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Author Topic:   Anyone else notice this pattern?
Inactive Member

Message 13 of 318 (444494)
12-29-2007 4:46 PM
Reply to: Message 11 by nator
12-29-2007 1:44 PM

Re: Postulating Poster Patterns
I'll agree that NJ is much better than most Creationists at basic writing skills, but he isn't any better than average among all writers on this board.
Dude, I'm standing here within earshot... At least talk behind my back
As for intelligence...if he's so smart, then why are so very many of his arguments demolished so easily?
None of this would be subjective, would it? Look, Nator, I by no means am going to pat myself on the back, so you can continue believing that you've actually got an airtight case about anything. Should I suppose that you are the bastion of reason on the board?
He and you both, Buz, have abandoned so many posts and threads and ignored so many rebuttals!
Nator, Buz and I both have views that are not in any way predominant on the forum, which invariably means that we are piled-on more than any other. There are only so many times one can say the same thing but phrased differently. If you didn't get it the first 18 times, why should I assume 30 more will stick in your head?
Surely you can have some appreciation for that...
This indicates that you and Juggs tend to not think through the logical implications of your argument before you post them, or if you think you have, you haven't done a very good job.
You speak as though you are certainly right about any given position. Buz and I have stood toe to toe against a sea of adversity and have come out on top more than our fair share. But hey, I guess that's just my opinion, just as your opinion would believe otherwise.
These sort of slander threads are useless and tasteless. (Hey, ever notice that stupid people are theologians? Haha, lol, lol, lmao! roflmao! :rolleyes You are welcome to have any thoughts about myself, Buz, or whomever. But what are you going to accomplish other than making yourself look all that much more unwilling to be a reasonable person?
You forgot to add one more aspect to your list of virtues..... humility.

“First dentistry was painless, then bicycles were chainless, and carriages were horseless, and many laws enforceless. Next cookery was fireless, telegraphy was wireless, cigars were nicotineless, and coffee caffeineless. Soon oranges were seedless, the putting green was weedless, the college boy was hatless, the proper diet -- fatless. New motor roads are dustless, the latest steel is rustless, our tennis courts are sodless, our new religion -- Godless” -Arthur Guiterman

This message is a reply to:
 Message 11 by nator, posted 12-29-2007 1:44 PM nator has not replied

Replies to this message:
 Message 14 by Percy, posted 12-29-2007 5:07 PM Hyroglyphx has replied

Inactive Member

Message 20 of 318 (444526)
12-29-2007 7:15 PM
Reply to: Message 14 by Percy
12-29-2007 5:07 PM

Re: Postulating Poster Patterns
This is called the Black Knight syndrome, but I heartily agree about your and Buz's writing skills, right up there!
As someone commented above, sloppy writing often accompanies sloppy thinking, but not always, and contrariwise, even the most erudite among us often harbor at least a few wacky ideas.
I am not a juggernaut... I've just always like the ring it has to it! And yes, and speaking from probability, I no doubt am ultimately wrong about at least some belief that I ascribe to.
That said, I'm pretty sure I'm not all nuts and screws.
Thanks for the vote of confidence.

“First dentistry was painless, then bicycles were chainless, and carriages were horseless, and many laws enforceless. Next cookery was fireless, telegraphy was wireless, cigars were nicotineless, and coffee caffeineless. Soon oranges were seedless, the putting green was weedless, the college boy was hatless, the proper diet -- fatless. New motor roads are dustless, the latest steel is rustless, our tennis courts are sodless, our new religion -- Godless” -Arthur Guiterman

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 Message 14 by Percy, posted 12-29-2007 5:07 PM Percy has not replied

Inactive Member

Message 24 of 318 (444531)
12-29-2007 7:40 PM
Reply to: Message 15 by tesla
12-29-2007 5:30 PM

Re: Postulating Poster Patterns
scientist are better learned with more schooling than the average person. the higher education are more willing to accept Darwin theory to the letter, based on the scientific evidence which is broad.
It is a mistake to deify scientists, which all too many people on this forum, and the general public, are apt to do.
Any discipline has its experts in that particular field. And they no doubt deserve some credit for their hard won efforts.
But there is this wrong-headed philosophy that abounds concerning scientists -- that they are the be-all, end-all -- as if no other human being could possibly add anything of substance to any given debate.
For instance, I have a friend of mine who is a graduate of both MIT (Aeronautics) and CalTech (Chemical Engineering), arguably two of the most distinguished and prestigious technical universities in the nation, and possibly even the world. He now works with NASA, Boeing, Lockheed and Martin, etc. There is no discounting the man's genius.... in his field.
Consequently, he is also a man that couldn't compose a coherent sentence if his life depended on it, and who is practically incapable of tying his own shoelaces. He is socially clumsy, ignorant of most things beyond his field, mostly immature, and morally bankrupt.
I wouldn't take his advice on almost any subject because of his immaturity and on account that he knows almost nothing about the real world.
His field is one that has yielded a treasure trove of knowledge. There is no sense in withholding the praise that it deserves, but within reason. As we have seen throughout the centuries, knowledge begets knowledge, as one technological breakthrough gives credit to the one before it, and so on. But should I assume that he is better, or more intelligent than the rest of us because of his PhD's?
I should hope not.

“First dentistry was painless, then bicycles were chainless, and carriages were horseless, and many laws enforceless. Next cookery was fireless, telegraphy was wireless, cigars were nicotineless, and coffee caffeineless. Soon oranges were seedless, the putting green was weedless, the college boy was hatless, the proper diet -- fatless. New motor roads are dustless, the latest steel is rustless, our tennis courts are sodless, our new religion -- Godless” -Arthur Guiterman

This message is a reply to:
 Message 15 by tesla, posted 12-29-2007 5:30 PM tesla has replied

Replies to this message:
 Message 26 by tesla, posted 12-29-2007 7:48 PM Hyroglyphx has not replied
 Message 36 by Taz, posted 12-30-2007 8:09 PM Hyroglyphx has not replied
 Message 46 by nator, posted 01-06-2008 2:18 PM Hyroglyphx has not replied

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