This is the final thread that will recieve this message. Indeed, it is the final post from DAMEEVA. I have BUMPED it up to TOP SPOT (for the moment).
If there was a 'thread of the month', this would surely take the prize. What a fantastic experience I have had!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
I am posting this message to the originator of each thread in which I have participated. I apologize to those I have not been able to respond to. Living a double life (see below) even on a forum is very time consuming. I have had a wonderful experience and aplogize for my deceitful behaviour.
RULE 9. Do not participate as more than one ID. You may change your user ID by going to your Profile Page and creating a new alias.
I have been participating as two identities.
In my defense, I created two identities because I felt I needed some moral support. I also thought it would help to promote some points that I could not do alone.
In view of this obvious breaking of a clearly defined rule, there can be no excuses, no claims of innocence because the truth is:
I did not read the rules.
I prefer to judge myself and implement the consequences myself. I prefer to be my own judge and jury. In this case the punishment is a life time ban. I will retire DAMEEVA as from 1.2.08 (just to give myself time to pack my bags) unless a higher authority decides otherwise, in which case authority has the final say.
I have thoroughly enjoyed this forum and have learned a lot that otherwise I would not.