Topic: Suspensions and Bannings Part III
Administrator Posts: 3987 Joined: 09-26-2002
Message 237 of 275 (791562)
09-16-2016 7:47 PM
fastlane69, 24 hrs by Admin
The "little red dot" suspension message:
Violation of rule 5 despite several admonitions, arguing by links instead of providing arguments in his own words and using links as references. See Message 17. --Admin
Administrator Posts: 3987 Joined: 09-26-2002
Message 238 of 275 (791603)
09-17-2016 9:06 PM
Greatest I am 4 weeks, Faith 24 hours, both by Admin
Greatest I am "little red dot" message:
Initiating essentially identical threads at multiple boards, see Message 2. --Admin Faith "little red dot" message:
Still picking fights with people, see Message 356. --Admin
Administrator Posts: 3987 Joined: 09-26-2002
Message 239 of 275 (791690)
09-19-2016 8:32 PM
jar, 24 hours, by Admin
The "little red dot" suspension message:
Admin's in topic message is Message 399. I add that jar also had a similar problematic message at Message 394. Adminnemooseus Or something like that.
Administrator Posts: 3987 Joined: 09-26-2002
Message 240 of 275 (791748)
09-20-2016 5:39 PM
Faith, 24 hours by Admin
The "little red dot" suspension message:
Administrator Posts: 3987 Joined: 09-26-2002
Message 241 of 275 (791812)
09-21-2016 10:33 PM
Faith, 24 hours by Admin
The "little red dot" suspension message:
Admin response message is here. Adminnemooseus Or something like that.
Administrator Posts: 3987 Joined: 09-26-2002
Message 242 of 275 (792305)
10-07-2016 11:11 PM
LamarkNewAge, 24 hours by Adminnemooseus
The "little red dot" suspension message:
A lot of copy/paste and other blather having little to nothing to do with the topic theme. - Adminnemooseus My in topic suspension message is here. Adminnemooseus ps: (dis?)honorable mention to Cat Sci for what I see as being troll feeding. Or something like that.
Administrator Posts: 3987 Joined: 09-26-2002
Message 243 of 275 (798106)
01-30-2017 11:31 PM
Time, 4 weeks by Admin
See here. There had been another 24 hour suspension, as mentioned upthread there. Adminnemooseus Or something like that.
Administrator Posts: 3987 Joined: 09-26-2002
Message 245 of 275 (804394)
04-09-2017 1:24 AM
Davidjay permanently suspended
The little red dot suspension message:
Here, back in November of 2004, Percy (aka Admin) permanently suspended Davidjay. He's still a wacko. - Permanently suspended again. - Adminnemooseus Kind of like Brad McFall, without any of Brad's eloquence. OSLT. I miss Brad. See the above cited topic for the old backstory. Read down-thread also. Adminnemooseus Or something like that.
Replies to this message: | | Message 246 by Admin, posted 04-10-2017 11:11 AM | | Adminnemooseus has seen this message but not replied |
Administrator Posts: 3987 Joined: 09-26-2002
Message 247 of 275 (804537)
04-10-2017 9:27 PM
LamarkNewAge, 48 hours
The little red dot suspension message:
See here. - Adminnemooseus Adminnemooseus Or something like that.
Administrator Posts: 3987 Joined: 09-26-2002
Message 248 of 275 (805107)
04-15-2017 5:57 PM
PaulK, Dr Adequate, ringo, Theodoric, jar, and Tangle - 6 hours
For posting replies at the Report Discussion Problems Here 4.0 topic, messages 540-547. As per my announcement that is at the top of every page (if you didn't read it, too bad). That announcement, in its entirety, is:
Adminnemooseus writes: Report Discussion Problems Here 4.0 is the place to report perceived debate problems. This is NOT a debate topic, and members should NOT reply to or otherwise comment on any message, UNLESS your forum name is Admin...
General Discussion Of Moderation Procedures (aka 'The Whine List') is the place to discuss moderation issues (note that it is in the "Free For All" forum). If you feel the need to respond to a "Report Discussion Problems Here 4.0" message, 'The Whine List' is the place to do it. Neither of these topics are the place to debate any of the main topic themes (eg. content at the "The TRVE history of the Flood..." topic). Adminnemooseus Or something like that.
Administrator Posts: 3987 Joined: 09-26-2002
Message 249 of 275 (805978)
04-21-2017 10:22 PM
Jar, 24 hours by Admin
See here. Happened about 15 hours ago. Adminnemooseus Or something like that.
Administrator Posts: 3987 Joined: 09-26-2002
Message 250 of 275 (807253)
05-01-2017 7:22 PM
Jar, 24 hours
The little red dot suspension message:
My in topic message is here. Adminnemooseus Or something like that.
Administrator Posts: 3987 Joined: 09-26-2002
Message 251 of 275 (809202)
05-17-2017 1:00 AM
Davidjay Suspended 24 Hours, by Admin
See here. As I post this, 12 hr 39 min left. Adminnemooseus Or something like that.
Replies to this message: | | Message 252 by Adminnemooseus, posted 05-18-2017 10:53 PM | | Adminnemooseus has seen this message but not replied |
Administrator Posts: 3987 Joined: 09-26-2002
Davidjay Suspended 48 Hours, by Admin
See here. That message posted 18-May-2017 8:45 AM. Adminnemooseus Or something like that.
This message is a reply to: | | Message 251 by Adminnemooseus, posted 05-17-2017 1:00 AM | | Adminnemooseus has seen this message but not replied |
Administrator Posts: 3987 Joined: 09-26-2002
Message 254 of 275 (811315)
06-07-2017 12:02 AM
Davidjay suspended 24 hours by AdminPhat
See here. As I type this, there is 9 hours left on the suspension. Adminnemooseus Or something like that.