nator has replied

Replies to this message:
 Message 94 by nator, posted 01-14-2008 6:12 PM riVeRraT has replied

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Posts: 5788
From: NY USA
Joined: 05-09-2004

Message 96 of 318 (449127)
01-16-2008 6:56 PM
Reply to: Message 94 by nator
01-14-2008 6:12 PM

Re: Working At Improvement
The bible is not particularly well-written, Rat! The Song of Songs is kind of pretty, and Psalms is nice, but an awful lot of it is clunky and vague and mistranslated and nonsensical and dry as dust.
I think this pretty much sums you up. Not that you are dry as dust, but your opinion of the bible speaks volumes about your comprehension.
You may have scored well in school, but I find most, if not all of your responses very biased, and prejudice towards your own personal belief's and opinions.
In other words, you are blinded by your own way of thinking. It drives your responses, and your comprehension on things. I know this, because even if I were to plainly agree with you, you would still find a reason to debate me. I have always wanted to come to this forum as another person, with a different attitude, to test just that. But I don't want to risk being kicked from the forum. In almost 4 years, I have only been officially warned once.
You often don't write clearly, and you want to blame everybody else for not understanding you.
Listen, I am all open to improving myself. You have pointed out just a few grammar errors of mine, and now I try to pay attention to them. Yet you still understood me at those times. So I give you permission to point out to me just when I am making those mistakes, and how maybe I should have worded things. Without being to critical of course.
P.S. there is no "everybody else." Only a select few.
True. I don't write anywhere near as well as Ringo, Crashfrog or Omniverous, but one of those was an English major and another was a professional jounalist, so I can't feel too bad about that.
However, you do mangle the language. So does Buzsaw, and also our new friend ThreeDogs.
All I want is to be understood. English was never my thing.
So, how come I was always able to understand Faith, then?
I don't know. It may be because she fits your description of a believer better, and you relate to her. I do not always agree with faith, hence we come from different perspectives on who and what God is. Everyone here has/had me pegged as a fundie for a long time, yet after really getting into it, they found out I am not one. That to me means that people here are prejudice. Then their writings and responses reflect that.
P.S. you seem to be understanding me perfectly well in this thread.

This message is a reply to:
 Message 94 by nator, posted 01-14-2008 6:12 PM nator has replied

Replies to this message:
 Message 98 by nator, posted 01-16-2008 10:49 PM riVeRraT has replied
 Message 100 by purpledawn, posted 01-18-2008 5:41 AM riVeRraT has replied

Member (Idle past 735 days)
Posts: 5788
From: NY USA
Joined: 05-09-2004

Message 111 of 318 (450193)
01-21-2008 9:04 AM
Reply to: Message 98 by nator
01-16-2008 10:49 PM

Re: Working At Improvement
I can't help but notice, rat, that you've dropped your "Educated people don't know how to turn a screwdriver." argument like a hot potato. Why is that? Is it because you realized that your conclusion was based upon poor logic and a failure to consider the self-selected nature of your sample; educated people with money as opposed to poor people who can't afford you?
I have not dropped it. There is no need to go further on it, because everyone here understands me perfectly.
Rat, come on now. If my comprehension is wrong, then it is your job to correct me.
That is the precise reason why we go back and forth so much.
If, in the course of that correction, you paint yourself into a logical corner and contradict yourself, as so often happens, then who's fault is that?
When you drift off topic, and start in with all the BS, do not mistake that for me "painting myself into a logical corner".
Plus painting myself into a logical corner, has nothing to do with you understanding me. This response right here just shows how you drift off topic. You are using my reasoning of logic to show that I can't write or express myself clearly. Being wrong, and being articulate, are two different things. The topic is about peoples literacy, not their logic. You've drifted off your own topic.
I never "related" to Faith in any way whatsoever. I never understood how she could possibly come to the conclusions she did, and her reasoning was often really ridiculous.
Exactly, that is my point. This is what you expect from most believers. Believing in God, does not follow many logical patterns, so you have labeled it illogical. Then started a thread to further show how these believers can't even express themselves. So for you it all comes down to logic. I have to tell you that before I believed in God, many of the things told to me, and what I read in the bible, seemed illogical to me. So many believers understand where you are coming from .
The only thing any of us have to go on here is what we read, you know.
No. The only thing you have to go on, is what I write, and the environment that you were brought up in. That is where the prejudice comes in. Prejudice is not always a bad thing, but it stops us from seeing things the way they really are. Then many people here try to cover it up with the word logic. Logic by itself is objective, and unbiased, but when applied by people like you, in these deep situations, logic becomes subjective.
I find many people here who label themselves as "logical" adding way to much emotion into what they say, and believe. There are no "Dr. Spocks" here.

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 Message 98 by nator, posted 01-16-2008 10:49 PM nator has not replied

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Posts: 5788
From: NY USA
Joined: 05-09-2004

Message 112 of 318 (450194)
01-21-2008 9:07 AM
Reply to: Message 100 by purpledawn
01-18-2008 5:41 AM

Re: Working At Improvement
Each thread should be a new beginning, no baggage.
That is like asking people to forgive and forget. Something you would be hard pressed to see happen here. I am glad you noticed it too, thank you.

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 Message 100 by purpledawn, posted 01-18-2008 5:41 AM purpledawn has not replied

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Posts: 5788
From: NY USA
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Message 113 of 318 (450196)
01-21-2008 9:11 AM
Reply to: Message 110 by nator
01-21-2008 7:43 AM

Re: ????????????????????????????????????
I do not deny that I am coming right out and saying that Riverrat's command of the english language is inferior. It is so inferior that it gets in the way of clear communication.
Can you show me one thing in this thread that I did not express clearly?
Or wrote so poorly that you could not understand it?
If not, then you need to concede.

This message is a reply to:
 Message 110 by nator, posted 01-21-2008 7:43 AM nator has not replied

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