Hoot Mon writes:
Speaking as a frothing-at-the-mouth liberal, I happen to like Sarah Palin. She didn't call up John McCain and say: "Hey, why not me? I'm a hockey-mom reformer." She had it loaded on her back like a pack mule, and yet she was gracious about her multi-challenges. I don't know of anyone who could have mustered the needed wherewithal fresh out of the box and do as well as Sarah.
I'd say that's a pretty fair analysis. Although squirming at what she was required to do I'd say she played the ball that was lobbed pretty well.
She's authentic, even if she is on the wrong end of the political spectrum.
Authentic and frighening in one go.
It was McCain's mistake, and he could have done a lot worse by selecting just another drab Republican, like Elizabeth Dole, as his running mate.
The whole affair makes me thankful for God. To watch all that joy at Barracks election (no difference had the joy been in McCains election), all that hope in a grand new future.
To watch it so many succumb to the same old deciders and limitations and constraints.
To watch so many who will desire change in 4 or 8 years hence.
No we cannot. For there is nothing new under the sun.
Edited by iano, : No reason given.
Edited by iano, : No reason given.
Edited by iano, : No reason given.