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Author | Topic: Anyone else notice this pattern? | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Hill Billy Member (Idle past 5680 days) Posts: 163 From: The hills Joined: |
For some six months I've been entertaining myself at this web address.I can no longer contain myself,I wanna play.I may get my ass kicked but thats nothin new. So here goes.....
Speak for yourself... I mean speak for someone else... Taz,you crack me up.When I was a poor college student, one time I rear ended someone because the bastard 2 cars in front of me decided to slam on his break on a packed highway. Bastard!..Was that his coffee break? Lunch?I was the 3rd car down so I had the least time to react. This is a perfectly clear illustration of Riverrat's point.See,though you may have an education and you may be able to repair your vehicle you lack any understanding of how to safely operate that vehicle.I had the least time to react. Whats it called when someone uses a false statement to support their point? This isn't rocket science here,just basic defensive driving. Insurance decided that it wasn't 100% my fault. I'm not surprised,in fact I'm surprised they gave you anything.We each have our own niche in society. Yes. I hope you understand that yours is not behind the wheel...............That was fun!.....Keep your stick on the ice. Edited by Hill Billy, : cause I'm a hillbilly "Some people spout bullshit just to hear their own heads rattle" Grampa Frame.
Hill Billy Member (Idle past 5680 days) Posts: 163 From: The hills Joined: |
I have generally had no trouble understanding what those posters write. Nator,as someone who has never even taken a reading comprehension exam (if I did I'm sure I failed miserably,) and as yet has had no trouble understanding Riverrat,I have a question. Wouldn't highly evolved ![]() Edited by Hill Billy, : cause hillbillies love editin "Some people spout bullshit just to hear their own heads rattle" Grampa Frame.
Hill Billy Member (Idle past 5680 days) Posts: 163 From: The hills Joined: |
I'm still laughing and i so love your honesty, it leaves me to question how you would interpret my own beliefs Thanx but I never really thought about it.Maybe later.My brain hurts rite now.being so simple and honest. I might be complicated and full of shit.you are so refreshing, i hope coming here does not change that in you I don't remember ever not changing.we all have areas that need improvement, and as a human i salute you in acknowledging your own I'm not sure but I think you might have missed the point,if I had one,maybe. "Some people spout bullshit just to hear their own heads rattle" Grampa Frame.
Hill Billy Member (Idle past 5680 days) Posts: 163 From: The hills Joined: |
Sure, if the only problem is that it's poorly written, but not if it's unintelligible, incomprehensible or nonsense. Are you stating that if you find it unintelligible or incomprehensible it's nonsense? The primary point of this thread is that some people's writing skills are so poor that you can't tell if it's nonsense or just poorly written. Hmmm,ya,I get that,and what was the secondary point? --Percy "Some people spout bullshit just to hear their own heads rattle" Grampa Frame.
Hill Billy Member (Idle past 5680 days) Posts: 163 From: The hills Joined: |
quote:Nator,as someone who has never even taken a reading comprehension exam (if I did I'm sure I failed miserably,) and as yet has had no trouble understanding Riverrat,I have a question. Wouldn't highly evolved and finely tuned comprehension skills allow one to comprehend even the most poorly written stuff? Really.Hmmm.Hardly seems worth the effort. No. quote:I mean whats so special about comprehending well written material? Perhaps a slightly less elevated nasal position might provide a clearer view of the screen which in turn might lead to greater comprehension. Ok,and I'm askin for one, now. I've asked for explanations, many times.What I've usually gotten in reply is contentless, sarcastic one-liners. Please,for a one-liner to be sarcastic wouldn't it need to have some,oh,I don't know,maybe content?What I'm getting in reply from you is this:What rat does quite often, I think, is this: I think it's called deflection,I dunno.You could ask you husband,the esteemed psycologist .Will you answer my question? He will write something in an unprecise manner which expresses something he didn't mean to say, and then gets pissed off at everybody else for responding to what he wrote instead of what he didn't write but really meant to say. Or, he really did mean to say exactly what he wrote, and then people completely demolish and shred his post to pieces, and then he comes back and tries to save face by saying something like, "That's not what I meant/said at all, and I can't believe all you people hate me for believing in God". This then requires him to make more word salad to try to twist out of what he said before. Lastly, and perhaps the most bemusing behavior of all is when he appears to have written a meaning into a post that he later says he didn't intend, his respondants call him on it, yet he digs in his heels and begins defending the view he says he never meant to express! That's my take, anyway, after a few years of debate with him. "Some people spout bullshit just to hear their own heads rattle" Grampa Frame.
