If you look at creationist arguments, you will often find they have an "any port in a storm" method of argumentation
this has truth, and is sad.
it is the analogy of the blind leading the blind. there is only one Christ, only one God. yet many different interpretations.
for instance, many who call themselves Christians speak of the glory the Christians will find when they stand before God having been good men and believed. but the truth is, glory belongs to God. and on the day we stand before him, those who come seeking their own glory will not find it. but those who come seeking Gods glory will find pure joy in having pleased God.
in the evolution argument, what christian has any power over your view? when so many don't even understand the christian principles to love their God, to humble themselves before him, and to love one another?
its scary. but the evolutionist will still find that their science does not support life, but is only an observation of a part of it. the foundation that supports all of existence, is the law of existence, which is the law of God. and how can i pass blame on any evolutionist for what they do not understand, when the Christians who proclaim God is, do not understand it either?
we are all to blame for our own blindness. because the truth has stood before us in eternity, and we have chosen to ignore it. i for so long, and others yet still, perhaps forever for them. but i have hope that somewhere, somehow, the blind will see, and the blind who lead the blind will see, and the world will know.
keep your mind from this way of enquiry, for never will you show that not-being is