The writing style of creationists doesn't necessarily betray a lack of education, it's just that their writing style is usually unclear. Rational thinkers are much more concerned with clarity than irrational thinkers.
So, why does everyone think this pattern exists?
You're venturing into dangerous territory if you believe that if two people are debating on the internet, then the debater with the clearest writing style is more likely to be right. I don't mean this so much with scientific issues such as creationism versus evolution because I believe that there is a reason why creationists have unclear writing styles, but when it comes to political issues such as affirmative action then it doesn't really have any bearing. The legitimacy of affirmative action isn't a shut and closed case (though I'm not going to debate that in this thread). Someone who is wrong about an issue can increase their persuasiveness if their writing skills are superior to that of their opponent's, giving them an unfair advantage in debate, so in political debates I ignore the writing style of the debaters.
Edited by Zawi, : added more stuff
Edited by Zawi, : added more stuff
Edited by Zawi, : No reason given.