Heinrik writes
You refer to my proposition as 'silly' whilst quoting a fictional king from a movie. Huh?
You are allowing yourself to be distracted by insignificant details and totally miss the point. Look at the following example.
Lucy's mom: Why did you sniff cocaine?
Lucy: Mom, all of my friends are doing it.
Lucy's mom: If everybody is playing russian roulette, would you do it?
Lucy: My friends are not playing russian roulette.
Was Lucy's mom talking about russian roulette or something else more significant? How about this following example.
Defense attorney: Dr. Berkes, are you absolutely 100% sure that this gun is the murder weapon?
Dr. Berkes: No, I am not absolutely 100% sure that this gun is the murder weapon just as I am not absolutely 100% sure that an alien spaceship didn't just land in Washington.
Defense attorney: Are you saying you believe in aliens?
Was Dr. Berkes talking about aliens or was he trying to make a more important point, that you could never bee absolutely 100% sure of anything?
You are allowing insignificant details to make you miss the significant ones. Rather than purposely trying to win a debate by purposely being dense, perhaps you should consider growing up?