Monk writes:
Dealing with terrorist requires changes
Then there should be provisions in the PA that require terrorism to be the sole reason for intruding where the PA allows.
AFAIK , there aren't. The PA has been used to shut down strip joints, and is mainly used to prosecute drug laws. I don't think a single terrorist has been convicted as a result of the PA.
This is stupid and I disagree with it
I agree, the gay marriage ban is stupid.
Did you bother to hear what the president had to say about this last night? Is the following in any way fair:
A couple both work outside the home and pay into the social security system for many years. One spouse dies before retirement. The surviving spouse must choose the greater of the two incomes, but can’t have both. The deceased spouse paid into the system for many years, yet the survivor gets none of that. It stays in the system and is in essence a huge tax.
Bush want to allow part but not all of the social security payments to go to private accounts so that when a spouse dies, the surviving spouse gets at least some compensation for all the years of contributing. You don’t consider that fair?
Why put any FICA money into private accounts?
Private accounts already exist and anyone can go and get one today, voluntarily.
I'll tell you why he wants to divert FICA money toward Wall Street.
It would result in HUGE profits and commissions.
First he did it with the Iraq war and defense contractors (which his family and his friends are huge investors) now he wants to do it with social security. He's basically the best president the rich could have hoped for.
Anyway, here's a page that gives 12 reasons why privatization is a bad idea (not even mentioning the motives of our glorious leader).
And this graphic really spells out Bush's idea of "saving" social security.
What is this? drival
The bankruptcy bill basically makes the lives of credit card companies a whole lot easier and makes the lives of the fools that ran up their debt a lot harder (unless you're a millionaire, of course).
Party line mantra
We wouldn't have had the huge deficits we have now if it weren't for the tax cuts, which the rich benefited from the most.
This is not legislation only an opinion
The Orwellian "Clear Skies" initiative relaxed a lot of pollution laws that were thought to be "crippling" to big business. I say if they can't do business without excessive pollution then they shouldn't do business.
What weakening?
Live under a rock do we?
Never heard of that one?
Maybe you should listen to Air America?