You have personally attacked me and other posters.
One of the groundrules here is to address the content of messages and not the poster.
Take this as a kindly admonition from an old Orang. Such behavior will not be tolerated. I do not question that you are a Christian. But the views you have posted are ignorant, uninformed, incorrect, unsupported, unsupportable and bigoted.
Do NOT question whether or not I am a Christian.
Support your specific statements that you have made, specifically the following:
Sucide rate for homos is 20 times higher and they die 30 years younger on average.
Over 90% of homos that die die from aids
There habits will spread to them and possibly to those kids freinds thus making a much higher homosexual population and a much higher death rate.
Don't bother posting again until you can provide specific back up for those points.
And don't piss off the Orang!
Aslan is not a Tame Lion