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Author Topic:   Biogeography falsifies the worldwide flood.
Member (Idle past 1050 days)
Posts: 5553
From: Snyder, Texas, USA
Joined: 11-12-2002

Message 196 of 204 (178252)
01-18-2005 4:20 PM
Reply to: Message 195 by roxrkool
01-18-2005 3:39 PM

Re: Tusami's
By the way, it's tsunami, not tusami.
You actually don't want to tangle with either tsunamis or tusamis. They'll both wreck your entire day.

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 Message 195 by roxrkool, posted 01-18-2005 3:39 PM roxrkool has not replied

Suspended Member (Idle past 5907 days)
Posts: 2024
Joined: 12-04-2005

Message 197 of 204 (178287)
01-18-2005 6:34 PM
Reply to: Message 195 by roxrkool
01-18-2005 3:39 PM

Well if god has the ability to 'poof' away the temperatures, the earthquakes, the volcanism, and all that, why couldn't he/she just poofed them into place? Why maneuver them around at all on a steaming bed of water?
I thought Walt theory said it would be impossible to move plates quickly if they actually rubbed without water as the hydraulic medium. Perhaps you and Walt are on the same page? Why is water a liquid under extreme pressure's? How hot can compressed water under 10 miles of rock get before steaming?
You and Walt are likely on the same page that excessive heat would of only accelerated the plates movements as it decreased friction of movement due to an excessive steam layer being generated 10 miles or so under the oceans floor techtonic plates.
This would allow the plates (to move as smooth as silk)quite easily. Then after the flood waters stopped erupting out from under the earth(Walts Hydroplate theory). The pressures would of increased as the mantle pressed downward overcoming steamed temperatures to recondense the steam. The recondensing steam would only allow the Oceans floor to slowly resettle as pressures of the oceans mantle and water rushing off the continents continued to re-condensed the steamed water that had allowed the techtonic plates to float upwards laterally on a pad of steamed water. Its no different that moving a refrigerator on a pad of air hydraulically.
Document not Found
I'm not sure how hot water can get(if there is a max temp?), though I agree when the water temps turning to steam as the temperature rose above the condensation pressures would create the ability of the plates to accelerate quite rapidly(no friction). Then after the flood would not the weight of the granite mantle slowly recompressed this steamed water.
Then as the ocean mantle re-settled as the waters rushed off the continents it would aid the re-settling of the ocean floor slowly without severe earthquake's as the steamed water recondensated slowly under excessive pressures overcoming the heat losses. Is not this all apart of Walts theory?
I mean how else could techtonic plates move without generating excessive heat, or excessive earthquakes. It all happened apparently almost as smooth as silk. A few giant tsunami preflood perhaps but what were coming to in the not to distant future will be earthquakes greater than anything in Noah's day.
Page not found - Airsled

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 Message 195 by roxrkool, posted 01-18-2005 3:39 PM roxrkool has not replied

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 Message 198 by Coragyps, posted 01-18-2005 8:05 PM johnfolton has replied
 Message 202 by edge, posted 01-18-2005 10:29 PM johnfolton has not replied

Member (Idle past 1050 days)
Posts: 5553
From: Snyder, Texas, USA
Joined: 11-12-2002

Message 198 of 204 (178311)
01-18-2005 8:05 PM
Reply to: Message 197 by johnfolton
01-18-2005 6:34 PM

Then after the flood waters stopped erupting out from under the earth(Walts Hydroplate theory).
Erupting at about 800 degrees F if they were 10 miles down. Boiling the living crap out of the Ark and its contents, even if "gopher wood" is Bible Code for "asbestos and thermos bottles."
And water is only liquid to 705 degrees F at about 3000 psi - that's its critical point. Quit talking gibberish, please. It sets my teeth on edge.

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 Message 197 by johnfolton, posted 01-18-2005 6:34 PM johnfolton has replied

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 Message 199 by johnfolton, posted 01-18-2005 9:02 PM Coragyps has replied

Suspended Member (Idle past 5907 days)
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Message 199 of 204 (178336)
01-18-2005 9:02 PM
Reply to: Message 198 by Coragyps
01-18-2005 8:05 PM

And water is only liquid to 705 degrees F at about 3000 psi - that's its critical point.
What happens if water reaches 1000 degree F, at 3,000 psi? If it can not escape what happens at what you say is its critical point? Does it turn to steam?

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 Message 198 by Coragyps, posted 01-18-2005 8:05 PM Coragyps has replied

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 Message 200 by Coragyps, posted 01-18-2005 9:09 PM johnfolton has replied

Member (Idle past 1050 days)
Posts: 5553
From: Snyder, Texas, USA
Joined: 11-12-2002

Message 200 of 204 (178340)
01-18-2005 9:09 PM
Reply to: Message 199 by johnfolton
01-18-2005 9:02 PM

At above 705 degrees and 3000 psi, water is a "supercritical fluid" - much like steam, but denser and more viscous. Its properties are more gas-like than liquid-like.
And granite won't float on it.

