quote:Mutations are changes in the genetic code caused by copying errors, or by external factors such as solar radiation or exposure to mutagenic chemicals. Mutations are sometimes the cause of disease, such as cancer or Down's Syndrome (which is the result of an extreme mutation which causes an extra chromosome to be present). Evolutionists claim that heritable mutations produce genetic variety, upon which natural selection acts. However, mutations can only decrease information, never increase it.[1]
This isn't conservative, it is just christian creationist fundamentalism - pretending to represent all conservatives.
earth to conservapedia ... earth to conservapedia ...
Part of the entry on {Earth}:
quote:Estimates by non-creationist geologists of the age of the Earth have varied over the years; currently, most scientists believe the age of the Earth to be about 4.5 billion years. In addition, most scientists also believe believe that the earth formed by natural processes instead of being supernaturally created. However, as one scientist recently noted, “... most every prediction by theorists about planetary formation has been wrong.” [1]
Bible scholars have also estimated the age of the earth based on the Creation account in Genesis and the genealogical accounts in Numbers and other books of the Pentateuch. One famous estimate was published in 1650 by R. B. Knox, James Ussher Archbishop of Armagh (usually referred to as Archbishop Ussher) in a book called Annals of the World, in which he estimated the Creation to have occurred on 23 October 4004 B.C. Other Biblical scholars maintain that there are possible gaps in the genealogies, often using the ideas of the 19th century Calvinist theologian Benjamin Warfield on the issue. [2] However, James Barr, regius professor of Hebrew at Oxford University, wrote in 1984 the following: " . probably, so far as I know, there is no professor of Hebrew or Old Testament at any world-class university who does not believe that the writer(s) of Genesis 1-11 intended to convey to their readers the ideas that: . the figures contained in the Genesis genealogies provided by simple addition a chronology from the beginning of the world up to later stages in the biblical story.’" [3]
Ancient age "refuted" by a single quote mine. YEC age "bolstered" by the argument from authority - alone.
What's funny about that, I hear you ask? What's funny is that that's the entire article.
This is what it says about tree rings:
You searched for tree rings
There is no page titled "tree rings". You can create this page.
Page text matches
1. Dendrochronology (223 bytes) 1: ... of counting tree rings to determine the age of a tree. Wile, Dr. Jay L. ''Exploring Creation With G... 2. As You Like It (133,473 bytes) 1247: Finds tongues in trees, books in the running brooks, 1467: But, poor old man, thou prunest a rotten tree, 1709: Under the greenwood tree 1765: duke will drink under this tree. He hath been all 2226: O Rosalind! these trees shall be my books
and clicking on Dendrochronology gives (in toto):
quote:The process of counting tree rings to determine the age of a tree.[1]
1. ‘ Wile, Dr. Jay L. Exploring Creation With General Science. Anderson: Apologia Educational Ministries, Inc. 2000
Only one reference? And they didn't even cite Don Batten's article?
To say nothing of the FACT that "Dendrochronology" is about more than just the age of the tree in question (hence the inclusion of the "-chronology" root):
That last one from The American Heritage Science Dictionary.
Not ONE of the definitions says it is only about seeing how old the tree itself was.
Sad when an "encyclopedia" can't even get the definition correct eh?
Sad when you get more information from a definition than you do from an "encyclopedia" when they could easily just use the definition in the first place.
At the moment, yes, it's moving further from the earth. That will not last forever.
The moon is currently being accelerated in it's orbit by the tidal bulges of the earth - these rotate with the spin of the earth ahead of the moon, thus the gravity from these bulges attract the moon ahead of it's position.
This also means that the moon's gravity acting on these bulges is slowing the spin of the earth about it's axis (thus maintaining rotational inertia).
The evidence for this is recorded in daily growth rings within annual growth rings of certain ancient corals (dated by radiometric dating). In the Devonian Period the year was about 400 days of ~365*24/400 = 21.9 current hrs and in the Pennsylvanian Period the year was about 390 days ~365*24/390 = 22.5 current hrs.
quote:The best of the limited fossil material I have examined so far is from the MiddleDevonian ... Diurnal and annual growth-rates vary in the same individual, adding to the complexity, but in every instance there are more than 365 growth -lines per annum. usually about 400,...
A few more data may be mentioned: Lophophllidium from the Pennsylvanian (Conemaugh) of western Pennsylvania gave 390 lines per annum, and Caninia from the Pennsylvanian of Texas, 385.
This could eventually reach an equilibrium point where the orbital period of the moon matches the rotational period of the earth. It could also keep going - I'd need an astrophysics maven to calculate the relative possibilities.
Personally I do not think that it would reach a point and then start collapsing back into the earth, but I could be wrong. It could well be at the point where the sun has expanded close enough to the earths orbit that solar effects start to take over.
Edited by Adminnemooseus, : Fix one quote box. RAZD's quality control seems to be really on the skids.
So liberals did not exist before the french revolution?
They cite Dictionary.com as a reference but it says:
Let's not mention that the American Revolution was a Liberal program ... the Conservatives were the Tories.
That's it? Boy that's a majority position alrighty eh?
Of course giving gays equal opportunity to get married is not included ...
They do NOT reference Dictionary.com which says:
Nothing there about government size (which is blown out of the water by the current administration, which built on both Bush I and Regan government growth).
The conservapedia entries do not bear any resemblance to dictionary.com definitions.
By contrast the "biased" wikipedia entries are (in part ... just the first parts ...):
(Liberal switched to Liberalism)
and (Conservative switched to Conservatism)
These entries DO closely match the dictionary.com definitions.
And it looks like "Conservatism" got it's start with the French Revolution .... ???
The moon causes the tides - bulges in both water and solid mass of the earth (the "solid" part floating on the molten core, and being relatively hard to measure). The spin of the earth moves these ahead of the alignment with the moon causing the slight pull accelerating it in it's orbit.
Re: If you’ve got a business, you didn’t build that system.
I thought THE DAILY SHOW did the best review of it: if he had said "those" instead of "that" it would more clearly show he was referring to the bridges, roads, etc.