You have it backwards. Conservatives are trying to get the government out of our lives with their legislation to force us all to adhere to and financially support political programs we detest,
You mean you detest paying taxes to support equal rights for all Americans?
I detest the revisionist redefinitions of rights and freedoms for starters, terms which have been co-opted by the Left and made to apply to personal behaviors, such as homosexuality, which is not the business of government to force on people who have moral objections to it. Freedom means leaving them alone to do as they please in their private lives, but what we are starting to get is a police state tyranny which forces all to legitimize and even subsidize such behavior. More and more the idea of freedom is being twisted to apply to formerly criminalized behavior. While in many cases I can support decriminalization, I can't support official legitimization that requires Christians, for instance, and other likeminded groups, to violate Biblical precepts by treating something as right that the Bible condemns. That is unAmerican and an unconscionable misuse of government power. THIS is the police state, what YOU are supporting.
and that were never a part of US policy until the PC police took over.
You mean people like Thomas Jefferson?
Just who are these "PC Police" you are talking about?
The Sixties generation basically, now in power, even the terrorists among them, God help us all.
Leave us alone, we leave you alone.
How is working to pass laws requiring all American children pray to the Christian God in public school "leaving them alone"?
Who is working to pass such laws? The trend has been in the opposite direction for generations now, from originally Christian schools to militant secularism. However, I don't support official prayer in public schools and don't know who you are talking about.