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Member (Idle past 5041 days) Posts: 220 From: Secret Underground Hideout Joined: |
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Author | Topic: Don't turn my God-fearing kid gay! | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Stuco Inactive Member |
We have all heard the old saying if you play with fire you will get burned. Homosexuality is the same way. First the spritual facts. Sodom and gomorrah.
Sodom & Gomorrah And an interesting link if you wish to look at it. And read chapter 19 verses 1-25 of Genesis if you will. Now for the scientific. Sucide rate for homos is 20 times higher and they die 30 years younger on average.And we have all heard of stds. Over 90% of homos that die die from aids.And they can have sex with 100 to 1000 diffrent partners a year. If we let it spread to other people and teach that it is ok and safe (wich is a lie) then we wont have much of a country left after a while. And then you can all say "Hail Wen Jiabao!"(chinese premier). And he treats everyone fairly. He makes sure everyone gets there one bowl of rice, glass of water, couple shakes of salt, and 1/12 cup of sugar daily. And you will never get bored cause he will allways find something for you to do 16 hours a day. This message has been edited by Stuco, 04-22-2005 07:46 PM
Stuco Inactive Member |
Allright, let's see you do better.
By the way did you look at the others that where filled with crap and nonsense or did you decied to be bias and skip to mine(it must be pick on newwcomers day). I know the last part was kinda sarcastic but it could happen. Plus it made a point.
Stuco Inactive Member |
O Casear----
Hince wilt thou lift up mount Olympus? Great Ceaser----Does not Brutes bootless kneel? Speak hands for me! [Ceaser stabed] Et tu, Brute? Then fall Ceaser. If Jar is a true Christian he will defend me because he knows what is rghit cause the Holy Spirit of Jesus would have told him. A true Christian belives that Jesus is the only way to Hevan and would beleive the things that all the bible says and would not deveate from it. If they beleive they affirm that God is truthfull and are givin the right to become the children of God. The things that God teaches are only foolish to those who are fools. The fool has said in his heart "There is NO God". He shall not inherit the kindom of Heaven. But Jesus came to save us from are sin and wrong doing so that the fool will turn away from being a fool and will be with him in Heaven. Love so great no one in the world could match it then or now. I do not hate. I love my enemy cause that is what God teaches(Mathew5:44). And Jesus came to fufill the law not to abolish it. If Christians can not stand up for each other no one in this world will. But we have a freind in Jesus who will never turn his back on us cause he loves us and cares for us for that is why he came. If God be with us who can be aginst us. You have thrown good stones for no good reson. I know that I will enter the Kingdom of Heaven with everyone else that belives that Jesus is God and came to save us from are sins. But there is one who wants you to enter his kingdom and he does not love you but hates you. Yet you serve him and his purpose. He will be your father ONLY if you let him(John8:40-44). And you got me! My facts where wrong. Instead it is 100%, 50 times and 40 years. There you happy! I didnt want to give away all the facts away. Wanted to leave some for a surprise ending. By the way did you even look at the stuff I put on there(the link the verses). They have even goten the Turkish goverment to agree with there findings on the arc. This message has been edited by Stuco, 04-22-2005 10:08 PM
Stuco Inactive Member |
Im sure you can it will probly be something to the tune of your an idiot hateful and a knownothing just about like dsv said.
Stuco Inactive Member |
I can't imagine any God or smarter-than-human being wanting you in their kingdom of eternal life, get a clue. But yet he does because he loves me because he says so and he loves you to and has given the same gift to you if you so choose to take it. I was once like you but I was turned and saved by the grace of God.
Stuco Inactive Member |
You use the Bible aginst me to prove me wrong, but it shall only prove me right.
If you where a Jew and back before Christ gave atonment for sin you would have had to do all tohse things. But it has symbolism. Keep my house(temple church body) clean. But Jesus made it where we do not HAVE to do all those things(but we must still strive to make his house clean for it is good)(John2:14-16). But will you also throw out the laws that portan to us. It's kinda like throwing out the baby with the bathwater. And we are all sinners but it is of no importance to you how my relationship with God is worry about yours first.(John21:20-22) Read on a little more in Genisis. By the why you might want to tell the others to play nice to(it must still be pick on newcomers day or mabye runs for a week).
You know, for a newbie you are acting like you know all of us really well. We all are human and where all born into sin. I am human and if I know myself then I also will know you. For all humans deeds are the same that are not inspired by God.
Mind telling us where this anger is coming from? If what i say is angry than what everyone else is saying to me is hatefull. You have acussed me saying things I have not(are you a reporter if not you should be one). If you have only heard anger then that is what your father tells you, but you will believe him cause he is the father of lies. I have said that I love because the Father has shown his love to me that I may show it to others. You say I hate because you do not understand God or his ways. And jar. I find it hard to believe you are a Christian. "By there fruits you will know them" and your fruit is quit bitter. You are of the apostacey. You shall be held doublly accountabble for what you say. You come to people as a child of God. But your fruit proves otherwise. God does not appreciate it. Like jesus said to the Pahresis "I will not accusse you, but Moses the one you have put your faith in will accuse you". You are as to the Pharesis. And by being angry at me you only prove what Jesus said. That the world will hate you and persecute you. But remeber that they hated me first.
Stuco Inactive Member |
How is it going to spread to other people? One word. Children.
Stuco Inactive Member |
The US is under attack and threatened, and it is not by Arab Islamic Terrorist but rather American Christian Terrorists. Not us sir YOU. Where not terrorists. You like to make yourself sound perfect by saying your a Christian(Rom.3:23). I am a true Christian but I am not perfect. I do not try to gain praise for myself but for the one who sent me. Men are lovers of themselves.
Stuco Inactive Member |
Yes chidren are evil and homosexual from there first breath and evreyone will believe what they say!
Stuco Inactive Member |
Why dont you look up statistics to dissprove mine. It would be much easier on me and I cant do all the work. No one has provided any evedence for there claims either I might add(Its still pick on the newcomers day and will probbly never end.).
Let it go, folks. Some levels of ignorance are simply unassailble and some people are truly happy there. I agree! Why dont yall just let it go and be happy with where you all are. Gods wisdome is only ignorance to those who do not know him.
Stuco Inactive Member |
What i was trying to say is "If you cant keep up with the conversation and make a simple deduction then dont get involved!"
Look at the title read what wrote cause im not going to explain everything. But for once I will. They are talking about hommosexuals adopting children. There habits will spread to them and possibly to those kids freinds thus making a much higher homosexual population and a much higher death rate. Look at Africa. People there are dying of aids alot because people cant keep there zipper zipped. Adultery with a man and women is as bad as being homosexual cause neither quite usually never keep one mate. And China well that was somewhat sarcastic. But the Chinese dont like us at least the ones who have the power cause we are stronger than them but if our population goes down to the point where defensless then they will come. And that is not sarcastic. They would do Kruschev proud("Your children shall grow up under communism").
Stuco Inactive Member |
prove they are untrue. plus i got the infomation from a christian web site but i cant remeber wich one.
Stuco Inactive Member |
I suggest that you try to be less of a pin head sir.
Stuco Inactive Member |
People do not dissprove it becuase they cant. ANd i can show you no information that you would believe.
Stuco Inactive Member |
and you didnt.
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