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 Message 199 by johnfolton, posted 01-18-2005 9:02 PM johnfolton has replied

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 Message 201 by johnfolton, posted 01-18-2005 9:33 PM Coragyps has not replied

Suspended Member (Idle past 5907 days)
Posts: 2024
Joined: 12-04-2005

Message 201 of 204 (178352)
01-18-2005 9:33 PM
Reply to: Message 200 by Coragyps
01-18-2005 9:09 PM

Coragyps, I'll take your word it becomes a visious gas state, and agree Granite wouldn't float in this gaseous state of water. I believe that Walt would actually agree with you. It all seems quite similar to the principle of moving heavy equipment with pressurized air. I thought this was the whole basis of Walts Hydroplate theory.
I agree I was in error to use the word Floating above this gaseous steam like state of water. The hydraulics of Walts theory appears to be based on solid science, similar to the airsled link, but on a global scale.
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Member (Idle past 2021 days)
Posts: 4696
From: Colorado, USA
Joined: 01-09-2002

Message 202 of 204 (178375)
01-18-2005 10:29 PM
Reply to: Message 197 by johnfolton
01-18-2005 6:34 PM

I thought Walt theory said it would be impossible to move plates quickly if they actually rubbed without water as the hydraulic medium.
Not a medium, a lubricant. However, that is assuming that the plates DID actually move rapidly. Do you have any evidence for this?
Perhaps you and Walt are on the same page?
I doubt we are on the same planet as Walt.
Why is water a liquid under extreme pressure's? How hot can compressed water under 10 miles of rock get before steaming?
Can you imagine the ability of a superheated liquid to escape a layer within the earth's crust? Can you imagine what would happen on the surface of the earth when it did escape? This is actually one of the best evidences that Walt is out to lunch. There is, apparently, still life on earth...
This would allow the plates (to move as smooth as silk)quite easily. Then after the flood waters stopped erupting out from under the earth(Walts Hydroplate theory). The pressures would of increased as the mantle pressed downward overcoming steamed temperatures to recondense the steam.
Just where do you and Walt plan to find this amountof water in the mantle? Where do you want it to go afterward? Does any of this make sense to you?
The recondensing steam would only allow the Oceans floor to slowly resettle as pressures of the oceans mantle and water rushing off the continents continued to re-condensed the steamed water that had allowed the techtonic plates to float upwards laterally on a pad of steamed water. Its no different that moving a refrigerator on a pad of air hydraulically.
Except that you don't have a compressor to provide the air. And you can't force the air back into the floor when you are done. And you can't get yourself to the burn center quickly enough to save your life.
I'm not sure how hot water can get(if there is a max temp?), though I agree when the water temps turning to steam as the temperature rose above the condensation pressures would create the ability of the plates to accelerate quite rapidly(no friction).
So, are you going to generate this steam layer all over the planet a tht same time? And then just what direction will the plates travel? Why does not all of the fluid escape at the plate boundaries and sterilize the earth?
Then after the flood would not the weight of the granite mantle slowly recompressed this steamed water.
You really think the fluid is going to give up that easily? What happens when it compresses?
Then as the ocean mantle re-settled as the waters rushed off the continents it would aid the re-settling of the ocean floor slowly without severe earthquake's as the steamed water recondensated slowly under excessive pressures overcoming the heat losses.
Now you are displacing mantle material with water? I think we've been over this a few times with wmscott.
Is not this all apart of Walts theory?
Assuming you want to call it a theory, I guess so.
I mean how else could techtonic plates move without generating excessive heat, or excessive earthquakes.
Well, if you assume that plates galloped around the globe and there were no earthquakes or volcanos... Nah! Please provide the evidence first that these things actually happened.
It all happened apparently almost as smooth as silk.
It did? Please provide evidence.
A few giant tsunami preflood perhaps but what were coming to in the not to distant future will be earthquakes greater than anything in Noah's day.
Care to rephrase that? How do you know these things?

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 Message 197 by johnfolton, posted 01-18-2005 6:34 PM johnfolton has not replied

Posts: 4755
From: Vancouver, BC, Canada
Joined: 11-11-2003

Message 203 of 204 (178379)
01-18-2005 10:43 PM

T o p i c !
The topic is Biodiversity. Please return to that and take the hydroplate theory to the threads already discussing that.
The predictions of Walt Brown

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 Message 204 by Randy, posted 07-03-2006 10:23 AM AdminNosy has not replied

Member (Idle past 6562 days)
Posts: 420
From: Cincinnati OH USA
Joined: 07-19-2002

Message 204 of 204 (328494)
07-03-2006 10:23 AM
Reply to: Message 203 by AdminNosy
01-18-2005 10:43 PM

Since biogeography is one of the multitude of ways the flood doesn't add up and the subject came up on the "does the flood add up?" thread I thought I would just bump this thread.

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 Message 203 by AdminNosy, posted 01-18-2005 10:43 PM AdminNosy has not replied

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