You didn't answer my question.
Do you mean this question?
Haven't you something to say about the condescending attitude and the inferrence of inferiority?
You are more than welcome to
infer whatever you like. Your inference might even be correct. That is up to you. I cannot control what you might infer from my posts. Your inferences are not my responsibility.
As for the
implication of inferiority, I agree with you that an inferior command of English does not imply a that a person is inferior overall. It does imply that they might not be the sharpest tool in the box, but that's not the same thing. Poor English does not necessarily reflect a lack of intellect, or that an given argument is wrong, but it doesn't look good. As a general rule of thumb, it seems that most of the posts on this board which are expressed in semi-literate gibberish are also wrong in their content.
If you want to avoid condescension, it behooves you to avoid making stupid mistakes. The widespread misuse of
imply and
infer is just a mistake that happens to irritate me. Don't take it personally, but equally, don't continue to make the same mistake, after it has been pointed out to you. That does look bad.
Infer and imply have related, but distinct meanings. Getting them wrong looks bad and just makes your posts that little bit harder to grasp. I responded to you in order to correct your mistake, but also to imply that your complaint about condescension over linguistic errors sounds ironic whilst you continue to make linguistic errors.
Example: None of you responded to Heinriks' post of one sentence with every word spelled wrong and void of punctuation. He made a very valid point and no-one picked it up. Why was that?
Now you are implying that no-one has responded to Heinrik's garbled sentence because we are unable to understand it. An alternative inference, based on the lack of responses, might be that it was understood, but no-one cared to reply.
I love the english language.
Then why don't you capitalise it correctly?
I admit that I'm teasing you a little, but you leave yourself wide open to it. Grow a thicker skin.
Edited by Granny Magda, : html fixed
Mutate and Survive