Yes that looks like a good overview. You might also want to have a look at
this thread that I'm running. Feel free to ask any questions if something is unclear.
As for angular unconformities and whether they can form on a young earth timescale; we need the following to occur in order to get one:
-Sediment is deposited.
-Sediment turns to rock.
-Sediment is tilted and/or folded, sometimes so that bands are near vertical.
-Sediment is uplifted or sea level falls and erosion takes place.
-More sediment is deposited on top of the erosional surface.
-This new sediment turns to rock.
-In the case of the unconformities we see on the surface, erosion must take place again to expose it for us to see.
The time that it takes for each of these things to happen can vary significantly. You'd be hard pressed to produce one minor unconformity within a few thousand years, never mind the large number of ones we see from varying ages. They are particularly inconsistent with Noah's flood as the ones I mentioned in my last post show clear signs of exposure above the sea for long periods- soil formation and limestone solution take time.