nator writes:
So, why does everyone think this pattern exists?
I didn't know
everyone thought that pattern existed.

I did notice that there seemed to be a lack of communication skills on the part of the creationist camp. However, their most skilled and persuasive adherents don't frequent boards like this.
Ken Ham does very well at writing his ideas and performs well when communicating to laymen of both sides. Many of the "scientists" at Answers in Genesis" are also skilled writers. I have seen them talk or write loops around those detractors that they deign to include in their discussions.
Caveat: Anyone with a well thought out question or comment in opposition gets ignored or, if it occurs in public, gets side tracked with what Ham and his ilk think is a nifty little logic counter punch to avoid answering the question.
Even with good communication skills or perhaps because of it, their writing always seems to have a fuzzy edge or slipperiness about it to allow them some leeway for invoking the you-really-didn't-understand-what-I-was-saying defense.