Hill Billy Member (Idle past 5680 days) Posts: 163 From: The hills Joined: |
Until you can come up with a definition of "god" and "devil" that is amenable to examination and testing, science has no idea what those things mean. That doesn't mean they don't exist...it just means it doesn't know how to handle it. Yes,hmm,I wonder what else science can't handle,surely not just "God" and "devil"? "Some people spout bullshit just to hear their own heads rattle" Grampa Frame.
Hill Billy Member (Idle past 5680 days) Posts: 163 From: The hills Joined: |
Science has nothing to do with gods/devils. And fish have nothing to do with bicycles.There is no evidence of either. None you will accept.Therefore, science has no truck with em. Yes,I suppose science drives a Prius. "Some people spout bullshit just to hear their own heads rattle" Grampa Frame.
Hill Billy Member (Idle past 5680 days) Posts: 163 From: The hills Joined: |
Let's see what your highly evolved reading comprehension makes of something like this I don't recall claiming to understand anything.Besides,that looks like a lot of work. An explanation of what? Your response makes no sense. What?Do you have issues with comprehension as well?Look,Nator was makin a big kerfuffle about her comprehension skills.If these skills don't aid in comprehending then whats the point. Is it possible that some peoples attitudes get in the way of their understanding?I suggest you tone down the snark. Back atcha.You seem to want only one thing -- to taunt Nator, I admit I'm pokin some fun at her "superior" communication skilz,but hey,the first post in this thread is posted by none other than.......drum roll....Nator.goad her into an argument. Na,just offering a challenge to her "superior" position,which by the way, she seems to have difficulty focusing on.Careful what you wish for, buster. Is this that thing where you try to act all intimidating?What's next,are you gonna do a clever internet search and tell me where I didn't go to university? "Some people spout bullshit just to hear their own heads rattle" Grampa Frame.
Hill Billy Member (Idle past 5680 days) Posts: 163 From: The hills Joined: |
If you have anything of substance to add to our discussion, please do. I suppose you are the authority on exactly what is substantive.you are wasting valuable real estate with your content free posts. Again with the comprehension thing.Perhaps your attitude is interfering with your understanding.Though I will admit,you do seem very sure of yourself. "Some people spout bullshit just to hear their own heads rattle" Grampa Frame.
Hill Billy Member (Idle past 5680 days) Posts: 163 From: The hills Joined: |
To this.
