Maybe I'm steering this hideously off topic, but can we just focus on that view a moment? I know these are arguments that have been rehearsed a thousand times before.
What part of the gayness is the problem? Obviously if its anal sex then most lesbians are okay and loads of hetero couples are doomed.
If its the non-productiveness, then infertile couples are equally doomed.
If its the unnaturalness... well, that's just a useless argument - mainly because the idea of "naturalness" is so malleable. If I had my way, we'd all go and live on the savannah, clad in nothing but the simple virtues of the ruthless hunter-gatherer.
If its loving someone whose the same sex as you, then the claim that gay people "choose" to be gay seems a mite harsh. Are people seriously saying that people choose to fall in love or lust with people of the same sex, especially in countries where it makes your life much more difficult, because they want to be naughty? It doesn't make any sense to me. I can't see how it can make any sense to others.
And if its not any of those things, what is it?
Okay. I feel better now. Sorry.
Editted to add final thought...
This message has been edited by Tusko, 04-22-2005 09:16 AM
editted again to allow for the possibility of lesbians who enjoy anal sex.
This message has been edited by Tusko, 04-22-2005 09:17 AM