So, I have noticed that many of the Creationists on this board have, shall we say, less than stellar writing skills compared to the science-minded folks. Because I just can't bring myself to deny the trend you suggest,I'm going to expand on it. Sure, there are a few exceptions, but I would guess that well more than two thirds of the Creationists who have ever posted here simply write very poorly. Their grammar and punctuation ranges from average to downright awful, they frequently fail to break their posts into paragraphs, and their ability to express ideas, sentence structure and word usage doesn't give one an impression of their having done very well in high school English. On a related note, my husband frequents a message board populated by people who work in higher education. Not surprisingly, most posters there write well, and express themselves clearly and often eloquently. Every so often a controversial subject such as Affirmative Action comes up in discussion, and he has noticed that of those people who pop up to write posts condemning it, many of them possess markedly poor writing skills. So, why does everyone think this pattern exists? I have observed a pattern in Evolutionists writings as well. Evolutionists seem to think that understanding grammar and spelling means understanding communication and that understanding something means understanding everything. That simply isn't true. As evidence I offer my first day on this forum. Seems,from the responses and lack of responses to my posts, I may have made a point or two (like Taz may be educated but he can't drive worth a shit) and rattled some cages.Is it wise to reveal your weaknesses on the battlefield so to speak?Had i truly been just trying to provoke ,you gave me way more information then that which I used against you.It seems creationists are not the only ones who reveal more than they should. It was my intention to approach this in a manner that would seem to you the same way most of your posts seem to me.Inflammatory. Readin,Writin,an rithmatik don't give you smarts,but they can sure come in handy if ya got some.Your communication skilz may not be as sharp as ya thought.Unless ya'll wanted me to know exactly how to push your buttons. Creationists think they know God.Evolutionists think they know everything. It may be as simple as them believing that because they understand something, they understand everything.I'm not sure but it comes across the screen as a sense that they feel more valuable as people because of their education.I wonder where this type of attitude could lead. I wonder what the good doctor would have to say.Am I feeling inferior or are they acting superior? It seems somehow odd to me to use superior comprehension skills as an explanation for a lack of comprehension,but hey,I'm just a hillbilly.One of the great unwashed.Couldn't even find my way to high school,so I guess it don't matter much what I think. "Some people spout bullshit just to hear their own heads rattle" Grampa Frame.
Hill Billy Member (Idle past 5680 days) Posts: 163 From: The hills Joined: |
Even in the coffee house we expect you to stick to the topic at hand and not mess up the discussion.! Hmmm,I see.Disagreement is off topic.If you aren't able to post with more content than your posts so far you will start to be suspended. Yes, Ok,Creo's are stupid,Evo's are smart. There,can I stay now? "Some people spout bullshit just to hear their own heads rattle" Grampa Frame.
Hill Billy Member (Idle past 5680 days) Posts: 163 From: The hills Joined: |
See, this is a great example of what I'm talking about. See how this reader has a superior attitude yet inferior comprehension skills. See how this writer misuses punctuation and has trouble remembering to put spaces after periods and commas?but I'm betting he doesn't have a degree in Biology if you know what I mean. I believe I've already stated that I didn't attend university. You are absolutely correct,no degree.What about you? Any degree's? Judging by your reading comprehension skills I'd guess,not so many. Very humorous.So busy bragging about your skills you forget to employ them.
Hill Billy Member (Idle past 5680 days) Posts: 163 From: The hills Joined: |
From post one, It sticks out like dog's balls and the ones displaying this behaviour cannot see it. Holy Crap! Someone here can read!
Hill Billy Member (Idle past 5680 days) Posts: 163 From: The hills Joined: |
I had no problem comprehending that you misused punctuation and neglected to put spaces after your commas and periods. Yes, we are all painfully aware of your ability to punctuate.However,I see that you are unable to grasp the point that your superior attitude is interfering with your ability to understand.Is this concept so complex? I mean,I understand it. Yup. Bachelor's degree in Equestrian Studies, which is a science-heavy liberal arts degree. I see,so you have a clear understanding of what it means to be a horses a....ah,never mind.Writing well, and putting spaces between your sentences, and using spell check, are all ways to be courteous to your reader. Yes,courtesy. Another subject that you claim to grasp,yet you seem completely unable to display. I'll try to keep it simple so even you can understand. You seem to believe that because you can use spell check you are an effective communicator.You seem to think that having more education makes you a better person.I suggest that either you hold these beliefs or you are an extremely poor writer. In addition, if you can't be bothered to write better than a grade schooler I'm stunned you think I write even that well! And thank you so much for the English lesson,I understand that you have difficulty understanding all but the most eloquently written material and I will put more effort in so you can keep up. Edited by Hill Billy, : hillybillys love editin "Some people spout bullshit just to hear their own heads rattle" Grampa Frame.
Hill Billy Member (Idle past 5680 days) Posts: 163 From: The hills Joined: |
Punctuation,spelling, and grammar do not make effective communication.
An interest in conveying your ideas and understanding others ideas does. The attitude that you already know everything makes learning unlikely. "Some people spout bullshit just to hear their own heads rattle" Grampa Frame.
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